PERILS EXCLUDED. This Coverage Form does not insure against loss or damage resulting from, contributed to or caused directly or indirectly by: 1. earthquake, except for ensuing loss or damage which results directly from fire, explosion, smoke or leakage from fire protective equipment; 2. flood, including waves, tidal waves, or the rising of, the breaking out or the overflow of, any body of water, whether natural or man-made, but this exclusion does not apply to ensuing loss or damage which results from fire, explosion, smoke or leakage from fire protective equipment or from a watermain; exclusions 1. and 2. do not apply to property in transit; 3. cessation of work or by interruption of construction, unless directly caused by a peril otherwise insured and not otherwise excluded hereunder; 4. centrifugal force, mechanical or electrical breakdown or derangement in or on the premises, unless fire ensues and then only for the loss or damage caused by such ensuing fire; 5. dampness or dryness of atmosphere, changes of temperature, freezing, heating, shrinkage, evaporation loss of weight, leakage of contents, exposure to light, pollution or contamination, change in colour or texture or finish, rust or corrosion, marring, scratching or crushing, but this exclusion does not apply to loss or damage caused directly by fire, lightning, explosion, impact by aircraft, spacecraft or land vehicle, riot, strike, vandalism, malicious acts, theft or attempt thereat or accident to transporting conveyance provided such perils are not otherwise excluded hereunder; 6. delay, loss of market or loss of use or occupancy; 7. misappropriation, secretion, conversion, infidelity or any dishonest manner of acquiring possession on the part the Insured or any other party of interest, employees or agents of the Insured, or any person to whom the property may be entrusted (bailees for hire excepted); 8. wear and tear, gradual deterioration, latent defect, inherent vice, or the cost of making good faulty or improper material, faulty or improper workmanship, faulty or improper design, provided, however, to the extent otherwise insured and not otherwise excluded under this Policy resultant damage to the property is insured; 9. mysterious disappearance or shortage of equipment or stock disclosed on taking inventory.
PERILS EXCLUDED. This form does not insure against loss or damage caused directly or indirectly: a) By war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insur rection or military power; b) 1) By any nuclear incident as defined in the Nuclear Liability Act or any other nuclear liability act, law or statute, or any law amendatory thereof or nuclear explosion, except for ensuing loss or damage which results directly from fire, lightning or explosion of natural, coal or manufactured gas;
PERILS EXCLUDED. This Form does not insure against loss or damage resulting from, contributed to or caused directly or indirectly:
PERILS EXCLUDED. This Form does not insure against loss or damage caused directly or indirectly: (a) by earthquake, except for ensuing loss or damage which results directly from fire, explosion, smoke or leakage from fire protective equipment, all as described in Clause 16 (g); (b) by flood, including waves, tides, tidal waves, tsunamis, or the rising of, the breaking out or the overflow of, any body of water, whether natural or man-made, but this exclusion does not apply to ensuing loss or damage which results directly from fire, explosion, smoke, leakage from fire protective equipment, all as described in Clause 16 (g) or leakage from a watermain; Exclusions (a) and (b) do not apply to property in transit; (c) (i) by seepage, leakage or influx of water derived from natural sources through basement walls, doors, windows or other openings, therein, foundations, basement floors, sidewalks, sidewalk lights, or by the backing up of sewers, sumps, septic tanks or drains, unless concurrently and directly caused by a peril not otherwise excluded in Clause 5.B. hereof;
PERILS EXCLUDED. This Coverage Form does not insure against loss or damage resulting from, contributed to or caused directly or indirectly by: i. mechanical or electrical breakdown, wear and tear, rust or corrosion, gradual deterioration, hidden or latent defect or any quality in the insured property that causes it to destroy itself, unless the loss or damage is caused directly by a resultant peril not otherwise excluded in this form; ii. electrical currents, other than lightning, to electrical appliances of any kind including wiring, unless fire ensues and then for loss by fire only; iii. work being done on the insured tool or equipment unless fire or explosion ensues and then only for loss or damage caused by such ensuing fire or explosion; iv. misappropriation, secretion, conversion, infidelity or any dishonest act on the part of the Insured of other party of interest, his or their employees or agents or any person or persons to whom the property may be entrusted (bailees for hire excepted); v. subsidence or breaking through ice, or by sinking in muskeg, swamp, sand or other soft ground;
