NIH Investigator Sample Clauses

NIH Investigator. With regard to reliance agreements, this may be the NIH study Principal Investigator (PI) or, if the study is being performed at a non-NIH site with a non-NIH PI, this is the most senior NIH investigator who will be involved in the study. The name of the NIH investigator will be listed on the reliance agreement when NIH relies on an outside IRB and when an outside site relies on an NIH IRB.
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Related to NIH Investigator

  • Investigator Where a difference arises between the parties relating to the dismissal, discipline or suspension of an employee, or to the interpretation, application, operation or alleged violation of this agreement, including any questions as to whether a matter is arbitrable, during the term of the collective agreement, an arbitrator agreed to by the parties shall, at the request of either party:

  • Principal Investigator The research will be under the direction of (“Principal Investigator”). If, for any reason, he/she is unable to continue to serve as Principal Investigator and a successor acceptable to both UHD and Sponsor is not available, this Agreement shall be terminated as provided in Section 7.

  • Institution and Investigator acknowledge that SPONSOR has no obligation to indemnify or be responsible for any loss, claim, cost (including reasonable attorney fees) or demand if and to the extent such losses, claims or demands arise from any injuries or damages resulting from Institution’s, Investigator’s or the Study Personnel’s negligence, breach of this Agreement, failure to adhere to the Protocol, failure to obtain signed informed consent forms, failure to follow Applicable Law, misuse of the Study Drug, unauthorized warranties, or willful misconduct. This indemnification obligation is without prejudice to the precedence of insurance coverage from compulsory clinical trial insurance. 12.3. Zdravotnické zařízení a zkoušející berou na vědomí, že ZADAVATEL nevyplatí žádné odškodnění ani není odpovědný za žádné ztráty, náklady, spory (včetně přiměřených nákladů na právní pomoc) či nároky v souvislosti s újmou či škodou, ke kterým došlo v důsledku nedbalosti na straně zdravotnického zařízení, zkoušejícího a/nebo členů týmu provádějícího klinické hodnocení a/nebo v důsledku toho, že zdravotnické zařízení, zkoušející a/nebo některý člen týmu provádějícího klinické hodnocení porušili ustanovení této smlouvy, porušili ustanovení protokolu, nenechali subjekt hodnocení podepsat informovaný souhlas, porušili ustanovení platných zákonů, chybným způsobem použili studijní léčivo ZADAVATELe, způsobili škodu úmyslným zaviněním a/nebo poskytli neoprávněné záruky. Touto povinností odškodnění není dotčeno přednostní pojistné krytí z povinného pojištění klinického hodnocení.

  • Submitting Investigator An investigator who submitted a genomic dataset to an NIH designated data repository (e.g., dbGaP). Study specific DUC addendum phs000178 : The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Public Posting of Genomic Summary Results - Not Allowed. NIH Data Access Committee (DAC) : NCI DAC Important Contacts :; In the event of a data management incident, within 24 hours, please contact emails above.

  • Geotechnical Investigation Perform in accordance with the City Design Manual and other City requirements as designated in writing by the Director.

  • Investigatory Interview When the employee under investigation is to be interviewed concerning the alleged conduct which could result in discharge or other discipline, the employee and his or her representative shall be notified in writing, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the interview. In the event of an emergency, such reasonable notice as the circumstances permit shall be given. The notice shall state that an official investigation is being conducted and shall state the subject matter of the investigatory interview.

  • Formal Investigation Once the matter has been brought to the attention of the Store executive, an internal investigation of the complaint will be conducted at which time the complainant will be requested to present, in writing, the particulars of the harassment. Such internal investigation will be initiated no later than ten (10) business days of the matter being brought to the attention of the Store executive, and shall be concluded no later than thirty (30) business days of the initiation of the investigation. Any extension of the aforementioned time frames must have the agreement of the complainant and the union if the complainant has chosen to involve it. Based on the outcome of the investigation, which will be provided in writing upon the completion of the investigation, to both the complainant and the union, should the complainant consent to this disclosure, it will be determined if there has been a breach of Company policy on harassment, and the appropriate action will be taken in the event that harassment is determined to have occurred. STEP THREE - SUBSEQUENT INCIDENTS Subsequent incidents should immediately be reported and followed by a written description to the most senior store executive involved in Step Two for further investigation and disciplinary action, if confirmed, with a copy to the union Chairperson with the consent of the complainant. After all steps of the Harassment Protection Policy have been exhausted, if the incident has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the employee, the employee may file a grievance at Step 2 of the grievance procedure.

  • Study An application for leave of absence for professional study must be supported by a written statement indicating what study or research is to be undertaken, or, if applicable, what subjects are to be studied and at what institutions.

  • Investigatory Interviews When an employee is required by the City to attend an interview conducted by the City for purposes of investigating an incident which may lead to discipline/discharge of that employee because of that particular incident, the employee shall have the right to request that the employee be accompanied at the investigatory interview by a representative of the Union. If the employee makes such a request, the request shall be made to the City representative conducting the investigatory interview. The City, when faced with such a request, may:

  • Complaints Investigation ‌ An employee who complains of harassment under the provisions of the Human Rights Code of British Columbia may refer the complaint to either one or other of the following processes:

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