Common use of NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH Clause in Contracts

NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH. that in pursuance of the said Agreement for Sale and in consideration of the said sum of Rs /- (Rupees ..............................) only of which the entire consideration money against the said Flat No....................... situated on the ....................floor .......................... side of the building togetherwith one Car Parking Space No....................... situated on the Ground Floor of the building alongwith the proportionate share of land which morefully described in the SCHEDULE 'B' below for a total sum of Rs.............................../- (Rupees ) only paid by the PURCHASERS to the DEVELOPER on or before execution of this Deed on different dates as described in the Memo of Consideration of which receipts have been granted by the DEVELOPER totaling Rs.............................../- (Rupees ..............................) only paid by the PURCHASERS the receipt whereof the DEVELOPER hereby acknowledge and admit as per memo below and/or from the said and every part thereof truly acquit release and forever discharge the PURCHASERS of all their liabilities thereof and the DEVELOPER and also the VENDOR as beneficial parties herein do hereby grant, sell, convey, transfer, assigns, assure unto the said PURCHASERS free from all encumbrances ALL THAT the undivided proportionate share of interest in the said land morefully and more particularly described in the SCHEDULE "A" hereunder written together with a complete Flat No....................... situated on the ....................floor .......................... side of the building togetherwith one Car Parking Space No situated on the Ground Floor of the building situated at The K.M.C. Premises No.3847, Nayabad, within the K.M.C. Xxxx No.109, P.S. Panchasayar, Kolkata – 700 099, together with right to use all common open areas and common services of the building and undivided proportionate share of land as mentioned in the SCHEDULE 'B' and 'C' hereunder written. AND TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said flat and Car Parking Space togetherwith undivided proportionate share of land together with the right to use the common space, stair-cases, lift, common-land, and also together with common rights, water supply lines and other common paths and drains and sewerages, equipments and installation and fixtures and fittings and passages and stair appertaining to the said building as mentioned in the SCHEDULE "B" and "C" hereunder comprised and hereby granted, sold, conveyed, transferred assigned assured and every part or parts thereof respectively together with their and every of their respective rights and appurtenances whatsoever unto the said PURCHASERS absolutely and forever free from all encumbrances, trust, liens and attachments whatsoever ALL TOGETHER with the benefit belonging to and attached therewith the covenant for production of the all previous title deeds relating to the said land/building subject NEVERTHELESS to easement or provision in connection with the beneficial use and enjoyment of the said Flat No....................... situated on the ....................floor .......................... side of the building togetherwith one Car Parking Space No....................... situated on the Ground Floor of the building and also together with all common rights, facilities, amenities and undivided proportionate share of land morefully described in the SCHEDULE "B" and "C" hereunder written. IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE VENDOR AND THE DEVELOPER AND THE PURCHASERS as follows :-

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NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH. that in pursuance of the said Agreement for Sale sale and in consideration of the said sum of Rs /- ....................... (Rupees ......................................................................... ) paid on the ........... day of ....................... as deposit or xxxxxxx money as hereinabove recited and of the further sum of- Rs . ........................ only paid on the ................. day of ................. Rs . ......................... only paid on the ................. day of ................. Rs . ......................... only paid on the ................. day of ................. Rs . ......................... only paid on the ................. day of ................. Rs . ......................... only paid on the ................. day of ................. Rs . ......................... only paid on the ................. day of ................. respectively by the purchaser to the vendors (the receipt of which said sums including the entire consideration xxxxxxx money against the said Flat No....................... situated on the ....................floor .......................... side of the building togetherwith one Car Parking Space No....................... situated on the Ground Floor of the building alongwith the proportionate share of land which morefully described in the SCHEDULE 'B' below for a total sum of Rs.............................../- (Rupees ) only paid by the PURCHASERS to the DEVELOPER on or before execution of this Deed on different dates as described in the Memo of Consideration of which receipts have been granted by the DEVELOPER