Ownership of Artwork, Materials and Design after Termination. In the event of termination, the City and the Artist agree to the following:
1. If at the time of termination, the fabrication and installation of the Artwork has not been initiated, the City shall return the design proposals to the Artist and any rights in the design that the City may have obtained shall revert to the Artist. The City may retain a copy of any drawings, models or similar materials for its records. However, possession of such copies by the City shall not confer upon it any right to utilize any idea, concept or design contained in such copies, and such rights shall remain with Artist.
2. If at the time of termination, the fabrication and installation of the Artwork has been initiated, the Artist may submit a plan for consideration to complete the Artwork in accordance with the design materials, and the City will have the right to have the Artwork fabricated, delivered and installed by a party selected by City or otherwise determined in accordance with the design materials, provided that the City shall compensate the Artist prior to the date of termination as set forth in Section 9.E. City shall retain copyright and all ownership interests of any kind in the design materials and the Artwork.
Ownership of Artwork, Materials and Design after Termination. In the event of termination, the City shall return any written or electronic design proposals to the Artist and any rights in said design that the City may have obtained shall revert to the Artist. The City may retain a copy of any drawings, models or similar materials for its records and will provide a list to the Artist of all such items retained. However, possession of such copies by the City shall not confer upon it any right to utilize any idea, concept or design contained in such copies, and such rights shall remain with Artist.