The City shall Sample Clauses
The City shall. A. Furnish light, heat, and water by means of appliances installed for ordinary purposes, but for no other purposes. Interruptions, delays, or failure to furnish any of the same, caused by anything beyond the control of the City Commissioners, shall not be charged to the City of Port St. Xxx.
B. Not be responsible for any damage, accidents, or injury that may happen to the User or his agents, servants, employees, spectators, or any and all other participants and/or property from any cause whatsoever, arising out of or resulting from the above described activity during the period covered by this agreement.
C. Reserve the right, in the exercise of its discretion, to rescind and cancel this agreement at any time when the purpose or purposes for which the premises herein described are being used and intended to be used, shall be obnoxious or inimical to the best interest of the City; anything herein contained notwithstanding.
D. The activities of the City have first priority and the City reserves the right to alter this schedule by notifying the renting party 48 hours prior to a scheduled event.
The City shall. A. Provide CCC with access to and use of the following areas:
i. Home team Clubhouse located on the north side of the Park, excluding the following areas: training room; laundry room; offices used by the hitting and pitching coaches together with private bathroom; and storage and boiler rooms. Excluding the foregoing areas, CCC shall have access to the locker rooms, team showers and bathrooms.
ii. Batting Tunnel located immediately north of the Home team Clubhouse, however, use of any fitness machines or equipment located inside of the Batting tunnel will be prohibited at all times.
iii. Visiting team Clubhouse located on the southwest side of the Park. This Clubhouse includes a manager’s office, laundry room with ice machine, locker rooms, showers and bathrooms that will be completely accessible for use by CCC.
iv. Umpires room located on the west side of the visiting team Clubhouse.
v. The Press Box upon providing a written request, at least forty-eight hours in advance, to the City of a request for the same and upon the condition that City staff be present during such use.
B. Provide the following utilities: electric, gas, water and sewer. The City will assume all costs for said utilities.
C. Provide all regular maintenance and repairs of the fields and/or buildings in the Park. Maintenance shall not include the provision of toilet paper, paper products, towels or toiletries in the areas set forth in subparagraph “A” herein.
D. Maintain all public portions of the Park so as to provide for ingress and egress to the facilities. Park.
E. Provide access to and maintenance of the public restrooms within the
F. Provide general housekeeping of the offices and shared spaces of the Park on at least a weekly schedule. This housekeeping shall include general cleaning and the removal of trash and refuse. This housekeeping shall not include cleaning or the removal of trash or refuse immediately preceding, during or after CCC athletic practices or events.
G. Provide a facility that is secure and locked during the hours when it is not in use. However, the City shall not assume any responsibility for any personal items or property not belonging to the City, which is brought into the Park. The City will not assume any liability for said personal property in the event that it is damaged, lost or stolen.
H. Choose or have the option to provide concessions during CCC athletic practices and/or events. CCC shall not have access to concessions areas at the Park.
The City shall. (a) keep all Confidential Information confidential and secure;
(b) limit the disclosure of Confidential Information to only those persons who have a need to know and who are bound by agreement or otherwise to keep the Confidential Information in confidence substantially on the terms hereof;
(c) not directly or indirectly disclose, destroy, exploit or use any Confidential Information (except for the purpose of performing the Services or except if required by law) without first obtaining the written consent of Metrolinx and in respect of any third party, the written consent of Metrolinx and such third party;
(d) provide Confidential Information to Metrolinx on demand; and
(e) return all Confidential Information to Metrolinx on termination of this Agreement and retain no copy or portion thereof.
The City shall. A. Provide the following within the Leased Premises:
i. 500 square feet of space in the second volume of the ERHC including all shelving, furniture, fixtures, point of sale computer and cooler, which shall be owned as personal property of the City and remain owned by the City at the end of the Term;
ii. One shared pantry area, which will be furnished with a small refrigerator and sink;
iii. All use of shared space will be coordinated with other building tenants by the building manager.
B. Provide all utilities including, basic phone, basic internet, electric, water and sewer and the City will assume the cost for said utilities.
i. TCCE recognizes the following utilities are not provided as part of this agreement: long distance phone charges or any other phone service not within the basic phone service plan, mail machine, photocopying machine, fax machine. If the City incurs expenses with utilities not included as part of this agreement TCCE will be invoiced for said utilities and payment shall be remitted within 30 days.