totaling Rs.............................../- (Rupees ..............................) only paid by the PURCHASERS the receipt whereof the DEVELOPER vendors do hereby admit and acknowledge and admit as per memo below and/or of and from the said same and every part thereof truly acquit for ever acquit, release and forever discharge the PURCHASERS of all their liabilities thereof purchaser) and the DEVELOPER balance of Rs (Rupees ................................... ) or thereabouts hereafter payable as provided in the Third Schedule to the said agreement for sale making together the sum of Rs ..................... or thereabouts being the full consideration money agreed to be paid as aforesaid. They the Vendors DO HEREBY ASSIGN, TRANSFER and also the VENDOR as beneficial parties herein do hereby grant, sell, convey, transfer, assigns, assure unto the said PURCHASERS free from all encumbrances purchaser ALL THAT THOSE pieces or parcels of leasehold land or ground constituting plot Nos ..................... and ................ of the undivided proportionate share sanctioned layout and sub-division admeasuring .............. sq. yards equivalent to sq. meters bearing survey No .............. (part), Hissa No ....................... of interest village in the said land morefully registration Sub- District and District of .................. and more particularly described in the SCHEDULE "A" First Schedule hereunder written and delineated on the plan thereof hereto annexed being thereon surrounded by red coloured boundary lines being a portion of the land demised by the said lease together with a complete Flat No....................... situated on all courtyards areas, compounds, sewers, drains, ditches and fences, trees, plants, shrubs, ways, paths, passages, common gullies, well, water, water-courses, rights, liberties, privileges, easements, profits, advantages, rights, members and appurtenances whatsoever to the ....................floor .......................... side said leasehold land or ground belonging or in anyway appertaining and with the same or any part thereof now or at any time heretofore usually held, used, occupied or enjoyed or reputed or known as part or member thereof and to belong and be appurtenant thereto and all the estate right, title, interest, property claim and demand whatsoever at law and in equity of the building togetherwith one Car Parking Space No situated on vendors in to, out of or upon the Ground Floor of the building situated at The K.M.C. Premises No.3847, Nayabad, within the K.M.C. Xxxx No.109, P.S. Panchasayar, Kolkata – 700 099, together with right to use all common open areas said leasehold and common services of the building hereditaments and undivided proportionate share of land as mentioned in the SCHEDULE 'B' and 'C' hereunder written. AND premises or any part thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said flat and Car Parking Space togetherwith undivided proportionate share of land together with the right to use the common space, stair-cases, lift, common-leasehold land, hereditaments and also together with common rights, water supply lines premises and all other common paths the premises hereby assigned and drains and sewerages, equipments and installation and fixtures and fittings and passages and stair appertaining transferred or intended or expressed to the said building as mentioned in the SCHEDULE "B" and "C" hereunder comprised and hereby granted, sold, conveyed, transferred assigned assured and every part or parts thereof respectively together be with their and every of their respective rights rights, members and appurtenances (all of which are hereinafter called the said "leasehold premises") UNTO AND TO THE USE and benefit of the purchaser, its successors and assigns henceforth for all the residue now unexpired of the term of ninety-eight years and the renewal or renewals thereof SUBJECT to the covenants and conditions contained in the said lease so far as the same relate to the said leasehold premises and henceforth on the part of the purchaser as the lessee thereof to be observed and performed and subject further to the payment of all rents, rates, charges, assessments, dues and duties now chargeable upon the same or hereafter to become payable in respect thereof to Government, the Municipal Corporation of .............. or any other local or public body or authority in respect thereof. AND THIS INDENTURE FURTHER WITNESSETH that in further pursuance of the said agreement for sale and for the consideration aforesaid they the vendors DO HEREBY GRANT, CONVEY, TRANSFER AND ASSURE unto the purchaser all those the buildings, erections and structures erected and standing or being erected thereon together with all sewers, drains, ditches, assessments, profits, privileges, rights, members and appurtenances whatsoever unto thereto belonging or in anyway appertaining and with the same or any part thereof now or at any time heretofore usually held, used, occupied or enjoyed or reputed or known as part or member thereof and to belong or be appurtenant thereto and all the estate right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever at law or in equity into out of or upon the said PURCHASERS buildings, erections and structures or any part thereof to have and to hold the said buildings, erections and structures hereinbefore expressed to be hereby granted, conveyed, transferred