Common use of Page Clause in Contracts

Page. Smocks shall be supplied to all other employees who request them provided such employees can show the need. The number of smocks to the employee shall be a minimum of two (2) per calendar year. Smocks shall be purchased by the Employer through one supplier. The Employer shall require all new employees, during their first thirty (30) days of the probationary period, to submit to the Employer a certificate of medical fitness from a Doctor of Medicine appointed and paid for by the Employer. Failure of such fitness examination shall be sufficient to warrant them not being hired. When any position not covered by Appendix 'A' established during the term of this agreement, the rate of pay shall be subject to negotiations between the Employer and the Union. If the parties are unable to agree on the rate of pay of the job in question, such dispute shall be submitted to arbitration. During the period the parties are unable to agree on a rate or an arbitrator rules, the Employer may post the job at the rate they proposed and fill the position with the notation on the posting that the rate is under review. The Employer agrees that the Union shall have the right to post notices of meetings and such other notices as may be of interest to the employees. The Employer shall supply all tools and equipment required by employees in the performance of their duties. The Employer shall provide the Warehouse Person, Technician and the Truck Driver, one pair of approved safety boots of good quality as required. The Union and the Employer desire every employee to be familiar with the provisions of this agreement and rights and duties under it. For this reason, the Employer shall print sufficient copies of the agreement in a Union Shop within thirty (30) days of signing. The cost of such printing shall be shared equally between the Union and the Employer. The Employer agrees that no employee shall be laid off due to the use of volunteers or contracting out of work presently performed by members of the bargaining The Employer shall give the Union thirty (30) calendar days' notice of any technological change. During the notice period, the Employer will meet with the Union to explain the technological change and discuss any effects it will have on the employees, with a view to minimizing such effects. The Union and Employer agree that personal information regarding an employee acquired through the Employee Assistance Program shall not be used by an employee, the Union, or the Employer for discipline, grievances, or arbitration purposes or procedures. The Employer agrees that any employee (with one (1) day's notice) shall have the right to review personnel file, in the presence of a member of the Human Resources Services Department, during normal working hours. Such request shall not be made with unreasonable frequency.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

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Page. Smocks If the Divisional Superintendent's decision is not satisfactory, the Union will make a request, within 7 calendar days of receiving the Divisional Superintendent's decision, for a meeting with the Plant Manager or his representative. within calendar days of receiving the request, the Company will meet with the Union Grievance Committee. The Plant Manager or his will make his ruling on the disposition of the grievance in writing and send it by mail to the Chairman of the Grievance Committee within 7 calendar days of his meeting with the Grievance Committee. Also copies of such decisions or rulings will be delivered by the Industrial Relations Department to the Union Secretary-Treasurer, Union President and International Representative. If the Union requests arbitration, the request must be made in writing within calendar days after receipt of the Plant Manager's decision. By a single arbitrator upon the written request of either party to this Agreement. The functions of such Arbitrator shall be supplied limited to all other employees who request them provided such employees can show the needinterpretation. application, administration, alleged violation of the Agreement. Such Arbitrator shall not have the authority to add to, detract from, or any terms of this Agreement. The number of smocks to the employee Arbitrator shall be selected as follows: The Union and the Company shall endeavour to select a minimum mutually satisfactory Arbitrator. If an Arbitrator cannot be agreed upon within one calendar week, the Minister of two (2) per calendar yearLabour will be requested to appoint an Arbitrator. Smocks shall A hearing will be purchased set within days of receipt of the request by the Employer through one supplierMinister of Labour. The Employer Arbitrator shall require all new employeesdeliver his decision orally without reason as soon as practicable, during their first thirty (30) and his decision in writing with reasons, within twenty-one days of the probationary period, to submit to the Employer a certificate of medical fitness from a Doctor of Medicine appointed and paid for by the Employer. Failure of such fitness examination shall be sufficient to warrant them not being hired. When any position not covered by Appendix 'A' established during the term of this agreement, the rate of pay shall