Geotechnical Investigation Sample Clauses

Geotechnical Investigation. Utilities will be located prior to geotechnical exploration. Subsurface exploration will be performed for single points were the foundation of signal poles are to be in each intersection corner. Pole and mast- arm layouts will be assumed, so WSDOT standard specifications can be reviewed to determine typical foundation depths. The subsurface drilling will be performed for a depth of the proposed foundation plus approximately five feet to identify the thickness of solids, location of rocks or other obstruction, ground- water conditions, and to assess local conditions. Soil capacities will be assessed via laboratory testing. The testing and rock located analyses will inform whether foundation size and depth can correlate with WSDOT standard specifications, or if alternate foundation design would be required (or if foundations should be relocated) in all intersection corners. The project would initiate with a study to help establish the optimal operating condition of the signal, as based on a review of existing and forecast traffic volumes provided by City Engineers. The study would address phasing and timing plans for the AM peak hour, noon/midday peak, PM peak hour, and an off- hours/weekend plan. The provision of a technical memorandum outlining conclusions would be provided to the City for concurrency, and to affirm signal designs. The project includes plans and specifications regarding designs for: ♦ Traffic signal assembly including signal heads, luminaires, poles, mast arms, signal heads, radar detection, pull/controller boxes, conduits, preemptive devices, circuits, power connection, and interconnect, etc. ♦ Pedestrian crossing devices (countdown signals, pushbuttons, etc.). ♦ Railroad intertie and bicycle detection emphases. ♦ Roadway geometrics/striping and signage. ♦ Potential relocation of utility equipment, as needed (power, utility boxes, vaults, etc.). Project deliverables include the submittal of a design plans and specifications provided for 60 percent, 90 percent, and 100-percent final designs. The 60 percent design establish the signal, geometric/striping, and signing designs. Extensive comments are anticipated at this stage of the project. The 90 percent submittal would address City comments to the 60% submittal and provide draft specifications and a bid estimate. The 90% review comments will be addressed, resulting in development of final 100 percent designs, specifications, and estimates. Final submittals will be stamped by a professional...
Geotechnical Investigation. Identifiable Soil Borings and Reports and testing costs approved by the Project Manager.
Geotechnical Investigation. Field Exploration
Geotechnical Investigation. Note: Because geotechnical investigations can take place at various times in project development (sometimes before the full extent of other project elements are known); they may be reviewed independently of the larger undertaking. If there is activity occurring off existing road prism, bridge structures, or previously disturbed areas of a material site: • Streamlined review documentation must specify the means of access to the investigation site(s), e.g., helicopter, tracked vehicle, etc. • APE must include access and maneuver areas, including any proposed areas of land clearing. The PQI may consult informally with the SHPO to clarify and resolve situations where geotechnical activities have low or no potential to adversely affect historic properties. In such cases, the PQI must attach documentation of the resolution to the streamlined review form. 2.r Construction of new roundabouts, or removal, replacement, upgrade, or rehabilitation of existing ones. The APE must include properties subject toRight of Way (ROW) acquisition • change in access • potential visual effects, e.g., adjacent first tier properties from which a new roundabout may be visible If the roundabout is new, the PQI must apply Historic Roads Analysis (below)*.
Geotechnical Investigation. The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with the DEPARTMENT's geotechnical staff regarding Project requirements, review of existing geotechnical data, and need for additional data. The CONSULTANT will review the US Department of Agriculture soil data, Geological Survey, and Natural Resource Conservation Service (NCRS) maps, US Coast and Geodetic Survey (USGS) maps, and summarize the findings. The CONSULTANT will perform a review of previously completed geotechnical surveys and compile available boring data from previous projects within the project limits. The CONSULTANT will perform field reconnaissance of the Project area to determine conditions that may affect development of Project alternatives. The CONSULTANT will prepare a Geotechnical Technical Memorandum summarizing the geotechnical investigation that will be used to facilitate the data for final design.
Geotechnical Investigation. Identifiable soil borings and reports, and testing costs approved by the Project Manager.
Geotechnical Investigation. The MDO shall carry out Geotechnical Investigation in the coal block. The work shall be completed by own or by engaging suitable agency for which the work executing firm should have experience in this field and should have carried out to any of the Government or any mining projects. The MDO shall obtain approval from TANGEDCO before awarding the work.
Geotechnical Investigation. Engineer shall perform the following tasks: 1. Subsurface exploration including four (4) sample bores at various locations and depths along the proposed route approved by the City. 2. Laboratory tests for classification purposes and strength characteristics. 3. Engineering services that address soil and groundwater conditions for proposed horizontal boring locations and pavement repair recommendations. 4. The City approved geotechnical subconsultant will prepare a geotechnical report that presents the results of the field and laboratory data as well as analysis and recommendations. The data contained in the geotechnical report will be made available to contractors during the bidding process as technical data for informational purposes.
Geotechnical Investigation. A. Perform in accordance with the District’s Geotechnical Investigation Guidelines and other District requirements. B. Boring Logs in the final plans shall be signed and sealed by the Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Texas who was responsible for signing and sealing the Geotechnical Work the plans are based upon. i. Two test borings on either side of the bridge to a depth of 10 feet. The total drilled footage is planned to be 20 feet. ii. Perform the field work, laboratory testing, and provide pavement recommendations as a supplemental letter to the original Geotechnical Engineering Report (Terracon Project No. 92205342).