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Common use of OFFS AND RECALLS Clause in Contracts

OFFS AND RECALLS. In the event of a proposed lay-off, the employer will meet with the Labour Management Committee prior to notification being provided to the union or the The purpose of the meeting will be to review the lay-off process or any alternative that may be recommended. Lay-off Procedure Definition of a Lay-off A lay-off shall be defined as a reduction in the work force or a reduction in the regular hours of work as defined in this agreement. A lay-off for part-time Employees shall be defined as reduction in the work force or a reduction in hours as per the qualification period set out in the Employment Standards Act. Notice to Lay-off In the event of a proposed lay-off at the Home or the elimination of a position within the Bargaining Unit, the Employer shall: Provide the Union with no less than eight (8) weeks written notice of the proposed lay-off or elimination of position and; Provide to the affected Employees written notice of lay-off by hand delivery, registered mail, or pay in lieu thereof. Such notice shall be a minimum of two (2) weeks or as required under the which ever is greater. Role of Seniority In the event of a lay-off, Employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their seniority by job classification. An Employee in receipt of notice of lay-off may: accept the lay-off; or opt to retire, if eligible under the terms of the Pension Plan displace another Employee who has lesser Bargaining Unit seniority if the Employee originally subject to lay-off has the ability and qualification to meet the normal requirement of the job within ten (10) days. An Employee so displaced shall be deemed to have been laid off. An Employee who chooses to exercise the right to displace another Employee with lesser seniority shall advise the Employer of intention to do so, and the position claimed within five (5) days after receiving the notice of lay-off. In the event of a lay-off, an Employee shall have the option to displace either a full-time Employee or a part-time Employee provided that the above conditions are met. Recall

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

OFFS AND RECALLS. In the event of a proposed lay-off, the employer will meet with the Labour Management Committee prior to notification being provided to the union or the The purpose of the meeting will be to review the lay-off process or of employees becomes necessary, in any alternative that may be recommended. Lay-off Procedure Definition of a Lay-off A classification, this lay-off shall be defined carried out in such a manner as a reduction in the to maintain an efficient work force or a reduction in the regular hours of work as defined in this agreementforce. A lay-off for part-time Employees Casuals shall be defined as reduction in the work force or a reduction in hours as per the qualification period set out in the Employment Standards Act. Notice to Lay-laid off In the event of a proposed lay-off at the Home or the elimination of a position within the Bargaining Unit, the Employer shall: Provide the Union with no less than eight (8) weeks written notice of the proposed lay-off or elimination of position and; Provide to the affected Employees written notice of lay-off by hand delivery, registered mail, or pay in lieu thereof. Such notice shall be a minimum of two (2) weeks or as required under the which ever is greater. Role of Seniority In the event of a lay-off, Employees first then regular employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their seniority by job seniority, in that classification. An Employee in receipt of notice of , provided that the employees retained to perform the work available during a lay-off may: accept the lay-off; or opt to retire, if eligible under the terms of the Pension Plan displace another Employee who has lesser Bargaining Unit seniority if the Employee originally subject to lay-off has the ability and qualification to meet the normal requirement of the job within ten (10) days. An Employee so displaced shall be deemed to the employees who have been laid off. An Employee who chooses to exercise the right to displace another Employee with lesser seniority shall advise the Employer of intention qualifications, license, skills, and ability to do so, the work available and who are willing to perform the position claimed within five (5) days after receiving the notice of lay-offwork required. In the event of a lay-off, an Employee “system” shall be applied to allow senior employees to “bump” less senior employees within the bargaining unit provided the senior employee has the qualifications, license, skills, and ability to perform the work. No employee shall improve his status as a result of the “bumping” process. UNITE HERE Local Collective Agreement The Employer shall notify employees who are to be laid off at least one (1) week prior to the effective date of layoff, or award pay in lieu thereof, unless a greater period of notice is required by legislation, in which case the greater period of notice, or pay in lieu thereof, shall be given. The Employer shall provide the Union with advance written notice of any lay-offs to be undertaken and the why said lay-offs are required. Copies of all lay-off notices will be forwarded to the Union President. Employees shall retain recall rights for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of lay-off. a) Employees shall be recalled in the reverse order in which they were laid-off as work becomes available provided they have the option qualifications, license, skills, and ability to displace either perform the available work. The Employer shall give notice of recall using a fullmethod of conveyance where proof of delivery can be established. No new employee shall be hired until employees on lay-time Employee or a part-time Employee off from the classification who still retain seniority have been given an opportunity for recall to all positions provided that such have the above conditions qualifications, license, and ability to do the work in question. Executive Members of the Union and designated Union Representatives shall not be placed on lay-off or have their hours of work reduced so long as there is work available which they are met. Recallable to perform, regardless of their classification or their position on the seniority list.

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Samples: Collective Agreement

OFFS AND RECALLS. In the event of a proposed lay-off, the employer will meet with the Labour Management Committee prior to notification being provided to the union or the The purpose of the meeting will be to review the lay-off process or any alternative that may be recommended. Lay-off Procedure Definition due to lack of a Lay-off A lay-off shall be defined as a reduction in the work force or a reduction in the regular hours of work as defined in this agreement. A lay-off for part-time Employees shall be defined as reduction in the work force or a reduction in hours as per the qualification period set out in the Employment Standards Act. Notice to Lay-off In the event of a proposed lay-off at the Home or the elimination of a position within the Bargaining Unitwork, the Employer shall: Provide Company agrees to give seven days notice to the employee and the Union with no less than eight (8) weeks written notice of the proposed lay-off or elimination of position and; Provide to the affected Employees written notice wherever possible. In all cases of lay-off by hand deliveryand/or recall (except lay- offs of not more than five working days duration) seniority shall govern provided that the Company may give effect in what it considers proper cases to the re- quirements and efficiency of operations in determining which employees are to be retained or recalled. The lay-off of not more than five working days duration referred to above shall not apply for more than five such days in any calendar month nor for more than a total of ten working days in any one calendar year, registered mailper employee affected. If additional employees are needed for work in any department, or pay in lieu thereof. Such notice any laid-off employee possessing seniori- ty status, capable of doing such work, shall be recalled in order of seniority, unless it seems probable that the laid-off employee will be recalled to his or her regular department within a minimum of two (2) weeks or as required under the which ever is greaterweek. Role of Seniority In the event of a lay-off, Employees No employee possessing seniority shall be laid off until all temporary employees in the reverse order plant have been laid off, provided that the said possessing seniority is willing to be transferred under the conditions pertaining to the job and is capable of their performing satisfac- torily the work being done by the temporary employee. When recalling a laid-off employee who retains his seniority the Company will notify such laid-off employee first by a telephone call to the employee’s last known telephone number, then by registered mail stating the job classificationavailable and the time of starting, which shall not be less than seven days from the date of such mail- ing. The above notice will be sent to last address of such laid-off employee on record with the Company. Failure to notify the Company in writing within five days following the mailing of such notice by the Company that such laid-off employee will report for work at the time specified or having so notified the Company failure to report at the time stated in the notice, shall constitute a break in service and his or her seniority shall consequently be lost. However, if within the five days following the mailing of the recall notice an employee gives the Com- pany an acceptable explanation for not being able to report on the date stated in the notice, a later date for reporting will be set which will be equally binding. The Company shall notify the Union when an employee is to be recalled. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to preclude the Company from transferring any person who is not in the bargaining unit to a category within the bargaining unit and the seniority of any such person shall be determined as follows: Should the employee be returned to the bar- gaining unit within one year, he/she will be returned with full seniority credits. Should the employee be returned to the bar- gaining unit after an absence of at least one year shall be returned without seniority. However, the Com- pany agrees that for the purpose of vacation and benefit credits, the employee in question will retain his service credits with the Company. Notwithstanding the above, an employee who left the bargaining unit prior to January will return to the bargaining unit with seniority determined by com- bining his total prior service within the bargaining unit with one half of his/her continuous service at the Plant outside the bargaining unit, as shown by the Company records. In no case will the employee’s seniority exceed twice his bargaining unit seniority. When such a person had no prior service in the bargaining unit then his or her seniority in the depart- ment and in the Plant shall date from the date of transfer to the Bargaining Unit. An Employee in receipt of notice of lay-off may: accept the lay-off; or opt employee being transferred to retire, if eligible under the terms of the Pension Plan displace another Employee who has lesser Bargaining Unit seniority if the Employee originally subject department due to lay-off has because of lack of work, when displacing a junior employee or filling a vacancy, with due regard to his or her seniority and ability will be given every possible consideration for remaining in or as close as possible to the ability same labour grade he or she had previously held. The Company will grant leave of absence without pay to an employee for a reasonable time, for good cause, if he or she can be spared. Employees requesting leave of absence without pay are to request such leave of absence days before required, wherever possible. The Company will advise such employees within days, if possible, whether such leave of absence will be approved. Leave of absence application forms will be sup- plied by the Company. The approving of such applications by the Company will be based on whether production, service and qualification maintenance requirements can be met. The Company will grant leave of absence without pay to meet attend Union conventions to not more than nine hourly rated employees at any one time subject to the normal requirement of the job within ten (10) days. An Employee so displaced shall be deemed to have been laid off. An Employee who chooses to exercise the right to displace another Employee with lesser seniority shall advise the Employer of intention to do so, and the position claimed within five (5) days after receiving the notice of lay-off. In the event of a lay-off, an Employee shall have the option to displace either a full-time Employee or a part-time Employee provided following conditions; that the above conditions are met. RecallUnion indicate convention dates and those employees designated to attend as early as possi- ble, with at least three week’s written notice to the Company naming the hourly rated employee for whom leave is desired;

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

OFFS AND RECALLS. In the event of a proposed lay-off, the employer will meet with the Labour Management Committee prior to notification being provided to the union or the The purpose of the meeting will be to review the lay-off process or any alternative that may be recommended. Lay-off Procedure Definition of a Lay-off A lay-off and Recall Procedure: Both parties recognize that job security for employees shall be defined as a reduction increased in the work force or a reduction proportion to length of service. Therefore, in the regular hours of work as defined in this agreement. A lay-off for part-time Employees shall be defined as reduction in the work force or a reduction in hours as per the qualification period set out in the Employment Standards Act. Notice to Lay-off In the event of a proposed lay-off at the Home or the elimination of a position within the Bargaining Unit, the Employer shall: Provide the Union with no less than eight (8) weeks written notice of the proposed lay-off or elimination of position and; Provide to the affected Employees written notice of lay-off by hand delivery, registered mail, or pay in lieu thereof. Such notice shall be a minimum of two (2) weeks or as required under the which ever is greater. Role of Seniority In the event of a lay-off, Employees employees in each classification shall be laid off in the reverse order of their seniority by job classificationseniority. An Employee employee designated to be laid off shall have recourse to the bumping procedure, provided that is capable of performing the work in receipt the classification into which is bumping. Employees designated to be laid off shall displace the junior person within a classification for which the employee is qualified and competent. For the purpose of this article, it is further understood that: A permanent full-time employee will first bump: In a permanent full-time position, if no position is available then, In a permanent part-time position with the same hours, if no position is available, then, In a temporary position if no position is available. it is further understood that a part-time employee may bump into full-time status, Unless otherwise provided, an employee, who has completed probationary period may exercise seniority onto a temporary position or temporary vacancy so long as such vacancy is expected to be in existence for at least (30) working days from the date of layoff Employees shall be recalled in the order of their seniority, provided the employee being recalled is qualified to perform the work available. No new employees shall be hired until those laid off have been given an opportunity of recall, provided the employee being recalled is qualified to perform the work available. Unless legislation is more favourable to an employee, the Corporation shall provide an employee about to be laid off with at least ten (10) working days' notice prior to the effective date of lay-off. If the employee has not had the opportunity to work this period of notice of lay-off may: accept off, shall be paid in lieu of work for that part of the notice during which work was not made available to In order that the operations of the Union will not become disorganized when lay-off; or opt to retireoffs are made, if eligible under members of the local Executive Board, Chief Xxxxxxx and Stewards shall be the last persons laid off in their respective classifications during their terms of ARTICLE O JOB POSTING New positions and vacancies which the Pension Plan displace another Employee who has lesser Bargaining Unit seniority if the Employee originally subject Corporation intends to lay-off has the ability and qualification to meet the normal requirement of the job within ten (10) days. An Employee so displaced fill shall be deemed posted on bulletin boards for a period of seven (7) working days excluding any statutory holidays. Employees included in Appendix "A" shall not be eligible to have been laid off. An Employee who chooses apply for temporary positions occurring in Appendix and employees included in Appendix shall not be eligible to exercise the right to displace another Employee with lesser seniority shall advise the Employer of intention to do so, and the position claimed within five (5) days after receiving the notice of lay-off. In the event of a lay-off, an Employee shall have the option to displace either a full-time Employee or a part-time Employee provided that the above conditions are met. Recallapply for temporary positions occurring in Appendix "A".