be subject to negotiations between the Employer and the Union. If the parties are unable to agree on the rate of pay of the job in question, such dispute shall be submitted to arbitration. During the period the parties are unable to agree on a rate or an arbitrator rules, the Employer may post the job at the rate they proposed and fill the position with the notation on the posting that the rate is under review. The Employer agrees that the Union shall have the right to post notices of meetings and such other notices as may be of interest to the employees. The Employer shall supply all tools and equipment required by employees in the performance of their duties. The Employer shall provide the Warehouse Person, Technician and the Truck Driver, one pair of approved safety boots of good quality as requiredhearing. The Union and the Employer desire every employee Company shall each pay half of the remuneration and expenses of the Arbitrator. If either party fails to be familiar with adhere to the provisions time limits of this agreement and rights and duties under it. For this reasonthe grievance procedure, the Employer grievance shall print sufficient copies lapse. In the case of the agreement in a Union Shop within thirty (30) days of signing. The cost of such printing shall be shared equally between or employee grievance, if the Union and the Employer. The Employer agrees that no employee shall be laid off due failure is attributable to the use of volunteers or contracting out of work presently performed by members of the bargaining The Employer shall give the Union thirty (30) calendar days' notice of any technological change. During the notice periodCompany, the Employer demand will meet with be granted by the Union Company without prejudice. In the case of a Company grievance, if the failure is attributable to explain the technological change and discuss any effects it will have on the employees, with a view to minimizing such effects. The Union and Employer agree that personal information regarding an employee acquired through the Employee Assistance Program shall not be used by an employee, the Union, or the Employer for demand will be granted by the Union without prejudice. Any of the time limits set forth in this Article may be extended by the written consent of both parties. ARTICLE LOCKOUTS AND STRIKES subject to discipline, grievances, or arbitration purposes or procedures. The Employer agrees that any employee (with one (1) day's notice) Company shall have the right to review personnel filenot call or authorise and no officer, in the presence of a member official or agent of the Human Resources Services DepartmentCompany shall counsel, during normal working hourssupport, encourage or participate in an unlawful lockout. Such If the Company violates this provision, it shall reimburse the employee or employees for the time lost by reason of such violation. Should any condition lead to a stoppage of work, the Union will, at the request shall not be made with unreasonable frequencyof the Company, cause to remain at work such members the Union as are necessary to maintain essential services for plant and town protection.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

Page. Smocks The designated Vice-president shall be supplied to all other employees who request them provided such employees can show the need. The number of smocks give his reply in writing to the employee shall be a minimum of Committee woman not later than two (2) per calendar yearworking days following receiptof the written grievance. Smocks shall be purchased If the grievance is not adjusted to the satisfaction of the Union by the Employer through one supplier. The Employer shall require all new employeesdesignated Vice-president, during their first thirty an appeal may be lodged by the Committee woman to the Hospital's President within five (305) working days of the probationary period, to submit to receipt of the Employer a certificate designated Vice-president's written response. Within five (5) working days from receipt of medical fitness from a Doctor of Medicine appointed and paid for by the Employer. Failure of such fitness examination shall be sufficient to warrant them not being hired. When any position not covered by Appendix 'A' established during the term of this agreementappeal, the rate of pay shall be subject to negotiations between the Employer and the Union. If the parties are unable to agree on the rate of pay of the job in question, such dispute shall be submitted to arbitration. During the period the parties are unable to agree on a rate or an arbitrator rules, the Employer may post the job at the rate they proposed and fill the position with the notation on the posting that the rate is under review. The Employer agrees that the Union shall have the right to post notices of meetings and such other notices as may be of interest to the employees. The Employer shall supply all tools and equipment required by employees in the performance of their duties. The Employer shall provide the Warehouse Person, Technician and the Truck Driver, one pair of approved safety boots of good quality as required. The Union and the Employer desire every employee to be familiar with the provisions of this agreement and rights and duties under it. For this reason, the