and assured with their appurtenances (all hereinafter called the said freehold premises) unto and to the use of the purchaser for ever subject nevertheless to the payment of all rates, taxes assessments, dues and duties now chargeable upon the same or which may hereafter become payable to Government, the Municipal Corporation of .................. or to any local or public body or authority in respect thereof. AND THE VENDORS DO HEREBY COVENANT with the purchaser, its successors and assigns that notwithstanding any act, deed, or thing by the vendors or any person or persons lawfully or equitably claiming from, under or in trust for the vendors done, executed, omitted or knowingly suffered to the contrary the said lease is now valid and subsisting and not in anyway forfeited, surrendered or become void or voidable and that the covenants and conditions on the part of the vendors by and in the said lease reserved and contained have been duly performed and observed upto the date of these presents and that notwithstanding any such act, deed or thing as aforesaid the vendors now have good right, full power and absolute authority to grant, assign and transfer the said leasehold premises hereinbefore assigned and transferred or expressed so to be and to grant, convey, transfer and assure the said freehold premises unto and to hereinbefore granted, conveyed, transferred and assured or expressed so to be unto and to the use of the purchaser in manner aforesaid and that it shall be lawful for the purchaser from time to time and at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly to hold, enter upon, have, occupy, possess and enjoy the said leasehold premises hereinbefore assigned and transferred or expressed so to be and the said freehold premises hereinbefore granted, conveyed, transferred and assured or expressed so to be with their respective appurtenances and receive the rents, issues and profits thereof and of every part thereof to and for its own use and benefit without any lawful eviction, interruption, claim or demand whatsoever from or by the vendors or from any person or persons lawfully or equitably claiming or to claim by, from, under or in trust for the vendors and that free and clear and freely and clearly and absolutely acquitted, exonerated, released and forever free discharged or otherwise by the vendors well and sufficiently saved, defended, kept harmless and indemnified by, from and against ail former and other estates, title, charges and encumbrances whatsoever either held or to be hereafter had, made, executed, occasioned or suffered by the Vendors or by any other person or persons lawfully or equitably claiming or to claim by, from, under or in trust for them and that the vendors and all encumbrancespersons having or lawfully or equitably claiming any estate, trustright, liens title or interest at law or in equity in the said leasehold premises hereinbefore assigned and attachments transferred and the said freehold premises hereinbefore granted, conveyed, transferred and assured or any of them or any part thereof by, from, under or in trust for the vendors shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the request and costs of the purchaser do and execute or cause to be done and executed all such further and other lawful and reasonable acts, deeds, things, matters, conveyances, assignments and assurances in law whatsoever ALL TOGETHER for the better, further and more effectually assuring the said leasehold premises and the said freehold premises or any of them or any part thereof unto and to the use of the purchaser in manner aforesaid as shall or may be reasonably required by the purchaser. AND THIS INDENTURE ALSO WITNESSETH that in pursuance of the aforesaid agreement and in consideration of the premises the vendors do for themselves, their successors and assigns with intent to bind so far as they can all persons into whose hands the said deeds and writings comprised in the Second Schedule hereunder written shall come FURTHER COVENANT with the benefit belonging purchaser, its successors and assigns that they the vendors shall and will unless prevented by fire or some other inevitable accident from time to time and attached therewith at all times hereafter upon every reasonable request and at the covenant for production cost of the purchaser or any other person or persons lawfully or equitably claiming through or under the purchaser any estate or interest in the said leasehold premises hereinbefore assigned and transferred, produce or cause to be produced to the purchaser or other, the person or persons or their solicitors or agents at any trial, hearing, commission or examination or otherwise as occasion shall require all previous title or any of the said deeds relating and writings comprised in the said Second Schedule hereunder written (which relate as well to the said land/building subject NEVERTHELESS leasehold premises as also to easement other land and premises belonging to the vendors and the possession of which is retained by the vendors) for the proof, defence and support of the title of the purchaser, its successors and assigns or provision any such other person or persons as aforesaid to the said leasehold premises more particularly described in connection with the beneficial use First Schedule hereunder written and enjoyment hereinbefore assigned and transferred or any part thereof and will permit