Expenses Incurred definition
Examples of Expenses Incurred in a sentence
Unless terminated for Service Provider’s material breach, Service Provider shall be paid or reimbursed for: (a) all hours worked and Eligible Expenses incurred up to the Notice Date, less all payments previously made; and (b) those hours worked and Eligible Expenses incurred after the Notice Date, but prior to the Termination Date, that were reasonably necessary to terminate the Work in an orderly manner.
Contractor shall submit to District detailed billing information regarding the Work provided for the billing period, not more than once per month, and, if applicable, District-authorized Expenses incurred during the billing period.
We will indemnify the Medical Expenses incurred in respect of the Insured Person’s Treatment for Dialysis on written advice of a Medical Practitioner whilst on a Trip during the Period of Insurance provided that: o The Injury / illness diagnosed is not due to a Pre-existing condition unless specifically opted.
If an Insured Person suffers an Injury whilst on a Trip during the Period of Insurance that solely and directly requires the Insured Person to take Outpatient Treatment, then We shall indemnify the Medical Expenses incurred on that Out-patient Treatment.
Upon termination of this Agreement or a Statement of Work by VantAI without cause for its convenience, unless the applicable Statement of Work expressly provides otherwise, VantAI will pay IMIC fees on a proportional basis as set forth in the applicable Statement of Work for Services that are in progress as of the effective date of such termination and reimburse IMIC for related Expenses incurred by IMIC before the effective date of such termination.
We will indemnify the Medical Expenses incurred in respect of the Insured Person’s Out-patient Treatment for a medical consultation required on a non-emergency basis whilst on a Trip during the Period of Insurance upto the limit / number of incidences specified in Policy Schedule/Certificate of Insurance.
We will indemnify the Medical Expenses incurred in respect of the Insured Person’s Out-patient Treatment for Radiotherapy and/or Chemotherapy on written advice of a Medical Practitioner whilst on a Trip during the Period of Insurance upto the limit specified in Policy Schedule/Certificate of Insurance.
We will pay for the Medical Expenses incurred during the Period of Insurance for any trauma counseling undertaken by the Insured Person, if the event causing such trauma or bereavement has happened to the Insured person himself/herself as Victim or has happened to someone in the presence of Insured but not to the Insured himself/herself (as Witness) during the period of Insurance.
We will indemnify the Medical Expenses incurred whilst the Insured Person is on a Trip during the Period of Insurance for Out-patient Treatment of mental and/or nervous disorders suffered by the Insured Person, provided that: • The condition is not related to any past medical conditions or has been manifested before the commencement of the policy.
We will indemnify the Medical Expenses incurred in respect of the Insured Person’s Out-patient Treatment for cancer screening and/or mammography on the advice of a Medical Practitioner whilst on a Trip during the Period of Insurance upto the limit specified in Policy Schedule/Certificate of Insurance.