Employer shall print sufficient copies of the agreement in a Union Shop within thirty (30) days of signing. The cost of such printing shall be shared equally between the Union and the Employer. The Employer agrees that no employee shall be laid off due to the use of volunteers or contracting out of work presently performed by members of the bargaining The Employer shall give the Union thirty (30) calendar days' notice of any technological change. During the notice period, the Employer President his will meet with the Union Administrative Committee to explain discuss the technological change and discuss any effects it will have on the employees, with a view to minimizing such effectsgrievance. The President shall give his written decision to the Committee Chairperson not later than three (3) working days following the meeting with the Administrative Committee. An employee covered by this Agreement who has completed the probationary period and who claims that she has been unjustly discharged shall have a reasonable opportunity to discuss such claim with the Union Administrative Committee, in private, before leaving the premises of the Hospital, and any such claim shall be processed as a grievance if a written statement of such grievance is lodged by the employee and signed by a Committee Woman at Step of the Grievance Procedure. Where a differences arises between the Hospital and the Union concerning the interpretationor violation of this Agreement which may be considered as policy matters, the difference between the parties shall be reduced to writing by the Union and Employer agree that personal information regarding dealt with commencing at Step of the Grievance procedure herein and if necessary shall proceed in the same manner as the grievance of an employee acquired through to arbitration. Any grievance by the Employee Assistance Program Union as provided in this paragraph shall not be used by an employee, commenced within ten days after the Union, or circumstances giving rise to the Employer for discipline, grievances, or arbitration purposes or procedurescomplaint have occurred. The Employer agrees that any employee (with A grievance form shall contain only one (1) day's notice) grievance. A written grievance shall have contain a clear and concise statement concerning the right to review personnel filealleged grievance, in the presence of a member of persons involved, the Human Resources Services Department, during normal working hours. Such request shall not be made with unreasonable frequencydate on which the alleged grievance occurred and the relief sought.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

Page. Smocks shall If no satisfactory solution is the employee may put his complaint in writing and present it to the Store Manager. If he wishes, the employee may be supplied to all other employees who request them provided such employees can show the needaccompanied at this stage by his shop xxxxxxx. The number of smocks StoreManager answer the in writing and forward the answer to the employee shall within working days. If no solution is reached at the preceding stage, the grievancemay be a minimum of two (2) per calendar year. Smocks shall be purchased discussed within three working days by the Employer through one supplierxxxxxxx and the local union president (the president of 232)with the Store Manager. The Employer StoreManager shall require answer the in writing and the answer to the xxxxxxx within three working days. If no satisfactory solution is reached at the stage, the grievance may be discussed within five working days between the xxxxxxx, the Union President, the International Representative and the StoreManager, Manager Regional Personnel and the Manager Industrial Relations. The Manager Industrial Relations shall reply in writing to the local union president within five working days. in the event that the have been unable to settle a dispute which has been processed under the provisions of paragraph and provided that the dispute meets the requirements of paragraph such grievance may be taken to arbitration provided that the party notifies the party within thirty-five working days following the date upon which the answer contemplated in paragraph has been given. Each party shall,no later than five working days following the notification as described in paragraph the party in writing the name of the person nominated to represent him on the Board of Arbitration. However, In all new employeescases of a single arbitrator will be substituted for a Board of Arbitration provided for inthis Article the union and the employer agree to proceed by means of a Board of Arbitration. In all cases of substitutionof a single arbitrator for a Board of Arbitration as outlined in subsection (1) of other applicableprovisions of Article will continueto so as they No person may be nominated to the Board of who has either directly or indirectly attempted to negotiate or settlethe grievance in dispute. The two persons so nominated shall, during their first thirty (30) within five working days of the probationary periodappointment of the last named arbitrator, select a third person to submit act Chairmanof the Board of Arbitration. If they are unable to agree upon a Chairman,they shalljointly request the Minister of Labour the of to appoint a Such Chairman,together with the two nominees above mentioned, shall constitute a Board ofArbitration. They shall meet promptly hear and consider the grievance with all reasonable dispatch. The decision of the majority of the Board shall be final and binding on the employer, the union and the employee. Each of the parties will bear the expense of the arbitrator nominated by it; the parties will jointly bear the of the Chairperson of the Board or of the single arbitrator. The Board of Arbitration shall, possible, endeavour to render its decision within thirty days of the conclusion of the hearing on the dispute; provided that the of the to render its decision within the time limit specified shall not deprive it of jurisdiction or vitiate any award that may be made. The Board of Arbitration shall not have any power to alter or change any of the provisions of this Collective Labour Agreement, or to substituteany new provisions for any provision, or to give any decision inconsistent with the and provisions of this CollectiveLabour Agreement. If an employee is discharged or suspended as a penalty by the employer and feels that he has been unjustly dealt with, he shall have the privilege of informing the xxxxxxx of the discharge or suspension prior to the Employer store. It is understood that the Store Manager will the xxxxxxx of the discharge or suspension as a certificate penalty as soon as possible. If the employee the penalty unjust, he shall, within three days the date imposition of medical fitness from the penalty, both the employer and the union in of his intention to the penalty as a Doctor and it shall then be considered a grievance and must be brought before the parties for discussion at the stage set forth in subsection within a period of Medicine appointed and paid for not more than five working days the date of receipt by the Employeremployer of notice the employee. Failure If no solution is as a result of such fitness examination shall be sufficient to warrant them not being hired. When any position not covered by Appendix 'A' established during the term of this agreement, applicationof the rate of pay grievance procedure in and the dispute shall be subject to negotiations between the Employer and the Unionarbitration. If it is decided that the parties are unable to agree on the was unjustly discharged or suspended he shall be reinstated and shall be compensated at his regular rate of pay of time lost subject to the job in question, such dispute shall be submitted to arbitration. During the period the parties are unable to agree on a rate or an arbitrator rules, the Employer may post the job at the rate they proposed and fill the position with the notation on the posting that the rate is under reviewprovisions provided. The Employer agrees that the Union shall Board of Arbitration will have the right to post notices increase or decrease the if they feel the thisaction will have authority to the amount of meetings pay the is to for the period of his or suspension, if he is subsequently reinstated. In the of pay the is to receive if reinstated,the of Arbitration deduct any monies earned by the employee other employment and such other notices as any Unemployment Insurance by the employeeduring the suspension or discharge and by him. Any or all time provided inthis may be of interest to the employees. The Employer shall supply all tools and equipment required by employees in the performance of their duties. The Employer shall provide the Warehouse Person, Technician and the Truck Driver, one pair of approved safety boots of good quality as required. The Union and the Employer desire every employee to be familiar with the provisions of this agreement and rights and duties under it. For this reason, the Employer shall print sufficient copies of the agreement in a Union Shop within thirty (30) days of signing. The cost of such printing shall be shared equally between the Union and the Employer. The Employer agrees that no employee shall be laid off due to the use of volunteers or contracting out of work presently performed by members of the bargaining The Employer shall give the Union thirty (30) calendar days' notice of any technological change. During the notice period, the Employer will meet with the Union to explain the technological change and discuss any effects it will have on the employees, with a view to minimizing such effects. The Union and Employer agree that personal information regarding an employee acquired through the Employee Assistance Program shall not be used by an employee, the Union, or the Employer for discipline, grievances, or arbitration purposes or procedures. The Employer agrees that any employee (with one (1) day's notice) shall have the right to review personnel file, in the presence of a member of the Human Resources Services Department, during normal working hours. Such request shall not be made with unreasonable frequency.upon mutual agreement

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

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Page. Smocks shall be supplied The Union agrees to endeavour to obtain the full cooperation of its membership in the observation of all other employees who request them provided such employees can show the needsafety rules and practices. The number of smocks to the employee shall be a minimum of two (2) per calendar year. Smocks shall be purchased by the Employer through one supplier. The Employer shall require all new employees, during their first thirty (30) days of the probationary period, to submit to the Employer a certificate of medical fitness from a Doctor of Medicine appointed and paid for by the Employer. Failure of such fitness examination shall be sufficient to warrant them not being hired. When any position not covered by Appendix 'A' established during the term of this agreement, the rate of pay shall be subject to negotiations between the Employer and the Union. If the parties are unable to agree on the rate of pay of the job in question, such dispute shall be submitted to arbitration. During the period the parties are unable to agree on a rate or an arbitrator rules, the Employer may post the job at the rate they proposed and fill the position with the notation on the posting that the rate is under review. The Employer agrees that the Union Employees shall have the right right, upon request, to post notices of meetings and such other notices as may be of interest to the employees. The Employer shall supply all tools and equipment required by employees in the performance of their duties. The Employer shall provide the Warehouse Person, Technician and the Truck Driver, one pair of approved safety boots of good quality as required. The Union and the Employer desire every employee to be familiar with the provisions of this agreement and rights and duties under it. For this reason, the Employer shall print sufficient copies of the agreement in a Union Shop within thirty (30) days of signing. The cost of such printing shall be shared equally between the Union and the Employer. The Employer agrees that no employee shall be laid off due to the use of volunteers or contracting out of work presently performed by members of the bargaining The Employer shall give the Union thirty (30) calendar days' notice of any technological change. During the notice period, the Employer will meet with the Union to explain the technological change and discuss any effects it will have on the employees, with a view to minimizing such effects. The Union and Employer agree that personal information regarding an employee acquired through the Employee Assistance Program shall not be used by an employee, the Union, or the Employer for discipline, grievances, or arbitration purposes or procedures. The Employer agrees that any employee (with one (1) day's notice) shall have the right to review personnel file, in the presence of a Union Xxxxxxx at any stage of the grievance procedure, including the complaint stage, or at any t i m e when formal discipline is imposed. For purposes of a grievance is defined as a difference between a member of the Human Resources Services Departmentbargaining unit and the Hospital relating to the interpretation, during normal working hoursapplication, administration or alleged violation of the Agreement. It is the mutual desire of the parties hereto that complaints shall be adjusted as quickly as possible, and it is understood that an employee has no grievance until he has first given his immediate supemisor the of adjusting his Such request complaint shall not be made discussed with unreasonable frequencyhis immediate supervisor within seven (7) calendar days from the event giving rise to the grievance, or from when the employee should have reasonably become aware of the event giving rise to the grievance and, failing settlement within seven (7) calendar days, it shall then be taken up as a grievance within the seven (7) calendar days his immediate decision the following manner and sequence: The employee must submit the grievance in writing signed by him to his immediate supervisor and may be accompanied, if he so desires, by his union xxxxxxx, The grievance shall identify the nature of the grievance, the remedy sought, should specify the provisions of the Agreement which are alleged to have been violated. The immediate will deliver his decision in writing within seven (7) calendar days following the day on which the grievance was presented him. Failing settlement, then: No. Within seven (7) calendar days following the decision under Step No. the employee, who if he so desires, may accompanied by his union xxxxxxx, may submit the written grievance to his Department Head who will deliver his decision in writing within seven (7) calendar days from the date on which the written grievance was presented. This step may be omitted where the employee's immediate supervisor and Department Head are the same person. settlement, then: No. * - Within seven (7)calendar days following the decision in the immediate preceding step, the grievance may be submitted in writing to the Chief Executive Officer or his designate. A meeting will then be held between the President or his designate and the Grievance Committee within seven (7)calendar days of the submission of the grievance at Step No. unless extended by agreement of the parties. is further understood that either party may have such assistance as they may desire at such meeting. The decision of the Hospital shall be delivered in writing fourteen (14)calendar days following the date of such meeting.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement