Other Insurances Contractor may be required to carry additional insurance based upon the nature of the work to be performed (scope of services). For each additional required insurance, a corresponding certificate of insurance must be provided. Claims-made policies must have a retroactive date either prior to the effective date of the Contract or the beginning of the Contract work. Claims-made coverage must extend a minimum of twelve (12) months beyond completion of Contract work or end of current Contract, whichever is later. If coverage is cancelled or non-renewed, and not replaced with another claims made policy with a retroactive date prior to the Contract effective date, the Contractor must purchase extended reporting coverage for a minimum of twelve (12) months beyond completion of Contract work. Contractor shall maintain a policy limit of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per incident, with a deductible or self-insured retention not to exceed *$2,500 unless approved by the County.
Other Insurance If requested by the Director, Contractor shall furnish adequate evidence of Social Security and Unemployment Compensation Insurance, to the extent applicable to Contractor’s operations under this Agreement.
Other Insurance Requirements (a) Thirty (30) days’ advance written notice shall be provided to the City of cancellation, intended non-renewal, or reduction in coverages, except for non-payment for which no less than ten (10) days’ notice shall be provided to City. Notices shall be sent to the City address set forth in Section 11.1 entitled “Notices to the Parties.” (b) Should any of the required insurance be provided under a claims- made form, Contractor shall maintain such coverage continuously throughout the term of this Agreement and, without lapse, for a period of three years beyond the expiration of this Agreement, to the effect that, should occurrences during the Agreement term give rise to claims made after expiration of the Agreement, such claims shall be covered by such claims-made policies. (c) Should any of the required insurance be provided under a form of coverage that includes a general annual aggregate limit or provides that claims investigation or legal defense costs be included in such general annual aggregate limit, such general annual aggregate limit shall be double the occurrence or claims limits specified above. (d) Should any required insurance lapse during the term of this Agreement, requests for payments originating after such lapse shall not be processed until the City receives satisfactory evidence of reinstated coverage as required by this Agreement, effective as of the lapse date. If insurance is not reinstated, the City may, at its sole option, terminate this Agreement effective on the date of such lapse of insurance. (e) Before commencing any Services, Contractor shall furnish to City certificates of insurance and additional insured policy endorsements with insurers with ratings comparable to A-, VIII or higher, that are authorized to do business in the State of California, and that are satisfactory to City, in form evidencing all coverages set forth above. Approval of the insurance by City shall not relieve or decrease Contractor’s liability hereunder. (f) If Contractor will use any subcontractor(s) to provide Services, Contractor shall require the subcontractor(s) to provide all necessary insurance and to name the City and County of San Francisco, its officers, agents and employees and the Contractor as additional insureds.
Other Insurance Provisions The policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions:
Deductibles and Self-Insurance Retentions Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. The City may require the Consultant to provide proof of ability to pay losses and related investigation, claims administration and defense expenses within the deductible or self-insured retention. The deductible or self-insured retention may be satisfied by either the named insured or the City.
Insurance and Bonding The Subrecipient shall carry sufficient insurance coverage to protect Agreement assets from loss due to theft, fraud and/or undue physical damage, and as a minimum shall purchase a blanket fidelity bond covering all employees in an amount equal to cash advances from the City/Grantee. The Subrecipient shall comply with the bonding and insurance requirements of 24 CFR 84.31 and 84.48, Bonding and Insurance.