Payment of interests Sample Clauses

Payment of interests. Unless agreed otherwise in this agreement, the borrower shall pay the interest on any day during the 10 days before the interest settlement day.
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Payment of interests. Party A shall pay the interests due to Party B on the interest settlement day. The initial interest repayment day shall be the first interest settlement day after granting of the Loan. Upon the last repayment, the interests shall be cleared with the principal.
Payment of interests. Party C shall make payment for interest on quarterly basis, the interest payment dates being March 21, June 21, September 21 and December 21 each year. If the last repayment date of the loan principal does not fall on an interest payment date, Party C shall pay off all the interest payable on the last repayment date of loan principal. Party B must make payment for interest on each interest payment date, or Party B may directly deduct the sum from the savings account of Party C. If Party C fails to pay interest in full on time and the balance amount of the savings account of Party C is not sufficient for payment of the interest due, Party B has the right to charge liquidated damages on the unpaid amount of interest falling due at the rate of 0.1% per day.
Payment of interests. Method for payment of the interests on the Loan under the Contract: the day of interest payment shall be March 10, June 10, September 10 and December 10 of every year after the Contract becomes effective and the first installment of the trust loan hereunder is disbursed, and any day of pre-repayment by Borrower (except for the payment day for the last installment of interest). Interests payable with respect to each installment of the Loan shall be calculated on the basis of the specific days of occupation. In case of pre-repayment, Party A shall first pay off the existing but outstanding interests. The payment day for the last installment of interest is the maturity date of the Loan hereunder, on which Party A must pay off the remaining principals of the Lon and all interests due but unpaid. If the day of interest payment set forth in the preceding paragraph is not a business day, it shall be postponed to the next business day. In case of any other stipulation in Article 6.8 hereof on the method for interest payment, such stipulation shall apply.
Payment of interests. The interests shall be calculated from the date of actual disbursement (date of value) in accordance with the actual amount of loan and the actual number of days of loan. The loan shall be settled A (A. every month; B. every quarter; C. every year; D. by paying the interests together with the principal). In case of settlement every month/quarter/year, the date of interest settlement shall be fixed as the twenty-first day of every A (A. month; B. last month of the quarter; C. last month of the year). The Borrower shall pay the interests on every date of interest settlement; if the last date of principal repayment is not the date of interest settlement, the unpaid interests shall be paid together with the principal. Failure to pay the interests within the stipulated time shall be deemed as default.
Payment of interests accrued interests shall be paid by semester, starting in the year 2014 until their conversion or redemption.

Related to Payment of interests

  • Payment of Interest The Borrower to which a Loan has been made shall pay accrued interest on that Loan on the last day of each Interest Period (and, if the Interest Period is longer than six Months, on the dates falling at six monthly intervals after the first day of the Interest Period).

  • Assignment of Interests The Limited Partner and the Special Limited Partner shall have the right to assign all or any part of their respective Interests to any other Person, whether or not a Partner, upon satisfaction of the following:

  • Accrual and Payment of Interest Interest shall accrue from and including the date of any Borrowing to but excluding the date of any prepayment or repayment thereof and shall be payable by the Borrower on a joint and several basis: (i) in respect of each Base Rate Loan, quarterly in arrears on the last Business Day of each March, June, September and December (ii) in respect of each Eurodollar Loan, on the last day of each Interest Period applicable thereto and, in the case of an Interest Period in excess of three months, on the dates that are successively three months after the commencement of such Interest Period; (iii) in respect of any Swing Loan, on the Swing Loan Maturity Date applicable thereto; and (iv) in respect of all Loans, other than Revolving Loans accruing interest at the Base Rate, on any repayment, prepayment or Conversion (on the amount repaid, prepaid or Converted), at maturity (whether by acceleration or otherwise), and, after such maturity or, in the case of any interest payable pursuant to Section 2.11(c), on demand.

  • Payment of Interest Rights Preserved Interest on any Note that is payable, and is punctually paid or duly provided for, on any Interest Payment Date shall be paid to the Person in whose name that Note (or one or more Predecessor Notes) is registered at the close of business on the Regular Record Date for such interest specified in Section 301. Any interest on any Note that is payable, but is not punctually paid or duly provided for, on any Interest Payment Date (herein called “Defaulted Interest”) shall forthwith cease to be payable to the registered Holder on the relevant Regular Record Date by virtue of having been such Holder; and such Defaulted Interest may be paid by the Company, at its election, as provided in clause (1) or clause (2) below:

  • Rates and Payment of Interest (a) The Obligations shall bear interest (i) if a Base Rate Loan, at the Base Rate in effect from time to time, plus the Applicable Margin; (ii) if a LIBOR Loan, at LIBOR for the applicable Interest Period, plus the Applicable Margin; and (iii) if any other Obligation (including, to the extent permitted by law, interest not paid when due), at the Base Rate in effect from time to time, plus the Applicable Margin for Base Rate Revolver Loans. Interest shall accrue from the date the Loan is advanced or the Obligation is incurred or payable, until paid by Borrowers. If a Loan is repaid on the same day made, one day’s interest shall accrue.

  • Calculation and Payment of Interest (a) Interest on the outstanding principal amount from time to time of each Base Rate Canada Loan shall accrue from day to day from and including the date on which credit is obtained by way of such Loan to but excluding the date on which such Loan is repaid in full (both before and after maturity and as well after as before judgment) and shall be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed divided by 365 or 366, as the case may be.

  • Payment of Interest and Fees Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement or any provision of any Related Document, Borrower does not agree or intend to pay, and Lender does not agree or intend to charge, collect, take, reserve or receive (collectively referred to herein as “charge or collect”), any amount in the nature of interest or in the nature of a fee for the Loan which would in any way or event (including demand, prepayment, or acceleration) cause Lender to contract for, charge or collect more for the Loan than the maximum Lender would be permitted to charge or collect by any applicable federal or Texas state law. Any such excess interest or unauthorized fee will, instead of anything stated to the contrary, be applied first to reduce the unpaid principal balance of the Loan, and when the principal has been paid in full, be refunded to Borrower.

  • Assignment of Interest The Executive agrees to disclose immediately to duly authorized representatives of the Company any ideas, inventions, discoveries, processes, methods and improvements covered by the terms of this Section 9 and to execute, at the Company’s expense, all documents reasonably required in connection with the Company’s application for appropriate protection and registration under the federal and foreign patent, trademark, and copyright law and the assignment thereof to the Company’s nominee (s). The Executive hereby appoints the Company’s Chairman as true and lawful attorney in fact with full powers of substitution and delegation to execute acknowledge and deliver any such instruments and assignments, which the Executive shall fail or refuse to execute or deliver.

  • Payment of Interest in Cash The Company shall pay interest to the Holder on the aggregate unconverted and then outstanding principal amount of this Debenture at the rate of 12% per annum, compounded semi-annually on December 31 and June 30, and payable, on each Conversion Date (as to that principal amount then being converted), and on the Maturity Date (each such date, an “Interest Payment Date”) (if any Interest Payment Date is not a Business Day, then the applicable payment shall be due on the next succeeding Business Day), in cash.

  • Purchase of Interests Any of the Advisor, its principals and employees may, in its discretion, purchase Interests in the Trust.

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