the same to be examined, inspected or given in evidence and will also at the like request and at the cost of the purchaser, its successors and assigns or any other person or persons as aforesaid deliver or cause to be delivered to it such attested or other copies or abstracts of or extracts from the same deeds and writings respectively or any of them as it may require and shall and will in the meantime unless prevented as aforesaid keep the same deeds and writings safe, unobliterated and uncancelled provided always and it is hereby declared that in case the vendors or their successors and assigns shall deliver the said deeds and writings or any of them to any future purchaser or purchasers of any of the hereditaments to which the same may relate or to any other person or persons for the time being entitled to the custody of the said Flat No....................... situated deeds and writings and shall thereupon at their own cost and charges procure such purchasers or purchaser persons or person to other into a covenant with the purchaser, its successors and assigns. similar in all respects to the covenant hereinbefore contained then and in such case and immediately thereupon the last mentioned covenant shall cease and become and be null and void so far as regards the deeds and writings to which the said substituted covenant shall relate. AND THE PURCHASER DOTH HEREBY COVENANT with the vendors that the purchaser shall and will at all times hereafter during the continuance of the said term granted by the said lease and the renewal or renewals thereof observe and perform the covenants and conditions contained in the said lease in so far as the same relate to the said leasehold premises and henceforth on the ....................floor .......................... side part of the building togetherwith one Car Parking Space No....................... situated on purchaser as the Ground Floor lessees thereof to be observed and performed and will at all times hereafter keep the vendors effectually indemnified from and against the observance and performance of the building said covenants so far as the same relate to the said leasehold premises and also together with all common rightsactions, facilitiesproceedings, amenities costs, damages, expenses, claims and undivided proportionate share demands whatsoever which may be incurred or sustained in respect thereof by reason of land morefully described in or on account of the SCHEDULE "B" breach or non-observance or non-performance of the said covenants and "C" hereunder written. IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE VENDOR AND THE DEVELOPER AND THE PURCHASERS as follows :-conditions or any of them.

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NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH. that in pursuance of the said Agreement for Sale and in consideration of the said sum of Rs /- (Rupees ..............................) only of which the entire consideration money against the said Flat No....................... situated on the ....................floor .......................... side of the building togetherwith one Car Parking Space No....................... situated on the Ground Floor of the building alongwith the proportionate share of land which morefully described in the SCHEDULE 'B' below for a total sum of Rs.............................../- (Rupees ) only paid by the PURCHASERS to the DEVELOPER on or before execution of this Deed on different dates as described in the Memo of Consideration of which receipts have been granted by the DEVELOPER totaling Rs.............................../- (Rupees ..............................) only paid by the PURCHASERS the receipt whereof the DEVELOPER hereby acknowledge and admit as per memo below and/or from the said and every part thereof truly acquit release and forever discharge the PURCHASERS of all their liabilities thereof and the DEVELOPER and also the VENDOR as beneficial parties herein do hereby grant, sell, convey, transfer, assigns, assure unto the said PURCHASERS free from all encumbrances ALL THAT the undivided proportionate share of interest in the said land morefully and more particularly described in the SCHEDULE "A" hereunder written together with a complete Flat No....................... situated on the ....................floor .......................... side of the building togetherwith one Car Parking Space No situated on the Ground Floor of the building situated at The K.M.C. Premises No.3847No.3849, Nayabad, within the K.M.C. Xxxx No.109, P.S. Panchasayar, Kolkata – 700 099, together with right to use all common open areas and common services of the building and undivided proportionate share of land as mentioned in the SCHEDULE 'B' and 'C' hereunder written. AND TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said flat and Car Parking Space togetherwith undivided proportionate share of land together with the right to use the common space, stair-cases, lift, common-land, and also together with common rights, water supply lines and other common paths and drains and sewerages, equipments and installation and fixtures and fittings and passages and stair appertaining to the said building as mentioned in the SCHEDULE "B" and "C" hereunder comprised and hereby granted, sold, conveyed, transferred assigned assured and every part or parts thereof respectively together with their and every of their respective rights and appurtenances whatsoever unto the said PURCHASERS absolutely and forever free from all encumbrances, trust, liens and attachments whatsoever ALL TOGETHER with the benefit belonging to and attached therewith the covenant for production of the all previous title deeds relating to the said land/building subject NEVERTHELESS to easement or provision in connection with the beneficial use and enjoyment of the said Flat No....................... situated on the ....................floor .......................... side of the building togetherwith one Car Parking Space No....................... situated on the Ground Floor of the building and also together with all common rights, facilities, amenities and undivided proportionate share of land morefully described in the SCHEDULE "B" and "C" hereunder written. IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE VENDOR AND THE DEVELOPER AND THE PURCHASERS as follows :-

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NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH. that in as follows: In pursuance of the said Agreement for Sale dated and in terms of the conditions mutually agreed upon and in total consideration of payment of the said sum of Rs /- Rs. ……………………./- (Rupees………………………….) only and sum of Rs. …………./- (Rupees ..............................…………………… only) only as applicable Tax and sum of which Rs. …………./- (Rupees …………………… only) as the entire consideration maintenance Deposit, the lawful money against of the said Union of India truly paid by the Purchasers to the Developer on or before the execution of these presents (the receipt whereof the do hereby admit and acknowledge and/or from the same and every part thereof doth hereby acquit and forever discharge to the Purchasers, the Developer deliver and the Purchasers hereby taken the vacant peaceful possession of the Flat No....................... . ……., situated on the ....................floor .......................... side ….. floor, measuring Super Built up area of ………. Sq. Ft. more or less, of the said building togetherwith one Car Parking Space known as SHIVOHAM COURT and together with all facilities and other amenities and the said Vendors and the Developer do hereby indefeasible grant convey, transfer and assure and assign free from all encumbrances, attachments liens, charges etc. unto and in favour of the Purchasers ALL THAT a complete Flat No....................... . ….., situated on the Ground Floor ……. floor, at Mouza Kaikhali, Comprises in X.X. No. 5, Tauzi No. 172, R.S. & L.R. Dag No. 590, X.X. Xxxxxxx No. 49, L.R. Khatian Nos. 885, 886 & 887, present L. R. Khatian Nos. 2296 and 2297, Xxxx No. 10, Internal Plot No. 21 & 22, within the local limit of Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation formally Rajarhat Gopalpur Municipality, Municipal Holding No. AS/410/BL-KB/14-15, Police Station formerly within the building alongwith local limit of Rajarhat, thereafter Airport and presently Baguihati, District 24 Parganas North more fully and particularly described in the Second Schedule hereunder written together with common parts and portions and facilities and amenities provided thereon together with proportionate share of land which morefully described in the SCHEDULE 'B' below for a total sum First Schedule hereunder written and the Said Flat No. ….., situated on the floor, of Rs.............................../- (Rupees ) only paid by the PURCHASERS said building having an Super Built up area of ……. Square Feet more or less hereinafter referred to as the Said Flat together with right to common with other Purchasers or Owners so acquiring similar right to enjoy and posses all common passages roof open spaces stairs case landing lobbies drains water courses, easement advantages liberties rights and privileges in anywise appertaining thereto or reputed to belong to the DEVELOPER on or before execution estate right title interest claim demand and of this Deed on different dates as the Vendors and the Developer into and upon the said property, The specific purchased portion of the said Flat of the Purchasers pacifically described in the Memo of Consideration of which receipts have been granted by the DEVELOPER totaling Rs.............................../- (Rupees ..............................) only paid by the PURCHASERS the receipt whereof the DEVELOPER hereby acknowledge Second Schedule and admit as per memo below and/or from the said and every part thereof truly acquit release and forever discharge the PURCHASERS of all their liabilities thereof and the DEVELOPER and also the VENDOR as beneficial parties herein do hereby grant, sell, convey, transfer, assigns, assure unto the said PURCHASERS written hereunder free from all encumbrances ALL THAT charges trust, liens, claims or demand whatsoever. The Purchasers shall have full easement right over the undivided proportionate share Said Flat of interest in the said land morefully building and more particularly the common parts in common with the co-owners, Purchasers and occupiers of the said building such common being described in the SCHEDULE "A" Fourth Schedule hereunder written together with a complete Flat No....................... situated subject to be governed by such rights and obligations as set forth in the Fifth Schedule hereunder written and also subject to the Purchasers paying and discharging terms and impositions on the ....................floor .......................... side of the building togetherwith one Car Parking Space No situated on the Ground Floor of the building situated at The K.M.C. Premises No.3847, Nayabad, within the K.M.C. Xxxx No.109, P.S. Panchasayar, Kolkata – 700 099, together with right to use all common open areas and common services Said Flat of the building and undivided proportionate share of land the common expenses as mentioned in the SCHEDULE 'B' Schedule outgoings in connection with Said Flat and 'C' hereunder written. the said building proportionately also such other expenses as may be included in the said common expenses TO ENTER INTO AND TO HAVE AND TO HOLD OWN POSSESS AND ENJOY the Said Flat of the said flat building constructed on the basis of the sanctioned plan, hereby conveyed to the Purchasers absolutely and Car Parking Space togetherwith undivided proportionate share of land together forever and the Vendors and the Developer to hereby covenant and agree with the Purchasers THAT NOTWITHSTANDING any act deed or things whatsoever and amenities by the Vendors and the Developer or by any of their ancestors or predecessors in title done or executed or knowingly suffered to the contrary the Vendors and the Developer now has good right full power and absolutely authority and indefeasible title to use grant sell convey and transfer the Said Flat of the said building and also the common spaceareas and facilities as described in the Second Schedule, stair-casesThird Schedule, liftFourth Schedule and Fifth Schedule herein below respectively hereby grant convey sold and transferred or expressed or intended so to be unto and to the use of the Purchasers their heirs, common-landexecutors administrators, representatives attachments charges liens, and lispendens and that the Purchasers their heirs, executors administrators representatives and assigns shall and may at all times hereinafter peaceably and quietly posses and enjoy the Said Flat of the said building receive the rents issues and profits thereof without any lawful eviction interruption claim or demand whatsoever from or by the Vendors and the Developer or any person or persons claiming or having any lawful authority to claim as aforesaid AND FURTHER THAT the Vendors and the Developer and all person having lawfully claiming any estate or interest whatsoever in the Said Flat of the said building or in the said common areas and facilities and also on the land underneath or any part thereof from under entrust for the Vendors and the Developer from or under any of their predecessors or successors, in title shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the request and cost of the Purchasers, their heirs, executors, administrators representatives and assigns do and execute or cause to be done and executed all such acts, deeds and things whatsoever for further and more perfectly assuring the Said Flat of the said building together with common rights, water supply lines areas and facilities and the land underneath and other common paths parts thereof unto and drains to the use of the Purchasers and seweragestheir heirs, equipments executors, administrators representatives and installation assigns as may be reasonable required and fixtures that the Purchasers, their heirs executors, administrators representatives and fittings assigns shall and passages may at all times hereafter peaceably and stair appertaining to quietly enter into hold possess and enjoy the Said Flat of the said building as mentioned or every part thereof without any lawful eviction hindrance and interruption disturbance claim or demand whatsoever from or by the Vendors and the Developer or any person or persons or any other flat or apartment owners in the SCHEDULE "B" Said Premises. The Purchasers have examined the plan and "C" hereunder comprised the title of the Vendors and hereby granted, sold, conveyed, transferred assigned assured the Developer to the Said Premises and every the common part or parts thereof respectively together with their and every of their respective rights common portion and appurtenances whatsoever unto the facilities and amenities provided in the said PURCHASERS absolutely building including the Said Flat or unit and forever free being fully satisfied themselves with regard to the title of the Vendors and the Developer and nature of the construction provided to them and shall not make any claim or demand whatsoever against the Vendors and the Developer in these respect in future. The Vendors and the Developer shall always reserve their right over the common passage leading from all encumbrances, trust, liens the main road and attachments whatsoever ALL TOGETHER shall be entitled to make further construction over the adjacent plot/plots of land which it may require and in such event the Purchasers of flats/units in the new building /buildings shall also have equal right over the said common passage. THE VENDORS and DEVELOPER doth hereby covenant with the benefit belonging to and attached therewith the covenant for production of the all previous title deeds relating to the said land/building subject NEVERTHELESS to easement or provision in connection with the beneficial use and enjoyment of the said Flat No....................... situated on the ....................floor .......................... side of the building togetherwith one Car Parking Space No....................... situated on the Ground Floor of the building and also together with all common rights, facilities, amenities and undivided proportionate share of land morefully described in the SCHEDULE "B" and "C" hereunder written. IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE VENDOR AND THE DEVELOPER AND THE PURCHASERS as follows :-follows:-

