Other Insurance Requirements definition
Examples of Other Insurance Requirements in a sentence
Other Insurance Requirements: All insurance required by this Agreement shall be with a company acceptable to the MCWDB and Monterey County and issued and executed by an admitted insurer authorized to transact Insurance business in the State of California.
Other Insurance Requirements: All insurance required by this Agreement shall be with a company acceptable to the WDB and Monterey County and issued and executed by an admitted insurer authorized to transact Insurance business in the State of California.
Other Insurance Requirements The Selected Vendor agrees that it is its sole responsibility to provide the required Certificate of Insurance and that failure to comply within ten (10) business days following notice of award and according to the requirements of this RFP shall be a cause for termination of the Agreement.
The successful Proposer shall obtain insurance with a responsible company or companies, having a minimum rating of B+ or above, licensed to do business in the State of Texas with minimum standards as outlined in (Attachment E), Liability and Other Insurance Requirements The successful Proposer or insurance carrier shall forward official insurance certificates to the Dallas County reflecting Dallas County as an additional insured with respect to liability.
Other Insurance Requirements: All insurance required by this Agreement shall be with a company acceptable to Monterey County’s Contracts/Purchasing Department and issued and executed by an admitted insurer authorized to transact Insurance business in the State of California.
The Contractor Provider’s policies of insurance required by this Section 13.7 may require the Contractor Provider’s payment of a deductible, provided the Contractor Provider’s insurer is required to pay claims from the first dollar at 110% of the claim value without any requirement that the Contractor Provider pays the deductible prior to its insurer’s payment of the claim.13.7.10 Other Insurance Requirements.
INSURANCE 72 17.1. Required Coverage During PDA Term 72 17.2. Endorsements 72 17.3. Other Insurance Requirements 72 18.
Contractor agrees to have and maintain the policies set forth in Exhibit C, entitled "Standard & Other Insurance Requirements," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein.
Other Insurance Requirements Additional Insured Status The University is to be listed as an Additional Insured on the Commercial General Liability (must use an endorsement at least as broad as ISO Form CG 20 10 11 85 or both CG 20 10 and CG 20 37 forms with edition date 2004 if later revisions used).
Updated 2/21/13 Page 3 of 5 Section B Other Insurance Requirements (1) Additional Insured Classification and Waiver of Subrogation (Always Required) The Owner must be listed as an additional insured on all policies except for compensation and professional liability insurance policies.