NO LIABILITY FOR WEBSERVER HOSTING. In the case where hosting is not managed by IBI Group: IBI Group is also NOT liable for the general maintenance or performance of the hosting Web Server and any of its related software or network connections outside the requirements of this Agreement. All costs and responsibilities of hosting IBI Group products remain with and will be borne by Client.
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  • No Liability for Errors CenturyLink is not liable for mistakes in their respective signaling networks (including but not limited to signaling links and Signaling Transfer Points (STPs)) and call- related databases (including but not limited to the Line Information Database (LIDB), Toll Free Calling database, local Number Portability database, Advanced Intelligent Network databases, Calling Name database (CNAM), 911/E911 databases, and OS/DA databases).

  • No Liability for Termination Neither party will be liable to the other for any termination or expiration of this Agreement in accordance with its terms.

  • NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES In no event shall the author of this Software be liable for any special, consequential, incidental or indirect damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if the Author of this Software is aware of the possibility of such damages and known defects.

  • NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES In no event shall either Party be liable to the other Party for, and no arbitral panel is authorized to award, any punitive, special, indirect or consequential damages of any kind or character resulting from or arising out of this Agreement, including, without limitation, loss of profits or business interruptions, however they may be caused.

  • No Liability for Consequential Loss Except as otherwise expressly provided in Clauses 12.8 and 19.3(b), neither Party shall in any circumstances be liable to the other for (and the indemnities in Clauses 14.1 and 14.2 shall not extend to) any Consequential Loss.

  • Responsibility for Errors Consultant shall be responsible for its work and results under this Agreement. Consultant, when requested, shall furnish clarification and/or explanation as may be required by the City’s representative, regarding any services rendered under this Agreement at no additional cost to City. In the event that an error or omission attributable to Consultant occurs, then Consultant shall, at no cost to City, provide all necessary design drawings, estimates and other Consultant professional services necessary to rectify and correct the matter to the sole satisfaction of City and to participate in any meeting required with regard to the correction.

  • Responsibility for Content Vendor is solely responsible for administration, content, intellectual property rights, and all materials at Vendor’s website. DIR reserves the right to require a change of listed content if, in the opinion of DIR, it does not adequately represent the Contract.

  • Your Responsibility for Errors You understand that we must rely on the information you provide, and you authorize us to act on any instruction which has been or reasonably appears to have been sent by you and to submit funds transfer instructions on your behalf. You understand that financial institutions receiving the funds transfer instructions may rely on such information. We are not obliged to take any further steps to confirm or authenticate such instructions and will act on them without getting further confirmation. You understand that if you provide us with incorrect information or if there is any error in your instruction, we will make all reasonable efforts to reverse or delete such instructions, but you accept full responsibility for losses resulting from any of your errors, duplication, ambiguities or fraud in the information that you provide. You agree not to impersonate any person or use a name that you are not authorized to use. If any information you provide is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, without limiting other remedies, Bank reserves the right to recover from you any costs or losses incurred as a direct or indirect result of the inaccurate or incomplete information.

  • Credit Union’s Liability for Errors If the Credit Union does not properly complete a transaction according to this Agreement, the Credit Union will be liable for your losses or damages not to exceed the amount of the transaction, except as otherwise provided by law. The Credit Union will not be liable if: (a) through no fault of the Credit Union, your account does not contain enough money to make the transaction; (b) circumstances beyond the Credit Union's control prevents the transaction; (c) your loss is caused by your negligence or the negligence of another financial institution; or (d) the money in your account is subject to legal process or other claim. The Credit Union will not be liable for consequential damages except liability for wrongful dishonor. The Credit Union's actions will constitute the exercise of ordinary care if such actions or nonactions are consistent with applicable state law, Federal Reserve regulations and operating letters, clearing house rules, and general banking practices followed in the area serviced by the Credit Union. You grant the Credit Union the right, in making payments of deposited funds, to rely exclusively on the form of the account and the terms of this Account Agreement. Any conflict between oral representations by you or Credit Union employees and any written form will be resolved by reference to this Agreement and applicable written form.

  • Responsibility for Property Lessor is not responsible for any damage to or loss of Renter’s or anyone else’s property.

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