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Samples: Agreement for Sale

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NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH. that in as follows: In pursuance of the said Agreement for Sale dated and in terms of the conditions mutually agreed upon and in total consideration of payment of the said sum of Rs /- Rs. ……………………./- (Rupees………………………….) only and sum of Rs. …………./- (Rupees ..............................…………………… only) only as applicable Tax and sum of which Rs. …………./- (Rupees …………………… only) as the entire consideration maintenance Deposit, the lawful money against of the said Union of India truly paid by the Purchasers to the Developer on or before the execution of these presents (the receipt whereof the do hereby admit and acknowledge and/or from the same and every part thereof doth hereby acquit and forever discharge to the Purchasers, the Developer deliver and the Purchasers hereby taken the vacant peaceful possession of the Flat No....................... . ……., situated on the ....................floor .......................... side ….. floor, measuring Super Built up area of ………. Sq. Ft. more or less, of the said building togetherwith one Car Parking Space known as SHIVOHAM COURT and together with all facilities and other amenities and the said Vendors and the Developer do hereby indefeasible grant convey, transfer and assure and assign free from all encumbrances, attachments liens, charges etc. unto and in favour of the Purchasers ALL THAT a complete Flat No....................... . ….., situated on the Ground Floor ……. floor, at Mouza Kaikhali, Comprises in X.X. Xx. 0, Xxxxx Xx. 000, X.X. & L.R. Dag Xx. 000, X.X. Xxxxxxx Xx. 00, L.R. Khatian Nos. 885, 886 & 887, present L. R. Khatian Nos. 2296 and 2297, Xxxx Xx. 00, Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xx. 00 & 22, within the local limit of Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation formally Rajarhat Gopalpur Municipality, Municipal Holding No. AS/410/BL-KB/14-15, Police Station formerly within the building alongwith local limit of Rajarhat, thereafter Airport and presently Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx 00 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx more fully and particularly described in the Second Schedule hereunder written together with common parts and portions and facilities and amenities provided thereon together with proportionate share of land which morefully described in the SCHEDULE 'B' below for a total sum First Schedule hereunder written and the Said Flat No. ….., situated on the floor, of Rs.............................../- (Rupees ) only paid by the PURCHASERS said building having an Super Built up area of ……. Square Feet more or less hereinafter referred to as the Said Flat together with right to common with other Purchasers or Owners so acquiring similar right to enjoy and posses all common passages roof open spaces stairs case landing lobbies drains water courses, easement advantages liberties rights and privileges in anywise appertaining thereto or reputed to belong to the DEVELOPER on or before execution estate right title interest claim demand and of this Deed on different dates as the Vendors and the Developer into and upon the said property, The specific purchased portion of the said Flat of the Purchasers pacifically described in the Memo of Consideration of which receipts have been granted by the DEVELOPER totaling Rs.............................../- (Rupees ..............................) only paid by the PURCHASERS the receipt whereof the DEVELOPER hereby acknowledge Second Schedule and admit as per memo below and/or from the said and every part thereof truly acquit release and forever discharge the PURCHASERS of all their liabilities thereof and the DEVELOPER and also the VENDOR as beneficial parties herein do hereby grant, sell, convey, transfer, assigns, assure unto the said PURCHASERS written hereunder free from all encumbrances ALL THAT charges trust, liens, claims or demand whatsoever. The Purchasers shall have full easement right over the undivided proportionate share Said Flat of interest in the said land morefully building and more particularly the common parts in common with the co-owners, Purchasers and occupiers of the said building such common being described in the SCHEDULE "A" Fourth Schedule hereunder written together with a complete Flat No....................... situated subject to be governed by such rights and obligations as set forth in the Fifth Schedule hereunder written and also subject to the Purchasers paying and discharging terms and impositions on the ....................floor .......................... side of the building togetherwith one Car Parking Space No situated on the Ground Floor of the building situated at The K.M.C. Premises No.3847, Nayabad, within the K.M.C. Xxxx No.109, P.S. Panchasayar, Kolkata – 700 099, together with right to use all common open areas and common services Said Flat of the building and undivided proportionate share of land the common expenses as mentioned in the SCHEDULE 'B' Schedule outgoings in connection with Said Flat and 'C' hereunder written. the said building proportionately also such other expenses as may be included in the said common expenses TO ENTER INTO AND TO HAVE AND TO HOLD OWN POSSESS AND ENJOY the Said Flat of the said flat building constructed on the basis of the sanctioned plan, hereby conveyed to the Purchasers absolutely and Car Parking Space togetherwith undivided proportionate share of land together forever and the Vendors and the Developer to hereby covenant and agree with the Purchasers THAT NOTWITHSTANDING any act deed or things whatsoever and amenities by the Vendors and the Developer or by any of their ancestors or predecessors in title done or executed or knowingly suffered to the contrary the Vendors and the Developer now has good right full power and absolutely authority and indefeasible title to use grant sell convey and transfer the Said Flat of the said building and also the common spaceareas and facilities as described in the Second Schedule, stair-casesThird Schedule, liftFourth Schedule and Fifth Schedule herein below respectively hereby grant convey sold and transferred or expressed or intended so to be unto and to the use of the Purchasers their heirs, common-landexecutors administrators, representatives attachments charges liens, and lispendens and that the Purchasers their heirs, executors administrators representatives and assigns shall and may at all times hereinafter peaceably and quietly posses and enjoy the Said Flat of the said building receive the rents issues and profits thereof without any lawful eviction interruption claim or demand whatsoever from or by the Vendors and the Developer or any person or persons claiming or having any lawful authority to claim as aforesaid AND FURTHER THAT the Vendors and the Developer and all person having lawfully claiming any estate or interest whatsoever in the Said Flat of the said building or in the said common areas and facilities and also on the land underneath or any part thereof from under entrust for the Vendors and the Developer from or under any of their predecessors or successors, in title shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the request and cost of the Purchasers, their heirs, executors, administrators representatives and assigns do and execute or cause to be done and executed all such acts, deeds and things whatsoever for further and more perfectly assuring the Said Flat of the said building together with common rights, water supply lines areas and facilities and the land underneath and other common paths parts thereof unto and drains to the use of the Purchasers and seweragestheir heirs, equipments executors, administrators representatives and installation assigns as may be reasonable required and fixtures that the Purchasers, their heirs executors, administrators representatives and fittings assigns shall and passages may at all times hereafter peaceably and stair appertaining to quietly enter into hold possess and enjoy the Said Flat of the said building as mentioned or every part thereof without any lawful eviction hindrance and interruption disturbance claim or demand whatsoever from or by the Vendors and the Developer or any person or persons or any other flat or apartment owners in the SCHEDULE "B" Said Premises. The Purchasers have examined the plan and "C" hereunder comprised the title of the Vendors and hereby granted, sold, conveyed, transferred assigned assured the Developer to the Said Premises and every the common part or parts thereof respectively together with their and every of their respective rights common portion and appurtenances whatsoever unto the facilities and amenities provided in the said PURCHASERS absolutely building including the Said Flat or unit and forever free being fully satisfied themselves with regard to the title of the Vendors and the Developer and nature of the construction provided to them and shall not make any claim or demand whatsoever against the Vendors and the Developer in these respect in future. The Vendors and the Developer shall always reserve their right over the common passage leading from all encumbrances, trust, liens the main road and attachments whatsoever ALL TOGETHER shall be entitled to make further construction over the adjacent plot/plots of land which it may require and in such event the Purchasers of flats/units in the new building /buildings shall also have equal right over the said common passage. THE VENDORS and DEVELOPER doth hereby covenant with the benefit belonging to and attached therewith the covenant for production of the all previous title deeds relating to the said land/building subject NEVERTHELESS to easement or provision in connection with the beneficial use and enjoyment of the said Flat No....................... situated on the ....................floor .......................... side of the building togetherwith one Car Parking Space No....................... situated on the Ground Floor of the building and also together with all common rights, facilities, amenities and undivided proportionate share of land morefully described in the SCHEDULE "B" and "C" hereunder written. IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE VENDOR AND THE DEVELOPER AND THE PURCHASERS as follows :-follows:-

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