C. Provide TCCE employees parking permits to allow use of the parking areas in the upper levels of the Downtown Parking Garage located on Lincoln Street.
D. Maintain all public portions of the building so as to provide for ingress and egress to the facilities.
E. Provide and maintain public restrooms within the ERHC facility.
F. Maintain the public portion of the ERHC in order to accommodate the schedule of the facility and, as needed, by TCCE on other occasions as is determined to be necessary.
G. Provide general housekeeping of the interior and exterior of the ERHC on at least a weekly schedule. This housekeeping shall include general cleaning and the removal of trash and refuse. This housekeeping shall not include cleaning or the removal of trash or refuse of the Taste NY leased premises, which shall be the responsibility of TCCE.
H. Provide security cameras throughout the ERHC that are integrated into the City of Auburn security system monitored by the Auburn Police Department.
I. Provide any necessary maintenance or repairs to equipment. Requests for said maintenance or repairs shall be coordinated through the ERHC manager and the City.
The City shall. A. Provide the Club with access to and use of the following areas during its season:
(i) Home team clubhouse: Including access to the locker rooms, team showers andbathrooms;
(ii) Batting tunnel: However, use of any fitness machines or equipment inside the tunnel is prohibited.
(iii) The concession stand, kitchen and cooler areas, and business office.
(iv) The press box and equipment therein.
(v) Access shall be limited to a controlled group of individuals within the Club, who are provided keys by the City’s Department of Public Works. Said Department shall maintain a list of who has keys and access to the Facility.
B. Provide the following utilities: electric, gas, water, and sewer. The city will assumethe cost for the said utilities.
C. Provide all regular maintenance and repairs of the fields and/or buildings in the Falcon Park. Maintenance shall not include the provision of toilet paper, paper products, towelsor toiletries in the area set forth in paragraph "A" herein.
D. Maintain all public portions of the Park so as to provide for ingress and egress.
E. Provide access to general maintenance of the Public restrooms at Falcon Park.
F. Provide general housekeeping of the offices and shared spaces on at least a weekly basis. The housekeeping shall include general cleaning and the removal of trash and refuse. This housekeeping shall not include cleaning and removal of trash or refuse immediately preceding,during or after the Club's practices or events.
G. Provide a secure facility during hours when it is not in use. The city will not assume any responsibility for any personal items or property not belonging to the city, which is brought into the Park. The city will not assume any liability for said personal property in the event it is damaged or, lost or stolen.
The City shall i. Comply with the radio, computer, electronic or other technical specifications required to support this Agreement.
ii. Provide all GIS data needed for dispatching. City will provide a single point of contact to facilitate this Agreement and make someone available on-site at the Town when needed to design and maintain City’s GIS information.
iii. Provide a single point of contact and on-site person to add and update run cards.
iv. Conform to the existing Town naming conventions for GIS information.
v. Comply with existing Town procedures and policies regarding dispatching
The City shall. Provide “Adopt-a-Road” signs at appropriate locations in both directions along the adopted section of road, including appropriate signs identifying the adopting group;
The City shall. 1. Inform park users of the sport fishing opportunity and allow “Open to the Public” sport fishing education programs at the participating waters.
2. Install the Department-provided signage frame(s) at mutually agreed-upon locations, and maintain the signage as needed by removing graffiti, and notifying the Department of damage to the frames, attached signage, and kiosks.
3. Make information about opportunities to go fishing within the City available to the public at park facilities, on the City website, and other outlets.
4. Provide the Department any necessary keys to locks and/or gates so Department staff can gain access to the participating waters for stocking, monitoring water quality, or conducting xxxxx surveys.
5. Pay a Partnership Fee to the Department for participating waters stocked under this Agreement. Annual rates shall be in accordance with the following fee schedule: Friendship Park Expansion $416 $603 $603 $603 $603 $2,828 These funds shall be used to defray the cost of program operations, including costs for fish required hereunder; Payments made to the Department may be leveraged to obtain federal grant funding or other grant funding opportunities. If this opportunity arises, the City will be notified in writing by the Department, and it will be necessary to verify that all or a portion of the municipal fees do not originate from federal sources.
The City shall a. Pay to the Association the annual grant in one lump sum on or before March 31 of each year of this Agreement;
b. Provide a staff liaison from the Growth and Community Service to meet on a regular basis with the Association to support the planning and achievement of its goals;
c. Provide a staff liaison to the collective Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG).