Originating Line Number Screening (OLNS Upon request, Verizon will update its database used to provide originating line number screening (the database of information which indicates to an operator the acceptable billing methods for calls originating from the calling number (e.g., penal institutions, COCOTS).
Website, Email Address and Toll-Free Number The Administrator will establish and maintain and use an internet website to post information of interest to Class Members including the date, time and location for the Final Approval Hearing and copies of the Settlement Agreement, Motion for Preliminary Approval, the Preliminary Approval, the Class Notice, the Motion for Final Approval, the Motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment, Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and Class Representative Service Payment, the Final Approval and the Judgment. The Administrator will also maintain and monitor an email address and a toll-free telephone number to receive Class Member calls, faxes and emails.
Toll-Free Number The Contractor shall provide a toll-free telephone number for Authorized User usage which must be staffed at a minimum from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST Monday through Friday. This information is set forth in Appendix G.
Toll-Free Telephone Number A contractor located outside of San Francisco is encouraged to provide free telephone services for placing orders. This requirement can be met by providing a toll-free telephone number or accepting collect calls. The free service will be a consideration in evaluating this bid.
Vendor Telephone Number Self explanatory. (Agency specific) 1d. Vendor E-mail Address - Self explanatory. (Agency specific) 2a. Course Title - Insert the title of the course or the program that the employee is scheduled to complete.
Phone Number Email address .................................................................
From Number To Number Version: 4Q04 Resale Agreement 05/18/05
Home Telephone Number Employee's area code, home telephone number.
Project Number The project number has been assigned by the Commission as the unique identifier for your project, and it cannot be changed. The project number should appear on each page of the grant agreement preparation documents to prevent errors during its handling.
Office Telephone Number Insert the employee's area code, office telephone number and extension.