One Manager on a Given Day Sample Clauses

One Manager on a Given Day. The Company agrees that any offer to sell, any solicitation of an offer to buy, or any sales of Shares shall only be effected by or through only one of the Managers on any single given day, but in no event by more than one, and the Company shall in no event request that Mitsubishi or the Alternate Managers sell Shares on the same day; provided, however, that (a) the foregoing limitation shall not apply to (i) exercise of any option, warrant, right or any conversion privilege set forth in the instrument governing such security, (ii) sales solely to employees or security holders of the Company or its Subsidiaries, or to a trustee or other person acquiring such securities for the accounts of such persons, (iii) sales under any dividend reinvestment plan, that the Company may adopt in accordance with Section 7(j), or (iv) sales under a trading plan established pursuant to Rule 10b5-1 under the Exchange Act for the transfer of shares of Common Stock that the Company may adopt in accordance with Section 7(j), and (b) such limitation shall not apply on any day during which no sales are made pursuant to this Agreement.
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One Manager on a Given Day. The Company agrees that any offer to sell, any solicitation of an offer to buy, or any sales of Shares shall only be effected by or through only one of the Managers on any single given day and the Company shall in no event request that Manager and either Alternate Manager sell Shares on the same day; provided, however, that the foregoing limitation shall not apply to (i) exercises of any option, warrant, right or any conversion privilege set forth in the instrument governing such security, (ii) sales solely to employees or security holders of the Company or its subsidiaries, or to a trustee or other person acquiring such securities for the accounts of such persons, (iii) sales under any dividend reinvestment plan, that the Company may adopt in accordance with Section 7(j), or (iv) sales under a trading plan established pursuant to Rule 10b5-1 under the Exchange Act for the transfer of shares of Common Stock that the Company may adopt.
One Manager on a Given Day. The Company agrees that any offer to sell, any solicitation of any offer to buy, or any sales of Securities shall only be effected by or through one of the Sales Agents on any single day, but in no event by more than one, and the Company shall in no event request that more than one Sales Agent sell Securities on the same day.

Related to One Manager on a Given Day

  • Limitation on Resignation of the Master Servicer, the Special Servicer or the Operating Advisor (a) Each of the Master Servicer and the Special Servicer may resign, assign its respective rights and delegate its respective duties and obligations under this Agreement by giving written notice thereof to the other such party, the Trustee, the Certificate Administrator (who shall post such notice to the Certificate Administrator’s Website for review by Privileged Persons in accordance with Section 4.02(a)), the Depositor, the Operating Advisor, the Asset Representations Reviewer, the Serviced Companion Loan Holders and, for posting to the Rule 17g-5 Information Provider’s Website pursuant to Section 12.13 of this Agreement, the Rule 17g-5 Information Provider; provided that, with respect to any of the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer: (i) the successor accepting such assignment and delegation (A) shall be an established mortgage finance entity, bank or other entity regularly engaged in the servicing of commercial mortgage loans, organized and doing business under the laws of any state of the United States, the District of Columbia or the United States, authorized under such laws to perform the duties of a servicer of mortgage loans or a Person resulting from a merger, consolidation or succession that is permitted under Section 6.02 of this Agreement and, in the case of a Serviced Loan Combination, under the related Co-Lender Agreement and (B) shall execute and deliver to the Trustee and the Certificate Administrator an agreement which contains an assumption by such Person of the due and punctual performance and observance of each covenant and condition to be performed or observed by the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, as the case may be, under this Agreement from and after the date of such agreement; (ii) each Rating Agency has delivered to the Trustee a Rating Agency Confirmation; (iii) the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer shall not be released from its obligations under this Agreement that arose prior to the effective date of such assignment and delegation under this Section 6.04; (iv) the rate at which the Servicing Fee or Special Servicing Compensation, as applicable (or any component thereof) is calculated shall not exceed the rate then in effect; (v) for so long as no Control Termination Event has occurred and is continuing, the successor Special Servicer is acceptable to the Controlling Class Representative (and, if a Serviced Outside Controlled Loan Combination is affected, the successor Special Servicer is acceptable to the related Outside Controlling Note Holder); (vi) the resigning Master Servicer or Special Servicer, as applicable, shall be responsible for the reasonable costs and expenses of each other party hereto, the Trust and the Rating Agencies in connection with such transfer; (vii) none of the Operating Advisor, the Asset Representations Reviewer nor any of their Affiliates shall in any event be appointed as successor Master Servicer or Special Servicer; and (viii) none of the Third Party Purchaser or any of its Risk Retention Affiliates shall in any event be appointed as successor Master Servicer. Upon acceptance of such assignment and delegation, the purchaser or transferee shall be the successor Master Servicer or Special Servicer, as applicable, hereunder.

  • Books and Records; Certain Funds Received After the Cut-Off Date From and after the sale of the Mortgage Loans to the Purchaser, record title to each Mortgage (other than with respect to any Outside Serviced Mortgage Loan) and each Note shall be transferred to the Trustee subject to and in accordance with this Agreement. Any funds due after the Cut-Off Date in connection with a Mortgage Loan received by the Seller shall be held in trust on behalf of the Trustee (for the benefit of the Certificateholders) as the owner of such Mortgage Loan and shall be transferred promptly to the Certificate Administrator. All scheduled payments of principal and interest due on or before the Cut-Off Date but collected after the Cut-Off Date, and all recoveries and payments of principal and interest collected on or before the Cut-Off Date (only in respect of principal and interest on the Mortgage Loans due on or before the Cut-Off Date and principal prepayments thereon), shall belong to, and shall be promptly remitted to, the Seller. The transfer of each Mortgage Loan shall be reflected on the Seller’s balance sheets and other financial statements as the sale of such Mortgage Loan by the Seller to the Purchaser. The Seller intends to treat the transfer of each Mortgage Loan to the Purchaser as a sale for tax purposes. Following the transfer of the Mortgage Loans by the Seller to the Purchaser, the Seller shall not take any actions inconsistent with the ownership of the Mortgage Loans by the Purchaser and its assignees. The transfer of each Mortgage Loan shall be reflected on the Purchaser’s balance sheets and other financial statements as the purchase of such Mortgage Loan by the Purchaser from the Seller. The Purchaser intends to treat the transfer of each Mortgage Loan from the Seller as a purchase for tax purposes. The Purchaser shall be responsible for maintaining, and shall maintain, a set of records for each Mortgage Loan which shall be clearly marked to reflect the transfer of ownership of each Mortgage Loan by the Seller to the Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement. It is expressly agreed and understood that, notwithstanding the assignment of the Loan Documents, it is expressly intended that the Seller will receive the benefit of any securitization indemnification provisions in the Loan Documents.

  • Description of Administration Services on a Continuous Basis PFPC will perform the following administration services with respect to each Portfolio:

  • Following the Startup Day, neither the Master Servicer nor the Trustee shall accept any contributions of assets to any REMIC created hereunder unless (subject to Section 10.01(f)) the Master Servicer and the Trustee shall have received an Opinion of Counsel (at the expense of the party seeking to make such contribution) to the effect that the inclusion of such assets in such REMIC will not cause the REMIC to fail to qualify as a REMIC at any time that any Certificates are outstanding or subject the REMIC to any tax under the REMIC Provisions or other applicable provisions of federal, state and local law or ordinances.

  • Duties of Custodian with Respect to the Books of Account and Calculation of Net Asset Value and Net Income The Custodian shall cooperate with and supply necessary information to the entity or entities appointed by the applicable Board to keep the books of account of each Portfolio and/or compute the net asset value per Share of the outstanding Shares or, if directed in writing to do so by a Fund on behalf of a Portfolio, shall itself keep such books of account and/or compute such net asset value per Share. If so directed, the Custodian shall also calculate daily the net income of the Portfolio as described in the Prospectus and shall advise the Fund and the Transfer Agent daily of the total amounts of such net income and, if instructed in writing by an officer of the Fund to do so, shall advise the Transfer Agent periodically of the division of such net income among its various components. Each Fund acknowledges and agrees that, with respect to investments maintained with the Underlying Transfer Agent, the Underlying Transfer Agent is the sole source of information on the number of shares of a fund held by it on behalf of a Portfolio and that the Custodian has the right to rely on holdings information furnished by the Underlying Transfer Agent to the Custodian in performing its duties under this Agreement, including without limitation, the duties set forth in this Section 10 and in Section 11 hereof; provided, however, that the Custodian shall be obligated to reconcile information as to purchases and sales of Underlying Shares contained in trade instructions and confirmations received by the Custodian and to report promptly any discrepancies to the Underlying Transfer Agent. The calculations of the net asset value per Share and the daily income of each Portfolio shall be made at the time or times described from time to time in the Prospectus. Each Fund acknowledges that, in keeping the books of account of the Portfolio and/or making the calculations described herein with respect to Portfolio property released and delivered pursuant to Section 2.2(14), or purchased pursuant to Section 2.6(7) hereof, the Custodian is authorized and instructed to rely upon information provided to it by the Fund, the Fund’s counterparty(ies), or the agents of either of them.

  • Transfer of Servicing Between Master Servicer and Special Servicer; Record Keeping (a) Upon determining that any Serviced Loan has become a Specially Serviced Loan, the Master Servicer shall promptly give written notice thereof to the Special Servicer, any related Serviced Companion Loan Holder (in the case of a Serviced Loan Combination), the Operating Advisor, the Certificate Administrator, the Trustee, the related Directing Holder (prior to the occurrence and continuance of a Consultation Termination Event with respect to the related Mortgage Loan) and, for posting to the Rule 17g-5 Information Provider’s Website pursuant to Section 12.13 of this Agreement, the Rule 17g-5 Information Provider and shall promptly deliver a copy of the Servicing File to the Special Servicer and concurrently provide a copy of such Servicing File to the Operating Advisor and shall use its reasonable efforts to provide the Special Servicer with all information, documents (but excluding the original documents constituting the Mortgage File, but including copies thereof) and records (including records stored electronically on computer tapes, magnetic discs and the like) relating to such Serviced Loan and reasonably requested by the Special Servicer to enable it to assume its duties hereunder with respect thereto without acting through a Sub-Servicer. The Master Servicer shall use its reasonable efforts to comply with the preceding sentence within five (5) Business Days of the date such Serviced Loan became a Specially Serviced Loan and in any event shall continue to act as Master Servicer and administrator of such Serviced Loan until the Special Servicer has commenced the servicing of such Serviced Loan, which shall occur upon the receipt by the Special Servicer of the Servicing File. With respect to each such Serviced Loan that becomes a Specially Serviced Loan, the Master Servicer shall instruct the related Mortgagor to continue to remit all payments in respect of such Serviced Loan to the Master Servicer. The Master Servicer shall forward any notices it would otherwise send to the Mortgagor of such a Specially Serviced Loan to the Special Servicer who shall send such notice to the related Mortgagor. Upon determining that a Specially Serviced Loan has become a Corrected Loan, the Special Servicer shall promptly give written notice thereof to the Master Servicer, the Trustee, the Operating Advisor, the Certificate Administrator, any related Serviced Companion Loan Holder, the related Directing Holder (prior to the occurrence and continuance of a Consultation Termination Event with respect to the related Mortgage Loan) and, for posting to the Rule 17g-5 Information Provider’s Website pursuant to Section 12.13 of this Agreement, the Rule 17g-5 Information Provider and, upon giving such notice and the return of the Servicing File to the Master Servicer, such Serviced Loan shall cease to be a Specially Serviced Loan in accordance with the first proviso of the definition of Specially Serviced Loans, the Special Servicer’s obligation to service such Serviced Loan shall terminate and the obligations of the Master Servicer to service and administer such Serviced Loan as a Serviced Loan that is not a Specially Serviced Loan shall resume. In addition, if the related Mortgagor has been instructed, pursuant to the preceding paragraph, to make payments to the Special Servicer, upon such determination, the Special Servicer shall instruct the related Mortgagor to remit all payments in respect of such Specially Serviced Loan directly to the Master Servicer.

  • Documents, Records and Funds in Possession of the Servicer to be Held for the Trustee The Servicer shall transmit to the Trustee or, at the direction of the Trustee, the Custodian as required by this Agreement all documents and instruments in respect of a Mortgage Loan coming into the possession of the Servicer from time to time and shall account fully to the Trustee for any funds received by the Servicer or which otherwise are collected by the Servicer as Liquidation Proceeds or Insurance Proceeds in respect of any Mortgage Loan. The documents constituting the Servicing File shall be held by the Servicer as custodian and bailee for the Trustee. All Mortgage Files and funds collected or held by, or under the control of, the Servicer in respect of any Mortgage Loans, whether from the collection of principal and interest payments or from Liquidation Proceeds, including but not limited to, any funds on deposit in the Servicer Custodial Account, shall be held by the Servicer for and on behalf of the Trustee and shall be and remain the sole and exclusive property of the Trustee, subject to the applicable provisions of this Agreement. The Servicer also agrees that it shall not knowingly create, incur or subject any Mortgage File or any funds that are deposited in the Servicer Custodial Account, Certificate Account or any Escrow Account, or any funds that otherwise are or may become due or payable to the Trustee for the benefit of the Certificateholders, to any claim, lien, security interest, judgment, levy, writ of attachment or other encumbrance created by the Servicer, or assert by legal action or otherwise any claim or right of setoff against any Mortgage File or any funds collected on, or in connection with, a Mortgage Loan, except, however, that the Servicer shall be entitled to set off against and deduct from any such funds any amounts that are properly due and payable to the Servicer under this Agreement.

  • Resignation as L/C Issuer or Swing Line Lender after Assignment Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if at any time Bank of America assigns all of its Commitment and Loans pursuant to subsection (b) above, Bank of America may, (i) upon 30 days’ notice to the Company and the Lenders, resign as L/C Issuer and/or (ii) upon 30 days’ notice to the Company, resign as Swing Line Lender. In the event of any such resignation as L/C Issuer or Swing Line Lender, the Company shall be entitled to appoint from among the Lenders a successor L/C Issuer or Swing Line Lender hereunder; provided, however, that no failure by the Company to appoint any such successor shall affect the resignation of Bank of America as L/C Issuer or Swing Line Lender, as the case may be. If Bank of America resigns as L/C Issuer, it shall retain all the rights, powers, privileges and duties of the L/C Issuer hereunder with respect to all Letters of Credit outstanding as of the effective date of its resignation as L/C Issuer and all L/C Obligations with respect thereto (including the right to require the Lenders to make Base Rate Committed Loans or fund risk participations in Unreimbursed Amounts pursuant to Section 2.03(c)). If Bank of America resigns as Swing Line Lender, it shall retain all the rights of the Swing Line Lender provided for hereunder with respect to Swing Line Loans made by it and outstanding as of the effective date of such resignation, including the right to require the Lenders to make Base Rate Committed Loans or fund risk participations in outstanding Swing Line Loans pursuant to Section 2.04(c). Upon the appointment of a successor L/C Issuer and/or Swing Line Lender, (a) such successor shall succeed to and become vested with all of the rights, powers, privileges and duties of the retiring L/C Issuer or Swing Line Lender, as the case may be, and (b) the successor L/C Issuer shall issue letters of credit in substitution for the Letters of Credit, if any, outstanding at the time of such succession or make other arrangements satisfactory to Bank of America to effectively assume the obligations of Bank of America with respect to such Letters of Credit.

  • Access to List of Certificateholders’ Names and Addresses; Special Notices The Certificate Registrar shall maintain in as current form as is reasonably practicable the most recent list available to it of the names and addresses of the Certificateholders. If any Certificateholder that has provided an Investor Certification (a) requests in writing from the Certificate Registrar a list of the names and addresses of Certificateholders, (b) states that such Certificateholder desires to communicate with other Certificateholders with respect to its rights under this Agreement or under the Certificates and (c) provides a copy of the communication which such Certificateholder proposes to transmit, then the Certificate Registrar shall, within ten (10) Business Days after the receipt of such request, afford such Certificateholder (at such Certificateholder’s sole cost and expense) access during normal business hours to a current list of the Certificateholders related to the Class of Certificates held by such Certificateholder. Every Certificateholder, by receiving and holding a Certificate, agrees that the Certificate Registrar shall not be held accountable by reason of the disclosure of any such information as to the list of the Certificateholders hereunder, regardless of the source from which such information was derived. The Master Servicer, the Special Servicer, the Trustee, the Certificate Administrator, the Senior Trust Advisor and the Depositor shall be entitled to a list of the names and addresses of Certificateholders from time to time upon request therefor. Upon the written request of any Certificateholder that (a) has provided an Investor Certification, (b) states that such Certificateholder desires the Certificate Administrator to transmit a notice to all Certificateholders stating that such Certificateholder wishes to be contacted by other Certificateholders, setting forth the relevant contact information and briefly stating the reason for the requested contact (a “Special Notice”) and (c) provides a copy of the Special Notice which such Certificateholder proposes to transmit, the Certificate Administrator shall deliver such Special Notice to all Certificateholders at their respective addresses appearing on the Certificate Register. The costs and expenses of the Certificate Administrator associated with delivering any such Special Notice shall be borne by the party requesting such Special Notice. Every Certificateholder, by receiving and holding a Certificate, agrees that neither the Certificate Administrator nor the Certificate Registrar shall be held accountable by reason of the disclosure of any such Special Notice to Certificateholders, regardless of the information set forth in such Special Notice.

  • No Contractual Relationship Between Any Servicer and Trustee or Depositor Any Servicing Agreement that may be entered into and any other transactions or services relating to the Mortgage Loans involving any Servicer in its capacity as such and not as an originator shall be deemed to be between such Servicer, the Seller and the Master Servicer, and the Trustee, any NIMS Insurer and the Depositor shall not be deemed parties thereto and shall have no obligations, duties or liabilities with respect to such Servicer except as set forth in Section 9.10 hereof, but shall have rights thereunder as third party beneficiaries. It is furthermore understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the obligations of any Servicer are set forth in their entirety in such Servicer’s related Servicing Agreement and such Servicer has no obligations under and is not otherwise bound by the terms of this Agreement.

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