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

OFFS AND RECALLS. In Lay-offs (a) Where it becomes necessary to reduce the event of a proposed lay-offworking force, the employer will meet with the Labour Management Committee prior to notification being provided to the union or the The purpose of the meeting will be to review the lay-off process or any alternative that may be recommended. Lay-off Procedure Definition of a Lay-off A lay-off shall be defined as a reduction in the work force or a reduction in the regular hours of work as defined in this agreement. A lay-off for part-time Employees shall be defined as reduction in the work force or a reduction in hours as per the qualification period set out in the Employment Standards Act. Notice to Lay-off In the event of a proposed lay-off at the Home or the elimination of a position most junior employee within the Bargaining Unitclassification, the Employer shall: Provide the Union with no less than eight (8) weeks written notice of the proposed lay-off or elimination of position and; Provide to the shift and department affected Employees written will receive notice of lay-off provided the remaining employee(s) are qualified by hand delivery, registered mail, or pay in lieu thereofvirtue of skill and ability to perform the work required. Such notice shall Employees laid off indefinitely will be provided with a minimum of two (2) weeks or as required under one weeks’ notice in writing. At the which ever is greater. Role time of Seniority In the event receiving notice of a lay-off, employees will be permitted to indicate their choice of accepting lay-off or of exercising their seniority by displacing another employee as described in clause Employees shall failing to make a choice will be laid off. At the time of lay-off, employees will be entitled to indicate a second choice of recall to another department, shift, or job which will be in addition to the department, shift and job they held at the time of lay-off. Employees who choose to displace will be advised of the job into which they can displace prior to the displacement being effected and will be given a final opportunity to accept lay-off. The Company will not be obligated to follow the above or clauses and when lay-offs are due to breakdown or other emergency for the rest of the day, or shift on which such breakdown or emergency occurs, except where the Company has information the day prior. Probationary and Temporary employees in the affected department will be laid off first in these lay-off situations. Employees alleging that they have been laid off must do so in writing not later than working days following the reverse order effective date of their seniority by job classificationlay-off. An Employee in receipt Such written statement will be submitted directly to the Manager, Industrial Relations at that time and will be treated as a grievance and dealt with at Step 3 of notice the grievance procedure. For the purposes of lay-off may: accept and recall, job grades and Al shall be considered as one group. Job grades Cl and shall be considered as another group. Procedures (a) Employees who elect to displace who have sufficient seniority, skill and ability to perform the lay-off; work required, shall in the first instance displace the most junior employee within the next lower wage rate classification in their department and base shift. Failing to claim a job in the next lower wage rate classification in his/her department and base shift, the above process will be repeated in successively lower wage rate classifications until s/he either finds a job open to him/her by application of seniority or opt to retire, if eligible under the terms of the Pension Plan displace another Employee who has lesser Bargaining Unit seniority if the Employee originally becomes subject to lay-off has the ability from their department and qualification base shift. Failing to meet the normal requirement claim a job in his/her department and base shift by application of the job within ten (10) days. An Employee so displaced shall be deemed to have been laid off. An Employee who chooses to exercise above process and in the right to displace another Employee with lesser seniority shall advise the Employer of intention to do so, and the position claimed within five (5) days after receiving the notice of lay-off. In the event case of a lay-off, an Employee shall have the option off in excess of two days but not greater than six weeks Regular employees will be permitted to apply their seniority to displace either the most junior Temporary employee plant wide on their base shift, In the event there are no temporary employees in the Plant, Regular employees will be allowed to displace the most junior full time employee per the terms of d Failing to claim a full-time Employee or a part-time Employee provided that job in his/her department and base shift by application of the above conditions are met. Recallprocess and in the case of a lay-off in excess of six weeks, Regular employees starting in their wage rate classification (and successively lower classifications if necessary) will be permitted to apply their seniority to displace the most junior employee plant wide on their base shift, Failing that, the employee will be entitled to displace the most junior employee off shift, in his/her same wage rate classification or lower if necessary.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

