MYREPUBLIC PTE. LTD., a company incorporated under the laws of Singapore with its registered office at 00 Xxx Xxx 0 #00-00 Xxxxxx, Xxxxx X, Xxxxxxxxx 000000 (“Contracting QP”) (together, the “Parties” and each, a “Party”).
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  • France No prospectus (including any amendment, supplement or replacement thereto) has been prepared in connection with the offering of the Securities that has been approved by the Autorité des marchés financiers or by the competent authority of another State that is a contracting party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and notified to the Autorité des marchés financiers; each Underwriter represents and agrees that no Securities have been offered or sold nor will be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, to the public in France; each Underwriter represents and agrees that the prospectus or any other offering material relating to the Securities have not been distributed or caused to be distributed and will not be distributed or caused to be distributed to the public in France; such offers, sales and distributions have been and shall only be made in France to persons licensed to provide the investment service of portfolio management for the account of third parties, qualified investors (investisseurs qualifiés) and/or a restricted circle of investors (cercle restreint d’investisseurs), in each case investing for their own account, all as defined in Articles L. 411-2, D. 411-1, D. 411-2, D. 411-4, D. 734-1, D.744-1, D. 754-1 and D. 764-1 of the Code monétaire et financier. Each Underwriter represents and agrees that the direct or indirect distribution to the public in France of any so acquired Securities may be made only as provided by Articles L. 411-1, L. 411-2, L. 412-1 and L. 621-8 to L. 621-8-3 of the Code monétaire et financier and applicable regulations thereunder. Hong Kong Each Underwriter:

  • Povinnosti Zkoušejícího Investigator is responsible for the conduct of the Study at Institution. In particular, but without limitation, it is the Investigator’s duty to review and understand the information in the Investigator’s Brochure to ensure that all informed consent requirements are followed. IQVIA or Sponsor will ensure that all required reviews and approvals by applicable regulatory authorities and ECs are obtained. Zkoušející je odpovědný za provedení Studie ve Zdravotnickém zařízení. Konkrétně pak jde zejména, ale nejen o povinnost Zkoušejícího zkontrolovat a porozumět informacím obsaženým v Souboru informací pro zkoušejícího a zajistit dodržování všech požadavků týkajících se informovaného souhlasu. IQVIA nebo Zadavatel zajistí, že budou opatřena veškerá požadovaná kontrolní schválení od příslušných regulatorních úřadů a EK. Investigator agrees to provide a written declaration revealing Investigator’s possible economic or other interests, if any, in connection with the conduct of the Study or the Investigational Product, or the Sponsor. Zkoušející souhlasí, že poskytne písemné prohlášení vztahující se k potenciálním zájmům Zkoušejícího ekonomické či jiné povahy, či odhalí jiné zájmy, je-li jich, a to v souvislosti s prováděním této Studie či ve vztahu k Hodnocenému léčivu i ve vztahu k Zadavateli. Investigator agrees to provide a written declaration revealing Investigator’s disclosure obligations, if any, with the Institution in connection with the conduct of the Study and the Investigational Product. Zkoušející souhlasí, že poskytne písemné prohlášení, jež bude odhalovat závazky Zkoušejícího, jsou-li nějaké, a to vůči Zdravotnickému zařízení ve vztahu a v souvislosti s prováděním Studie a Hodnoceným léčivem. Investigator is duly licensed to conduct the Study and in good standing. Zkoušející má řádné a platné příslušné oprávnění k provádění Studie. Site agrees to provide prompt advance notice to Sponsor and IQVIA if Investigator will be terminating its employment relationship in the Institution or is otherwise no longer able to perform the Study. The appointment of a new Investigator must have the prior approval of Sponsor and IQVIA. Místo provádění klinického hodnocení souhlasí, že zašle předem promptní oznámení Zadavateli a IQVIA v případě, že Zkoušející ukončí pracovní poměr ve Zdravotnickém zařízení či nebude-li Zkoušející z jakéhokoli jiného důvodu schopen provádět Studii. Ustanovení nového Zkoušejícího bude podléhat předchozímu schválení Zadavatele a IQVIA.

  • Exportbepalingen Het is u niet toegestaan de Apple software te gebruiken of anderszins te exporteren of te herexporteren, behalve voor zover toegestaan krachtens de wetten van de Verenigde Staten en van het rechtsgebied waarin u de Apple software hebt verkregen. In het bijzonder, maar zonder beperking, is het u niet toegestaan de Apple software te exporteren of te herexporteren (a) naar een land waarvoor door de Verenigde Staten een embargo is ingesteld of (b) naar enige persoon die voorkomt op de door het U.S. Treasury Department samengestelde lijst van "Specially Designated Nationals" of op de door het U.S. Department of Commerce samengestelde "Denied Person’s List" of "Entity List". Door de Apple software te gebruiken, verklaart u dat u zich niet bevindt in een dergelijk land of op een van de bovengenoemde lijsten voorkomt. U verklaart tevens dat u de Apple software niet zult gebruiken voor doeleinden die verboden zijn volgens de wetten van de Verenigde Staten met inbegrip van, maar niet beperkt tot, de ontwikkeling, het ontwerp, de fabricage of productie van raketten, nucleaire, chemische of biologische wapens.


  • Anti-Bribery RECIPIENT and SANOFI agree that the arrangements set out in this Agreement do not take effect and are not intended to take effect as an incentive or reward for a person’s past, present or future willingness to prescribe, administer, recommend (including formal recommendations), purchase, pay for, reimburse, authorize, approve or supply any product or service sold or provided by SANOFI or as an incentive to grant an interview for any sales or marketing purposes. RECIPIENT warrants, that it will comply with the requirements of all applicable anti-bribery regulations, codes and/or sanctions, both national and foreign, including but not limited to the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act and the OECD Convention dated 17th December 1997 (the “Anti-Bribery Laws”) and; therefore that it has not and will not make, promise or offer to make any payment or transfer anything of value (directly or indirectly) to (i) any individual, (ii) corporation, (iii) association, (iv) partnership, or (v) public body, (including but not limited to any officer or employee of any of the foregoing) who, acting in their official capacity or of their own accord, are in a position to influence, secure or retain any business for (and/or provide any financial or other advantage to) SANOFI by improperly performing a function of a public nature or a business activity with the purpose or effect of public or commercial bribery, acceptance of or acquiescence in extortion, kickbacks or other unlawful or improper means of obtaining or retaining business. RECIPIENT will immediately notify SANOFI if, at any time during the term of this Agreement, its circumstances, knowledge or awareness changes such that it would not be able to repeat the warranties set out above at the relevant time. RECIPIENT shall keep detailed and up to date books of the account and records of all acts and payments made by it in relation to this Agreement for a minimum period of seven (7) years and at SANOFI request make them available for inspection. RECIPIENT will ensure that such books of account and records are sufficient to enable SANOFI to verify their compliance with this section of the Agreement. Breach by the RECIPIENT of the terms of this Section will be deemed a material breach of this Agreement and SANOFI may immediately terminate this Agreement at any time, with immediate effect and without any opportunity to remedy the breach by the RECIPIENT, by giving notice in writing to the RECIPIENT. The rights to terminate this Agreement under this Section will be without prejudice to any other right or remedy SANOFI may have accrued up to the date of termination.

  • Italy If the Territory is Italy, the MicroStrategy contracting entity on the order is MicroStrategy Italy S.r.l., with offices at Corso Italia 13, 20122, Milan, Italy, with tax identification number 12313340155, and the following terms apply: (a) The Governing Law will be the laws of Italy; and (b) any disputes, actions, claims or causes of action arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the parties’ relationship under it will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Milan; and (c) the second sentence of the “Notices” section of the General Terms is deleted and replaced with the following: “You will provide notices to: MicroStrategy Italy, S.r.l. Attention: Legal Representative, at Corso Italia 13, 20122, Milan, Italy; email:“; and (d) references to “CPI” in the Agreement will be deemed to refer to “Italy CPI.”

  • India As used herein, “

  • Germany Notifications

  • Law and Jurisdiction This Amendment shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of the State of New York.

  • Povinnosti Site and Institution’s personnel, including Study Staff shall not Místo provádění klinického hodnocení a zaměstnanci Zdravotnického zařízení, a to včetně Studijního personálu, nebudou

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