Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.
Signaling Link Transport 9.2.1 Signaling Link Transport is a set of two or four dedicated 56 kbps transmission paths between Global Connection-designated Signaling Points of Interconnection that provide appropriate physical diversity.
Přetrvající platnost This Section 3 “
Television Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of covered television equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is compliance with Subchapter Z, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Television Equipment Recycling Program.
Přetrvávající platnost Tento odstavec 1.3 “Zdravotní záznamy a Studijní data a údaje” zůstane závazný i v případě zániku platnosti či vypršení platnosti této Smlouvy.
Data Management Contractor will not use State data, including production data, for testing or development purposes unless authorized in writing by the State Chief Information Security Officer or delegate. Contractor will implement and maintain procedures to physically and logically segregate State data, unless otherwise explicitly authorized by the State Chief Information Security Officer or delegate.
WATERBEDS The Tenant: (check one)
Gross Beta Flags A = Result acceptable, Bias <= +/- 50% with a statistically positive result at two standard deviations (Result/Uncertainty > 2, i.e., the range encompassing the result, plus or minus the total uncertainty at two standard deviations, does not include zero). N = Result not acceptable, Bias > +/- 50% or the reported result is not statistically positive at two standard deviations (Result/Uncertainty <= 2, i.e., the range encompassing the result, plus or minus the total uncertainty at two standard deviations, includes zero).
DUŠEVNÍ VLASTNICTVÍ Pre-existing Intellectual Property 4.1
AT&T-12STATE acknowledges that CLEC may have an embedded base of one-way trunks ordered and installed prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement that were used for termination of CLEC’s Section 251(b)(5)/IntraLATA Toll Traffic to AT&T-12STATE (Embedded Base). To the extent that CLEC has such an Embedded Base, CLEC shall only augment trunk groups in the Embedded Base with the mutual agreement of the Parties. CLEC shall not order any new one-way trunk groups following the Effective Date of this Agreement. Moreover, the Parties agree that the Embedded Base will be converted to two-way trunk groups under the following circumstances: With reasonable notification from AT&T-12STATE and upon AT&T-12STATE’s request, CLEC shall convert all of its Embedded Base to two-way trunks. At any time an Embedded Base trunk group (either originating or terminating) requires augmentation, AT&T-12STATE can require the associated originating and terminating trunks to be converted to a single two-way trunk group prior to the augmentation. When any network changes are to be performed on a project basis (i.e., central office conversions, tandem re-homes, etc.), upon request and reasonable notice by AT&T-12STATE, CLEC will convert all of its Embedded Base affected by the project within the intervals and due dates required by the project parameters. In addition to the foregoing, CLEC may choose, at any time, to convert its Embedded Base to two-way trunk groups. The Parties will coordinate any trunk group migration, trunk group prioritization and implementation schedule. AT&T-12STATE agrees to develop a cutover plan within thirty (30) days of notification to CLEC of the need to convert pursuant to Section above and Section above.