Probation Sample Clauses
Probation. At any time after October 15, a classroom teacher whose work is judged not satisfactory based on the scoring criteria shall be placed on probation and notified in writing of the specific areas of deficiencies and provided a written reasonable plan of improvement.
A. A classroom teacher’s work is not judged satisfactory, and therefore shall be placed on probation, when the overall comprehensive score is 1 – Unsatisfactory. A continuing contract teacher under RCW 28A.405.210 with more than five (5) years of teaching experience whose comprehensive summative evaluation score is 2 – Basic for two (2) consecutive years or for two (2) years within a consecutive three (3) year time period shall also be placed on probation.
B. Teachers may only be placed on probation from the Comprehensive evaluation system described above.
C. Teachers on continuing contracts who have been assigned to teach outside of their endorsements shall not be subject to nonrenewal or probation based on evaluations of their teaching effectiveness in the out-of-endorsement assignments.
D. In the event that an evaluator determines that the performance of a teacher under his/her supervision merits probation, the evaluator shall report the same in writing to the Superintendent. The report shall include the following:
1. The evaluation report prepared pursuant to the provisions of Section 6 above, and,
2. A recommended specific and reasonable program designed to assist the teacher in improving his or her performance.
E. If the Superintendent concurs with the administrator’s judgment that the performance of the employee is unsatisfactory, the Superintendent shall place the teacher in a probationary status for a period of not less than sixty (60) school days, any time after October 15. The probationary period may be extended into the following school year if the teacher has more than five (5) years of teaching experience and the final summative rating as of May 15th is 1 – Unsatisfactory. Before being placed on probation, the Association and the teacher shall be given notice of action of the Superintendent which notice shall contain the following information:
1. Specific areas of performance deficiencies identified from the instructional framework;
2. A suggested specific and reasonable program for improvement;
3. A statement indicating the duration of the probationary period and that the purpose of the probationary period is to give the teacher the opportunity to demonstrate improvement in his/her ...
Probation. At any time after October 15th, the work of a continuing employee is judged to be unsatisfactory, the employee shall be notified in writing of the specific areas of deficiencies along with written program for improvement. A probationary period of sixty (60) school days shall be established for teachers deemed unsatisfactory. Days may be added if deemed necessary to complete a program for improvement and evaluate the probationer’s performance, as long as the probationary period is concluded before May 15th of the same school year. The establishment of a probationary period does not adversely affect the contract status of an employee within the meaning of RCW 28A.405.300. The purpose of the probationary period is to give the employee opportunity to demonstrate improvements in his or her areas of deficiency. The establishment of the probationary period and the giving of the notice to the employee of deficiency shall be by the school District superintendent. During the probationary period the evaluator shall meet with the employee at least twice monthly to supervise and make a written evaluation of the progress, if any, made by the employee. The evaluator may authorize one (1) additional certificated person who may not be a member of this bargaining unit, to evaluate the probation employee and to assist that employee in improving the identified areas of deficiency. Such additional certificated person who shall not be a member of this bargaining unit, shall be immune from any civil liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed with regard to the good faith performance of such evaluation. The probation employee may be removed from probation if he or she has demonstrated improvement to the satisfaction of the evaluator in those areas specifically detailed in his/her initial notice of deficiency and subsequently detailed in his/her improvement program. Lack of necessary improvement shall be specifically documented in writing with notification to the probation employee and shall constitute grounds for a finding of probable cause under RCW 28A.405.210 or 28A.405.300, as now or hereafter amended. If the probationary period does not produce performance changes detailed in the initial notice of deficiencies and improvement program, the District may place the employee in an alternative assignment or on paid administrative leave for the remainder of the school year. Not applicable to Provisional Employees: The probation requirements do not apply to Provisional em...
Probation. 24.1 Employees appointed from eligibility lists, reinstated employees, employees promoted on or after the first day of the first full pay period in the first month following City Council adoption of this 2018-2022 MOU, and employees reassigned according to the Vocational Rehabilitation Administrative Regulation shall be subject to a period of probation. The regular period of probation shall be twelve (12) months.
24.1.1 In the event an employee is assigned to light duty status or is absent from work due to a lengthy illness or injury during his/her probationary period, said employee’s probationary status may be extended beyond the regular period of probation in the amount of one
(1) complete biweekly pay period for each complete biweekly pay period assigned to light duty status or lost due to such an illness or injury.
24.1.2 Upon successful completion of a probationary period, an employee shall be granted regular status in the classification in which the probationary period is served.
24.2 The work and conduct of probationary employees shall be subject to close scrutiny and evaluation, and if found to be below standards satisfactory to the appointing authority, the appropriate Department Head may reject the probationer at any time during the probationary period. Such rejections shall not be subject to review or appeal unless such a rejection is alleged to be contrary to the provisions of any state or federal laws.
24.2.1 An employee rejected or laid off during the probationary period from a position to which he/she has been promoted or transferred shall be returned to the classification in which he/she has regular status unless the reasons for his/her failure to complete his/her probationary period would be cause for dismissal.
24.2.2 The appropriate Department Head shall request the Human Resources Department to prepare a Personnel Action Form to separate or return to a former classification any employee to be rejected during a probationary period.
24.3 An employee shall be retained beyond the end of the probationary period only if the appropriate Department Head affirms that the services of the employee have been found to be satisfactory.
Probation. (a) The Employer may reject a probationary employee for just cause. The Employer will provide the reasons for the rejection in writing. A rejection during probation will not be considered a dismissal for the purpose of Clause 11.2 (Dismissal and Suspension) of this agreement. The test of just cause for rejection will be a test of suitability of the probationary employee for continued employment in the position to which they have been appointed, provided that the factors involved in suitability could reasonably be expected to affect work performance.
(b) The probationary period for supervisory employees and professional employees (registrants of a regulatory body) will be six months worked or the equivalent number of hours worked as based on the normal hours of work of a full-time employee, whichever occurs last. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the probationary period will not exceed nine calendar months.
(c) The probationary period for all other employees will be three months worked or the equivalent number of hours worked as based on the normal hours of work of a full-time employee, whichever occurs last. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the probationary period will not exceed six calendar months.
(d) The Employer, with the agreement of the Union, may extend the probationary period for a further period not to exceed three months. Following discussion with the Union, the Union will not unreasonably deny the extension.
(e) Where an employee feels they have been aggrieved by the decision of the Employer to reject the employee during the probationary period, they may grieve the decision pursuant to the grievance procedure outlined in Article 9 (Grievances) of this agreement commencing at Step 3.
Probation. It is understood that a new employee working extended shifts will be considered on probation until he/she has completed four hundred and fifty (450) hours of work (60 x 7.5 hours = 450). In all other respects the terms of probation will be in accordance with the collective agreement.
Probation. A. New Probation
Probation. The criteria for probation are as set out in Articles 23A and 25D.03.
Probation. SCSB may direct staff, before termination of this Charter Agreement for a material breach thereof, to place a School on “Probation” for such period of time, up to one year, or such other time period as may be appropriate or established by rule, necessary for the School to be able to establish its ability to comply with all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and all controlling laws, regulations and rules. The SCSB will provide notice of such probation and the terms of that probation in a letter provided to the Governing Board. In addition, the SCSB may provide focused support to the Charter School, including assigning a coach, providing professional development, and analysis of monthly written updates provided by the Charter School governing board and key administrators.
Probation. Probationary bargaining unit members shall have no seniority until the completion of the probationary period, at which time their seniority shall revert to their first day of work. The probationary period shall be sixty (60) work days.
Probation. 15.1 The provisions of this Article apply only to employees appointed to a continuing appointment as a Coordinator and to those employees appointed to a continuing appointment prior to April 1, 2001 who, at the time of the signing of this Agreement, had not yet completed their probationary period and who have not exercised their right to be converted to a candidacy appointment under paragraph 3 of Letter of Understanding #10 (Conversion from Continuing Appointments to Tenured Appointments).
15.2 For an employee with a continuing appointment in a degree completion instructional position the initial four years of the continuing appointment shall be a probationary period. At the discretion of OUC, this probationary period may be less than four years.
15.3 For an employee with a continuing appointment to other than a degree completion instructional position, the initial two years of the continuing appointment shall be a probationary period.
15.4 An employee hired for an instructional position other than a degree completion instructional position, who under mutual agreement is later assigned to a degree completion instructional position during the first four years of his or her continuing appointment, shall have the first four years of the continuing appointment as the probationary period. At the discretion of OUC this probationary period may be less than four years.
15.5 The probationary period shall be extended by the length of time spent on leave unrelated to his or her OUC duties in excess of one month during a teaching period for a college professor or laboratory instructor, or in excess of one month for any period for other classifications.
15.6 OUC shall notify employees normally at least three months but not less than two months prior to the expiration of their probationary period indicating that either the probationary period has been successfully completed, or that the probationary period has not been successfully completed and the appointment shall be terminated. In the latter case the reason for termination shall be stated in the written notice. An employee who does not receive such notice within the period specified shall be deemed to have successfully completed the probationary period.
15.7 Notwithstanding clause 15.6 and with the exception of clause 39.4, if OUC finds an employee unsuitable for employment prior to the expiration of the probationary period, OUC may terminate the appointment with at least one month's written notice. This notice sha...