OFFS AND RECALLS. In the event of a proposed lay-off, the employer will meet with the Labour Management Committee prior to notification being provided to the union or the The purpose of the meeting will be to review the lay-off process or any alternative that may be recommended. Lay-off Procedure Definition of a Lay-off A lay-off shall be defined as a reduction in temporary severance of the work employment relationship for the purpose of reducing the work force order to meet the manpower requirementsof the In the event of a staff reduction, or deletion of a reduction Employees shall be laid off In the reverse order of their bargaining unit The shall be consulted to any such changes in the regular workforce. Inthe case of lay-off, the Employer shall give notice to all permanent Employees, as per the Employment Standards Code, "Notice of Termination". If the Employee, such case, has not had the opportunity to work the full weeks after notice of lay-off, he shall be in of work for that part of the notice period work was not made The most senior Employee laid off, who has the required qualifications be the recall to a permanent he has Pursuant to the balance of new Employees shall not be those off have the required for the An Employee who refuses or falls to report fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of recall shall lose all rights to recall. An Employee who Is off Is responsible for advising the General Manager In of any change of address or telephone number. Should the society be unable to contact a off Employee by telephone within forty eight (48) hours of the first attempt to contact him, the next off Employee be contacted and offered the The first Employee be contacted by double registered mall. Should he fall to contact the Manager within fourteen (14) calendar days of of the letter, or, should the Employee's address no longer be the Employee shall lose all rights to recall. Any Employee who has been on lay-off for twelve (12) consecutive months shall be removed from the seniority and shall lose all rights to Hours of Work A work day for staff Is defined as the twenty-four (24) hour period at am and ending at am on the day. The work week shall be from am on Sunday to am on the following Sunday. The normal hours of work as defined in this agreementfor full-time clerical Employees shall be no less than seven (7) consecutive hours which normally fall between am and am (midnight) Sunday to Saturday. A lay-off will a half hour paid lunch break. The hours of work will be (35) hours per week or more. The hours of work for part-time Employees may be scheduled between am and am (midnight) Sunday to Saturday. Part- time Employees who work (5) or more consecutive hours shall receive one half hours of pay per shift In of a lunch break, they are unable to take a lunch break. The hours of work for Employeesshall consist of twelve (12) hours per day a one-half hour paid lunch break and four (84) hours In a two week period. The hours of work for the Xxxxxxx shall be defined as reduction in the work force or a reduction in hours as per the qualification period set out in the Employment Standards Act. Notice to Lay-off In the event of a proposed lay-off at the Home or the elimination of a position within the Bargaining Unit, the Employer shall: Provide the Union with no less than eight (8) weeks written notice consecutive hours which normallyfall between the hours of am and Monday to Friday, for forty (40) hours per week. **Summer Employees hours of work to be developed to the of the proposed layseason. All hours worked by Employees excess of eight hours per day or forty (40) hours per week, will be considered overtime and will be paid at a rate of one and one-off half (1%)times the regular rate of pay. All hours worked by Employees excess of twelve (12) hours per day or elimination one hundred (168) hours per four-week period, will be consideredovertime and will be paid at the rate of position and; Provide to one and one-half (1%)times the affected regular rate of pay. **All hours worked by summer Employees written notice In excess of layeight (8) hours per day or forty-off by hand deliveryfour (44) hours per week, registered mail, or pay in lieu thereof. Such notice shall will be a minimum overtime and will be paid at the rate of two (2) weeks or as required under one and one-half times the which ever is greater. Role regular rate of Seniority In the event of a lay-off, Employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their seniority by job classification. An Employee in receipt of notice of lay-off may: accept the lay-off; or opt to retire, if eligible under the terms of the Pension Plan displace another Employee who has lesser Bargaining Unit seniority if the Employee originally subject to lay-off has the ability and qualification to meet the normal requirement of the job within ten (10) days. An Employee so displaced shall be deemed to have been laid off. An Employee who chooses to exercise the right to displace another Employee with lesser seniority shall advise the Employer of intention to do so, and the position claimed within five (5) days after receiving the notice of lay-off. In the event of a lay-offInsteadof cash payment for overtime, an Employee shall have the option to displace either receive time off at the regular rate, at a full-time mutually agreed to the Employer. The hours and days of work of each Employee shall be posted in an appropriate place least two (2) weeks advance setting forth the working schedule. All shifts shall be equally allocated where possible. The Employer agrees to the Employee seven (7) calendar days of of shift change where possible, except In case of emergency, Illness, or unplanned departure of Employees. All Employees shall a part-fifteen (15) minute rest break the first and second half of their shift. Employees on the twelve (12) hour shift be an additional (15) minute break per shift. October Employees shall an additional (50) cents per hour for each hour or thereof, worked between and am. If an Employee does not receiveat least hours rest between shifts then the Employee be compensated by being time and a half regular of pay for all time worked Inthe rest period. The In agreement shall be a guarantee of work or work per day or per week. work or working shall be consulted prior to any changes to hours of When an Employee provided is on annual leave and was scheduled to work day shift the most Employee shall be offered the day that the above conditions are metEmployee on annual leave would have had to work. Recallrecognizesthat all regular Employees the scope of

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement