No Distribution for Profit Sample Clauses

No Distribution for Profit. The Software may not be used, disclosed, made accessible or distributed for profit.
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Related to No Distribution for Profit

  • Allocation of Profits and Losses Distributions Profits/Losses. For financial accounting and tax purposes, the Company's net profits or net losses shall be determined on an annual basis and shall be allocated to the Members in proportion to each Member's relative capital interest in the Company as set forth in Schedule 2 as amended from time to time in accordance with U.S. Department of the Treasury Regulation 1.704-1.

  • Tax Distributions Tax distributions shall be made not less often than quarterly to each Member at the times (other than at the time of a Terminating Capital Event) necessary to provide the Members with sufficient minimum cash distributions to pay an amount equal to their quarterly estimated (and final annual) tax liabilities for all taxable periods directly related to taxable income (in excess of losses allocated to such Member for all prior periods) reportable by such Member as set forth on U.S. Schedule K-1 with respect to such Member’s interest in the LLC (including with respect to any year in which such Member sold its interest, whether during or after employment); provided, however, that each of the foregoing amounts shall be determined, in the case of a Member that is itself a pass-through entity, as if the equity owners of such Member were themselves Members of the LLC; and, provided, further, that the amount of such distributions shall be computed assuming the highest combined federal and state individual income tax rate in Texas and assuming (unless federal tax law is amended to provide otherwise) state taxes are deductible federally (such distributions, “Tax Distributions”) and shall take into account any amounts withheld and remitted to any tax authority by the LLC pursuant to any Withholding Tax Act as described in Section 7(k). Tax Distributions shall also be made within 30 days after the receipt of a final assessment with respect to any federal or state income tax audit of the LLC’s income tax returns. Tax Distributions shall be treated as advances of distributions that would otherwise be made in the absence of provisions of this Section 6(c), and distributions made pursuant to Section 6(a) shall be taken into account in determining the amount to be distributed pursuant hereto. If, following the end of any Fiscal Year, the LLC determines that it has made Tax Distributions to a Member that exceed the amount of distributions that would otherwise have been made to such Member with respect to such Fiscal Year in the absence of this Section 6(c), the LLC shall be authorized to recover such excess amount by reducing future distributions to such Member; provided, however, that the LLC shall retain the right, exercisable in its discretion, to recover any unpaid portion of such excess amount directly from such Member (or former Member). For the avoidance of doubt, it is the meaning and intention of this Section 6(c) that Tax Distributions shall fully and timely fund the federal and state income tax liability attributable to any taxable income (in excess of losses allocated to a Member for all prior periods) reportable by a Member as set forth on U.S. Schedule K-1 with respect to such Member’s LLC Interest (or, if such Member is itself a pass-through entity, the equity owners thereof), and, to the extent that Tax Distributions do not fully achieve this result, the LLC shall use reasonable efforts to accelerate or increase Tax Distributions accordingly, including, if reasonably practicable, following the occurrence of a Terminating Capital Event if the timing of the winding up and dissolution of the LLC following such Terminating Capital Event is such that income tax liability on amounts to be distributed on account thereof must be paid by the Members in the interim, and provided, however, that it shall not be deemed reasonable for the LLC to accelerate or increase Tax Distributions in the event that doing so would result in the LLC’s failing to have reasonable working capital reserves or would cause the LLC not to be in compliance with regulatory requirements, although in any such event the LLC would use reasonable efforts to borrow the funds necessary to accelerate or increase such Tax Distributions so as to fully and timely fund the federal and state income tax liabilities of the Members (or the equity owners of Members that are themselves pass-through entities).

  • Distribution of Agreement The Employer agrees to make available to each employee a copy of this Agreement and to provide a copy of the same Agreement to all new employees entering the employment of the Employer.

  • Contract Distribution The Employer will provide all current and new employees with a link to the new Agreement. Each department or unit will maintain a paper copy of the contract accessible to all employees.

  • What Forms of Distribution Are Available from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account Distributions may be made as a lump sum of the entire account, or distributions of a portion of the account may be made as requested.

  • Other Payroll Deductions In addition to the above, the City will deduct from an employee's payroll check, upon authorization by the employee, amounts payable to causes or organizations selected by the Union. At any one time, no more than ten (10) such causes or organizations may be identified by the Union as authorized to benefit from such payroll deductions unless otherwise authorized by the City in its sole discretion. The Union will notify the City of the causes and organizations to be so authorized. Payroll deductions shall be governed by the ability of the City Auditor's payroll system to handle same.

  • Distribution of UDP and TCP queries DNS probes will send UDP or TCP “DNS test” approximating the distribution of these queries.

  • Fiscal Year; Taxable Year The fiscal year and the taxable year of the Company is the calendar year.

  • PAYROLL DEDUCTION OF UNION DUES A. Provision shall be made by the District for payroll deductions of employee organization dues and assessments of all members upon written authorization by the employee Union member on an official form. Employees shall authorize dues deduction in accordance with Chapter 41.56.110 RCW when they become Union members. An employee may cancel their payroll deduction of dues and assessments by written notice to the Union and to the District, with the District stopping dues deductions following written confirmation from the Union that the employee’s dues/fees authorization has been terminated in compliance with the terms of the written authorization executed by the employee. The District will make every effort to end the automatic dues deduction effective on the first pay period but no later than the second pay period after receipt of the written cancellation notice from the employee and confirmation from the Union that the cancellation notice is compliant with the terms of the written authorization.

  • How Are Distributions from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account Taxed For Federal Income Tax Purposes? Amounts distributed are generally excludable from gross income if they do not exceed the beneficiary’s “qualified higher education expenses” for the year or are rolled over to another Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account according to the requirements of Section (4). “Qualified higher education expenses” generally include the cost of tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment for enrollment at (i) accredited post-secondary educational institutions offering credit toward a bachelor’s degree, an associate’s degree, a graduate-level or professional degree or another recognized post-secondary credential and (ii) certain vocational schools. In addition, room and board may be covered if the beneficiary is at least a “half-time” student. This amount may be reduced or eliminated by certain scholarships, qualified state tuition programs, HOPE, Lifetime Learning tax credits, proceeds of certain savings bonds, and other amounts paid on the beneficiary’s behalf as well as by any other deductions or credits taken for the same expenses. The definition of “qualified education expenses” includes expenses more frequently and directly related to elementary and secondary school education, including the purchase of computer technology or equipment or Internet access and related services. To the extent payments during the year exceed such amounts, they are partially taxable and partially non-taxable similar to payments received from an annuity. Any taxable portion of a distribution is generally subject to a 10% penalty tax in addition to income tax unless the distribution is (i) due to the death or disability of the beneficiary, (ii) made on account of a scholarship received by the beneficiary, or (iii) is made in a year in which the beneficiary elects the HOPE or Lifetime Learning credit and waives the exclusion from income of the Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account distribution. You may be allowed to take both the HOPE or Lifetime Learning credits while simultaneously taking distributions from Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Accounts. However, you cannot claim a credit for the same educational expenses paid for through Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account distributions. To the extent a distribution is taxable, capital gains treatment does not apply to amounts distributed from the account. Similarly, the special five- and ten-year averaging rules for lump-sum distributions do not apply to distributions from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account. The taxable portion of any distribution is taxed as ordinary income. The IRS does not require withholding on distributions from Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Accounts.

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