NET LEASE; JOINT UTILITY USAGE AGREEMENT FOR LANDLORD PROVIDED UTILITIES AND TENANT SUBMETER ARRANGEMENT. (a) In General. Tenant shall pay all costs and charges for operation of the Premises, including, but not limited to, all utility services to the Premises (subject to the terms below), and other than the Landlord Provided Utilities (as defined below) shall arrange for all utility connections in its own name and the making of any required utility deposits. It is the intention of the parties that this Lease is a net lease to the Landlord, such that the monthly Base Rental of Landlord is received free of any costs associated with operating the Premises other than (i) Landlord’s mortgage indebtedness, if any, and (ii) Landlord’s general office and operating overhead (and all costs incurred by Landlord to use, operate, own or repair/maintain Landlord’s Adjacent Tract shall be Landlord’s except if and to the extent expressly allocated to Tenant herein). It is expressly agreed, however, that this Section shall not be construed to grant Landlord any right to obtain or provide services to the Premises not specifically required by this Lease or requested by Xxxxxx (and not arranged for directly by Xxxxxx) and Landlord shall have no right hereunder to bill or collect from Tenant for any other services offered or arranged for by Landlord without Xxxxxx’s express written request. Likewise, Tenant shall not be obligated by this Section or this Lease to reimburse Landlord for any costs or expenses Landlord elects but is not required by this Lease to incur with respect to the Premises, such as, but without limitation, any supplemental insurance obtained by Landlord, excepting costs and expenses Landlord elects to incur under any authorization in this Lease to cure a default or breach by Tenant under this Lease, or any costs for income, franchise, inheritance, rental or other taxes imposed on Landlord that are not ad valorem taxes or assessments on the Premises that are expressly classified as Taxes under Section 6 hereof. All obligations and responsibilities of each party under the terms of this Lease shall be carried out by the obligated party at its sole cost and expense, unless otherwise expressly provided in this Lease. Landlord will cooperate to maintain all existing utility services and capacities allocated or provided to the Premises, and will not voluntarily or negligently cause the reduction or termination of any such rights, and will further provide reasonable cooperation to Tenant, at Tenant’s sole expense, to obtain additional utility services or capacities to ...
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  • Landlord’s General Conditions for Tenant’s Agents and Tenant Improvement Work Tenant’s and Tenant’s Agent’s construction of the Tenant Improvements shall comply with the following: (i) the Tenant Improvements shall be constructed in strict accordance with the Approved Working Drawings; (ii) Tenant’s Agents shall submit schedules of all work relating to the Tenant’s Improvements to Contractor and Contractor shall, within five (5) business days of receipt thereof, inform Tenant’s Agents of any changes which are necessary thereto, and Tenant’s Agents shall adhere to such corrected schedule; and (iii) Tenant shall abide by all rules made by Landlord’s Building manager with respect to the use of freight, loading dock and service elevators, storage of materials, coordination of work with the contractors of other tenants, and any other matter in connection with this Tenant Work Letter, including, without limitation, the construction of the Tenant Improvements.

  • Required Sublease Provisions Any sublease of all or any portion of the Leased Property shall provide (a) that it is subject and subordinate to this Agreement and to the matters to which this Agreement is or shall be subject or subordinate; (b) that in the event of termination of this Agreement or reentry or dispossession of Tenant by Landlord under this Agreement, Landlord may, at its option, terminate such sublease or take over all of the right, title and interest of Tenant, as sublessor under such sublease, and such subtenant shall, at Landlord’s option, attorn to Landlord pursuant to the then executory provisions of such sublease, except that neither Landlord nor any Facility Mortgagee, as holder of a mortgage or as Landlord under this Agreement, if such mortgagee succeeds to that position, shall (i) be liable for any act or omission of Tenant under such sublease, (ii) be subject to any credit, counterclaim, offset or defense which theretofore accrued to such subtenant against Tenant, (iii) be bound by any previous modification of such sublease not consented to in writing by Landlord or by any previous prepayment of more than one (1) month’s rent, (iv) be bound by any covenant of Tenant to undertake or complete any construction of the applicable Property, or any portion thereof, (v) be required to account for any security deposit of the subtenant other than any security deposit actually delivered to Landlord by Tenant, (vi) be bound by any obligation to make any payment to such subtenant or grant any credits, except for services, repairs, maintenance and restoration provided for under the sublease that are performed after the date of such attornment, (vii) be responsible for any monies owing by Tenant to the credit of such subtenant unless actually delivered to Landlord by Tenant, or (viii) be required to remove any Person occupying any portion of the Leased Property; and (c) in the event that such subtenant receives a written Notice from Landlord or any Facility Mortgagee stating that an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, such subtenant shall thereafter be obligated to pay all rentals accruing under such sublease directly to the party giving such Notice or as such party may direct. All rentals received from such subtenant by Landlord or the Facility Mortgagee, as the case may be, shall be credited against the amounts owing by Tenant under this Agreement and such sublease shall provide that the subtenant thereunder shall, at the request of Landlord, execute a suitable instrument in confirmation of such agreement to attorn. An original counterpart of each such sublease and assignment and assumption, duly executed by Tenant and such subtenant or assignee, as the case may be, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Landlord, shall be delivered promptly to Landlord and (x) in the case of an assignment, the assignee shall assume in writing and agree to keep and perform all of the terms of this Agreement on the part of Tenant to be kept and performed and shall be, and become, jointly and severally liable with Tenant for the performance thereof and (y) in the case of either an assignment or subletting, Tenant shall remain primarily liable, as principal rather than as surety, for the prompt payment of the Rent and for the performance and observance of all of the covenants and conditions to be performed by Tenant hereunder. The provisions of this Section 16.2 shall not be deemed a waiver of the provisions set forth in the first paragraph of Section 16.1.

  • Condition of Subleased Premises (a) Subtenant shall maintain and repair the Subleased Premises in a manner consistent with Sublandlord’s obligations under the Lease. Sublandlord shall have the right to enter the Subleased Premises from time to time upon reasonable prior notice to Subtenant, during normal business hours and escorted by Subtenant (if Subtenant makes such escort reasonably available). Sublandlord’s right of entry shall include the right of inspection to confirm that Subtenant is in compliance with all applicable maintenance and repair obligations set forth in the Lease. In the event that Sublandlord determines, in Sublandlord’s reasonable opinion, that Subtenant is in default of any maintenance and/or repair obligation set forth in the Lease, and such default may incur liability to Sublandlord upon the surrender of the Subleased Premises upon the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease (a “Required Repair Item”), then Sublandlord shall have the right to notify Subtenant of any such Required Repair Items. Subtenant shall be obligated to cure such Required Repair Items within thirty (30) days of such notice from Sublandlord, or, if such Required Repair Items cannot be reasonably completed in such thirty (30) day period, such longer period as reasonably necessary to cure such Required Repair Items, so long as Subtenant has commenced such cure and diligently pursues such cure to completion. In no event shall Sublandlord’s rights hereunder impose any additional and/or greater repair or maintenance standards from those set forth in the Lease. In the event Subtenant fails to cure such Required Repair Items as set forth above, then such failure shall be deemed a default under this Sublease, entitling Sublandlord to exercise any of its rights and remedies herein, including, without limitation, the self help rights set forth in Section 6(b) above.

  • Master Lease A. All the obligations contained in the Master Lease conferred and imposed upon Sublessor (as Tenant therein) shall be borne by Sublessor and Sublessee in accordance with the Sublessor's Percentage and the Sublessee's Percentage, respectively, except as modified and amended by this Sublease, and all rights and privileges contained in the Master Lease conferred upon Sublessor (as Tenant therein), are hereby conferred and imposed upon Sublessee, to the extent of Sublessee's Percentage. Sublessor covenants and agrees it will make payment of the rentals reserved under the Master Lease as and when due, will perform Sublessor's insurance obligations under the Master Lease, and will otherwise fully and faithfully perform the terms and conditions of the Master Lease with respect to the Sublessor's Percentage. Sublessee covenants and agrees to otherwise fully and faithfully perform the terms and conditions of the Master Lease and the Sublease on its part to be performed. Neither the Sublessor nor Sublessee shall do or cause to be done any act which would or might cause the Master Lease, or the rights of Sublessor as tenant under the Master Lease to be endangered, cancelled, terminated, forfeited or surrendered, or which would or might cause Sublessor to be in default thereunder or liable for any damage, claim or penalty. Sublessee agrees, as an express inducement for Sublessor executing this Sublease, that if there is any conflict between the provisions of the Master Lease and this Sublease which would permit Sublessee to do or cause to be done any act which is prohibited by the Master Lease then the provisions of the Master Lease shall prevail.

  • Overstandard Tenant Use If Tenant uses water, electricity, heat or air conditioning in excess of that supplied by Landlord pursuant to Section 6.1 of this Lease, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, upon billing, the cost of such excess utility consumption, the cost of the installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment which is required to be installed in order to supply such excess consumption; and, to the extent no previously installed, Landlord may install devices to separately sub-meter any increased use and in such event Tenant shall pay the increased cost directly to Landlord, on demand, at the rates charged by the public utility company furnishing the same, including the cost of such additional metering (or sub-metering) devices. Tenant’s use of electricity shall never exceed the capacity of the feeders to the Property or the risers or wiring installation; provided, however, Tenant shall have the right, subject to the terms of Article 8, to increase such capacity. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, Tenant may operate the HVAC within the Premises at its discretion; provided, however, if Tenant desires to use heat, ventilation or air conditioning during hours other than those for which Landlord is obligated to supply such utilities pursuant to the terms of Section 6.1 of this Lease, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for the actual cost of supplying chilled water and gas to the Premises during non-Building Hours at the actual rates charged by the utilities, which cost shall be equitably prorated among all Building occupants (other than the Bank) operating HVAC during the same non-Building Hours. For purposes of an example, Exhibit K, attached hereto, sets forth the calculation of such actual utilities costs, with the actual calculation being subject to the actual rates charged by the utilities. Landlord shall, at its sole cost, as part of the Core and Shell Work, provide a cloud-based software system (Workspeed) to allow Tenant to control Tenant’s after-hours HVAC.

  • Sublease Agreement Sublandlord and Subtenant hereby represent that a true and complete copy of the Sublease Agreement is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A.

  • Landlord and Storage Agreements Upon request, provide Agent with copies of all existing agreements, and promptly after execution thereof provide Agent with copies of all future agreements, between an Obligor and any landlord, warehouseman, processor, shipper, bailee or other Person that owns any premises at which any Collateral may be kept or that otherwise may possess or handle any Collateral.

  • Premises Building Project and Common Areas 1.1 Premises, Building, Project and Common Areas.

  • LANDLORD'S ACCESS TO PREMISES Landlord reserves and shall at any time upon reasonable notice and in compliance with Tenant’s reasonable security measures have the right to enter the Premises to inspect the same, to supply any service to be provided by Landlord to Tenant hereunder to service and repair HVAC units, water pipes and sprinkler mains, and electrical and telephone risers servicing other parts of the Building, to show said Premises to prospective purchasers or tenants, to alter or repair the Premises or any portion of the Building, and to place “for sale” or “for rent” signs on the Building, all without being deemed guilty of an eviction of Tenant and without abatement of Rent, provided that the business of Tenant shall be interfered with as little as is reasonably practicable. Tenant hereby waives any claim for damages or any inconvenience to or interference with Tenant’s business, any loss of quiet enjoyment of the Premises and any other loss occasioned thereby. For each of the aforesaid purposes, Landlord shall at all times have and retain a key with which to unlock the main door to the Premises but not Tenant’s vaults and safes, and Landlord shall have the right to use any and all means which Landlord may deem proper to open said door in an emergency in order to obtain entry to the Premises, and any entry to the Premises obtained by Landlord by any of said means shall not under any circumstances be construed or deemed to be a forcible or unlawful entry into, or a detainer of the Premises, or any eviction of Tenant from the Premises or any portion thereof. No provision of this Lease shall be construed as obligating Landlord to perform any repairs, alterations or decoration except as otherwise expressly agreed to be performed by Landlord.

  • Project or Building Name and Signage Landlord shall have the right at any time to change the name of the Project or Building and to install, affix and maintain any and all signs on the exterior and on the interior of the Project or Building as Landlord may, in Landlord’s sole discretion, desire. Tenant shall not use the name of the Project or Building or use pictures or illustrations of the Project or Building in advertising or other publicity or for any purpose other than as the address of the business to be conducted by Tenant in the Premises, without the prior written consent of Landlord.

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