Website, Email Address and Toll-Free Number. The Administrator will establish and maintain and use an internet website to post information of interest to Class Members including the date, time and location for the Final Approval Hearing and copies of the Settlement Agreement, Motion for Preliminary Approval, the Preliminary Approval, the Class Notice, the Motion for Final Approval, the Motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment, Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and Class Representative Service Payment, the Final Approval and the Judgment. The Administrator will also maintain and monitor an email address and a toll-free telephone number to receive Class Member calls, faxes and emails.
Website, Email Address and Toll-Free Number. The Administrator will establish and maintain and use an internet website to post information of interest to Class Members including the date, time and location for the Final Approval Hearing and copies of the Settlement, motion for preliminary approval, the Preliminary Approval, the Long Form Class Notice, the motion for final approval, the motion for class counsel fees and expenses, the Final Approval, and the Judgment. The Administrator will also maintain and monitor an email address and a toll-free telephone number to receive Class Member calls, faxes, and emails.
Website, Email Address and Toll-Free Number. The Administrator will establish and maintain and use an email address and a toll-free telephone number to receive Class Member calls, faxes and emails. The Administrator will also establish a static website on which it will make available important case documents, including the Class Notice, the Settlement Agreement, the Operative Complaint.
Website, Email Address and Toll-Free Number. The Administrator will establish and maintain and use an internet website to post information of interest to Class Members and Aggrieved Employees including the date, time and location for the Final Approval Hearing and copies of the Settlement Agreement, Motion for Preliminary Approval, the Preliminary Approval, the Class Notice, the Motion for Final Approval, the Motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment, Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and Class Representative Service Payment, the Final Approval and the Judgment. The Administrator will also maintain and monitor an email address and a toll-free telephone number to receive Class Member calls, faxes and emails.
Website, Email Address and Toll-Free Number. The Administrator will 26 establish, maintain, and use an internet website to post information of interest 27 to Class Members including the date, time and location for the Final Approval
Website, Email Address and Toll-Free Number. The Administrator will 7 establish and maintain and use an internet website to post information of 8 interest to Class Members including the date, time and location for the Final 9 Approval Hearing and copies of the Agreement, Motion for Preliminary 10 Approval, the Preliminary Approval, the Class Notice, the Motion for Final 11 Approval, the Motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment, Class Counsel 12 Litigation Expenses Payment and Class Representative Service Payment, the 13 Final Approval and the Judgment. The Administrator will also maintain and 14 monitor an email address and a toll-free telephone number to receive Class 15 Member calls, faxes and emails.
Website, Email Address and Toll-Free Number. The Administrator will establish and maintain and use an internet website to post information of interest to Class Members including the date, time and location for the Final Approval Hearing and copies of the Settlement Agreement, Motion for Preliminary Approval, the Preliminary Approval, the Class Notice, the Motion DocuSign Envelope ID: 7BF4E2F8-D94D-43CA-A2F0-9AC691A792C6 for Final Approval, the Motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment, Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and Class Representative Service Payment, the Final Approval and the Judgment. The Administrator will also maintain and monitor an email address and a toll-free telephone number to receive Class Member calls, faxes and emails.
Website, Email Address and Toll-Free Number. The Administrator will establish and maintain and use an internet website to post information of interest to Class Members including the date, time and location for the Final Approval Hearing and copies of the Settlement Agreement, Motion for Preliminary Approval, the Preliminary Approval, the Class Notice, the Motion for Final Approval, the Motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment, Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and Class Representative Service Payment, the Final Approval and the Judgment. The Administrator will also maintain and monitor an email address and a toll-free telephone number to receive Class Member calls, faxes and emails. Requests for Exclusion (Opt-outs) and Exclusion List. The Administrator will promptly review on a rolling basis Requests for Exclusion to ascertain their validity. Not later than [5] days after the expiration of the deadline for submitting Requests for Exclusion, the Administrator shall email a list to Defense Counsel containing (a) the names and other identifying information of Class Members who have timely submitted valid Requests for Exclusion (“Exclusion List”); (b) the names and other identifying information of Class Members who have submitted invalid Requests for Exclusion; (c) copies of all Requests for Exclusion from Settlement submitted (whether valid or invalid).
Website, Email Address and Toll-Free Number. The Administrator will establish and maintain and use an internet website to post information of interest to Class Members with the URL or a substantially similar URL, subject to the Parties’ approval, until 60 days after the Effective Date, at which time the site will be taken down. This will include the date, time and location for the Final Approval Hearing. It also will include copies of the Settlement Agreement, Class Notice, Complaint, Answer and Affirmative Defenses to the Complaint, Motion for Preliminary Approval, Preliminary Approval Order, Motion for Final Approval, Motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment, Motion for Class Representative Service Payment, and any Final Approval and Judgment. The Administrator will also maintain and monitor an email address and a toll-free telephone number to receive Class Member calls, faxes and emails.
Website, Email Address and Toll-Free Number. The Administrator will establish and maintain and use an internet website to post information of interest to Settlement Class Members including the date, time and location for the Final Approval Hearing and copies of the Settlement Agreement, Motion for Preliminary Approval, the Preliminary Approval, the Class Notice, the Motion for Final Approval, the Motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment, Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and Class Representative Service Payment, the Final Approval and the Judgment. The Administrator will also maintain and monitor an email address and a toll-free telephone number to receive Settlement Class Member calls, faxes and emails.