Money Market Funds. 0.10% 2. Fixed Income Funds (except Nations Intermediate Bond 0.22% Fund): 3. International Funds (except Nations International 0.22% Value Fund and Nations International Equity Fund): 4. Nations Intermediate Bond Fund, Nations International Value Fund and Nations International 0.17% Equity Fund: 5. Domestic Equity Funds (except Nations Strategic Growth Fund): 0.23% 6. Nations Strategic Growth Fund: 0.18%
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Money Market Funds. 0.10% 2. Fixed Income Funds (except Nations Intermediate High Yield Bond 0.22% Fund): 3. Nations High Yield Bond Fund: 0.18% 4. International Funds (except Nations International Marsico 0.22% Value Fund and Nations International Equity Opportunities Fund): 45. Nations Intermediate Bond Fund, Nations Marsico International Value Fund and Nations International 0.17% Equity Opportxxxxxxx Fund: 50.12% 6. Domestic Equity Funds (except Nations Strategic Marsico 21st 0.23% Century Fund, Nations Marsico Focused Equities Funx and Nations Marsico Growth & Income Fund): 0.23% 67. Nations Strategic Growth Marsico 21st Century Fund: 0.18%0.13% 8. Nations Marsico Focused Equities Funx xxx 0.13% Nations Marsico Growth & Income Fund:
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Money Market Funds. 0.10% 2. Fixed Income Funds (except Nations Intermediate High Yield Bond 0.22% Fund): 3. Nations High Yield Bond Fund: 0.18% 4. International Funds (except Nations International Funds: 0.22% Value Fund and Nations International Equity Fund): 4. Nations Intermediate Bond Fund, Nations International Value Fund and Nations International 0.17% Equity Fund: 5. Domestic Equity Funds (except Nations Strategic Growth Fund): Funds: 0.23% 6. Nations Strategic Growth Fund: 0.18%
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Money Market Funds. 0.10% 2. Fixed Income Funds (except Nations Intermediate High Yield Bond 0.22% Fund): 3. International Funds (except Nations International 0.22High Yield Bond Fund: 0.18% Value Fund and Nations International Equity Fund): 4. Nations Intermediate Bond Fund, Nations Xxxxxxx International Value Fund and Nations International 0.17% Equity Opportunities Fund: 0.12% 5. Domestic Equity Funds (except Nations Strategic Xxxxxxx 21st 0.23% Century Fund, Nations Xxxxxxx Focused Equities Fund and Nations Xxxxxxx Growth & Income Fund): 0.23% 6. Nations Strategic Xxxxxxx 21st Century Fund, Nations Xxxxxxx 0.13% Focused Equities Fund and Nations Xxxxxxx Growth & Income Fund: 0.18%:
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Money Market Funds. 0.10% 2. Fixed Income Funds (except Nations Intermediate High Yield Bond 0.22% Fund and Nations Marsico 21st Century Fund): 3. Nations High Yield Bonx Xxxx: 0.18% 4. Nations Marsico 21st Century Fund: 0.13% 5. International Funds (except Nations International Marsico 0.22% Value Fund and Nations International Equity Opxxxxxxxties Fund): 46. Nations Intermediate Bond Fund, Nations Marsico International Value Fund and Nations International 0.17% Equity Opportunities Fund: 50.12% 7. Domestic Equity Funds (except Nations Strategic Growth Fund): Funds: 0.23% 6. Nations Strategic Growth Fund: 0.18%
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Money Market Funds. 0.10% 2. Fixed Income Funds (except Nations Intermediate High Yield Bond Fund): 0.22% 3. Nations High Yield Bond Fund): 3: 0.18% 4. International Funds (except Nations Xxxxxxx International Opportunities Fund): 0.22% Value Fund and Nations International Equity Fund): 45. Nations Intermediate Bond Fund, Nations Xxxxxxx International Value Fund and Nations International 0.17% Equity Opportunities Fund: 50.12% 6. Domestic Equity Funds (except Nations Strategic Growth Xxxxxxx 21st Century Fund): 0.23% 67. Nations Strategic Growth Xxxxxxx 21st Century Fund: 0.180.13%
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