Payment for Project Services As full consideration for the Services to be performed by Contractor, City agrees to pay Contractor as set forth in accordance with the bid and not to exceed fee of 240,751.30 for the project. A monthly progress payment in the amount of ninety-five percent (95%) of the value of the work completed may be made every thirty (30) days upon application by the Contractor and certification by the Project Manager that such work has been completed. Partial payments will be made once each month as the work satisfactorily progresses and after acceptance by the authorized City representative. The progress estimates shall be based upon materials in place, or on the job site and invoiced, and labor expended thereon. From the total of the amount ascertained will be deducted an amount equivalent to five percent (5%) of the whole, which five percent (5%) will be retained by the City until after completion of the entire Contract in an acceptable manner. Any time after fifty percent (50%) of the value of the work has been completed, the City will make any of the remaining partial payments in full. No such estimates or payments shall be required to be made, when, in the judgment of the City Project Manager, the work is not proceeding in accordance with the provision of the Contract, or when in his judgment the total value of the work done since last estimate amounts to less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). The cost of materials conforming to the plans and specifications (materials being those which are required to be contained and incorporated in a finished contract bid item) delivered to the project and not at the time incorporated in the work, may also be included in the estimate for payment. No such estimate or payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of any defective work or improper material. The Contractor shall be responsible for, and shall not remove from the project any material that has been included in the estimate for payment. Final payment shall be made upon the Project Manager certifying that the Contractor has satisfactorily completed the work in conformity with the Contract Documents.
Payment for Services Contractor shall exert reasonable and diligent efforts to collect prompt payment from the Commonwealth. Contractor shall pay Subcontractor in proportion to amounts received from the Commonwealth which are attributable to the Services performed by Subcontractor. Contractor shall pay Subcontractor within fourteen (14) days after the Contractor receives such payment from the Commonwealth, unless the parties expressly agree upon a different payment schedule or structure as set forth below: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
PAYMENT FOR GOODS AND SERVICES a. DIR Customer shall comply with Chapter 2251, Texas Government Code, or applicable local law, in making payments to the Vendor. Payment under a DIR Contract shall not foreclose the right to recover wrongful payments. b. Payments must be made in accordance with laws and procedures applicable to DIR Customer. c. DIR Customer agrees to pay the rates and/or prices set by DIR with its vendors. DIR Customer understands these rates and/or prices include a DIR administrative fee. d. All purchases executed under a DIR Contract will require a DIR Customer purchase order.
PAYMENT FOR WORK The H-GAC Customer is responsible for making payment to the Contractor upon delivery and acceptance of the goods or completion of the services and submission of the subsequent invoice.
Contract Amount and Payment for Services The total amount of this Contract will not exceed $525,325.00. This includes System Agency’s share of $437,771.00 and Grantee’s required match amount of $87,554.00. All expenditures under this Contract will be in accordance with Attachment B, Budget.
Fees and Payment for Purchased Services 5.1. User Fees. You shall pay all fees specified in all Order Forms hereunder. Except as otherwise specified herein or in an Order Form, (i) fees are quoted and payable in United States dollars (ii) fees are based on services purchased and not actual usage, (iii) payment obligations are non-cancelable and fees paid are non-refundable, and (iv) the number of User subscriptions purchased cannot be decreased during the relevant subscription term stated on the Order Form. User subscription fees are based on monthly periods that begin on the subscription start date and each monthly anniversary thereof; therefore, fees for User subscriptions added in the middle of a monthly period will be charged for that full monthly period and the monthly periods remaining in the subscription term.
Payment for TIPS Sales TIPS Members may make payments for TIPS Sales directly to Vendor, Vendor’s Authorized Reseller, or as otherwise agreed to in the applicable Supplemental Agreement after receipt of the invoice and in compliance with applicable payment statutes. Regardless of how payment is issued or received for a TIPS Sale, Vendor is responsible for all reporting and TIPS Administration Fee payment requirements as stated herein.
Payment for Working Overtime (a) For all work done outside ordinary hours, the rates of pay will be time and a half for the first two hours and double time thereafter. (b) Except as provided in clause 8.4, in computing overtime each day’s work will stand alone. (c) To avoid doubt, overtime provisions for shift workers are contained in clause 10.7.
Hosting Services NCR Voyix shall furnish facilities, equipment, computer programs and services, as specified from time to time by NCR Voyix, that NCR Voyix deems necessary for operation and maintenance of the System (collectively, the “Hosting Services”).
Reimbursement for Services Rendered If this Agreement is held to be invalid for any reason, and the Practice is required to refund fees, You agree to pay the Practice an amount equal to the fair market value of the medical services You received during the time period for which the refunded fees were paid.