Monthly Performance Reporting. Many of the ASCOF indicators are derived from the annual ASC Survey or Carer’s Survey. As such, performance is only reported once per year. The ability exists to benchmark the Council against other local authorities and a formal report is submitted to the Social Care Programme Board and the Adult’s Policy Development Group meeting. Where possible, however, performance is measured on a monthly basis (see Appendix 2).
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Annual Strategic Agreement, Annual Strategic Agreement
Monthly Performance Reporting. Many of the ASCOF indicators are derived from the annual ASC Survey or Carer’s Survey. As such, performance is only reported once per year. The ability exists to benchmark the Council against other local authorities and a formal report is submitted to the Social Care Programme Board and the Adult’s Policy Development Group meeting. Where possible, however, performance is measured on a monthly basis (see Appendix 2Annex B).
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Annual Strategic Agreement
Monthly Performance Reporting. Many of the ASCOF indicators are derived from the annual ASC Survey or Carer’s Survey. As such, performance is only reported once per year. The ability exists to benchmark the Council against other local authorities and a formal report is submitted to the Social Care Programme programme Board and the Adult’s Policy Development Group meeting. Where possible, however, performance is measured on a monthly basis (– see Appendix 2)5.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Annual Strategic Agreement