PERILS EXCLUDED. This Form does not insure loss or damage caused: (a) by or resulting from the weight of any load, including the load block and all rigging, exceeding the registered maximum lifting or carrying capacity of any machine; (b) mechanical breakdown; nor against damage to electrical apparatus caused by artificial generated electrical currents including arcing, unless fire ensues and then only for loss or damage by such ensuing fire; (c) by a criminal or wilful act or omission of the insured; (d) by wear and tear, rust or corrosion, latent defect, gradual depreciation or deterioration or any quality in property that causes it to damage or destroy itself, inherent vice, faulty or improper material, design, or workmanship, unless fire or explosion ensues and then only for direct loss or damage caused by such ensuing fire or explosion; (e) delay, loss of use or loss of market; (f) by or resulting from dampness or dryness of atmosphere, or changes in or extremes of temperature, freezing or heating; (g) gnawing, nesting or infestation, or discharge or release of waste products or secretions, by animals, including but not limited to, insects, birds, and rodents. If the gnawing, nesting or infestation, or discharges or release of water product or secretions results in an insured peril, this form will cover the resultant loss or damage. (h) shrinkage, evaporation, loss of weight, leakage of contents, exposure to light, change in colour or texture or finish, contamination, marring, scratching or crushing; (i) mysterious disappearance or shortage of equipment disclosed on taking inventory; (j) from any dishonest or criminal act, theft or attempted theft committed on the part of the Insured or any other party or interest, employees or agents of the Insured, or anyone to whom the insured property may be entrusted, bailees for hire excepted or when the Insured or any other party or interest, employees or agents of the Insured knew or ought to have known prior to the loss or damage, of the dishonest or criminal act, but this exclusion does not apply to physical damage, caused directly by employees of the Insured, which results from a peril otherwis e insured and not otherwise excluded under this form; (k) directly or indirectly by breaking through ice, or by subsidence into muskeg, swamp, sand, or other surface. (l) by civil commotion, war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military po...
PERILS EXCLUDED. This Form does not insure against:
PERILS EXCLUDED. ‌ This Section insures against all risks of direct physical loss or damage occurring during the “Memorandum” period to the above described property from any external cause except as provided below.
PERILS EXCLUDED. ‌ This Section insures against all risks of direct physical loss or damage occurring during the
PERILS EXCLUDED. This Form does not insure against loss or damage resulting from contributed to or caused directly or indirectly by: a. war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military power; i. Any nuclear incident (as defined in the Nuclear Liability Act or any other nuclear liability act, law or statute, or any law amendatory thereof) or nuclear explosion, except for ensuing loss or damage which results directly from fire, lightning or explosion of natural coal or manufactured gas; ii. Contamination by radioactive material; c. Proximately or remotely, arising in consequence of or contributed to by the enforcement of any by-law, regulation, ordinance or law regulating zoning or the demolition, repair or construction of buildings or structures, which by-law, regulation, ordinance or law makes it impossible to repair or reinstate the property as it was immediately prior to the loss; d. by birds, moths, vermin (such as skunks and raccoons), rodents (such as squirrels and rats), insects, bats or household pets, but this exclusion does not apply to loss or damage caused directly by a peril not otherwise excluded in Clause 6. B. or 6. C. or 6. D. or 6. E. of this Form; e. by misappropriation, secretion, conversion, infidelity or any dishonest, fraudulent or criminal act on the part of the Insured or any other party of interest, employees or agents of the Insured, or any person to whom the property may be entrusted (bailees for hire excepted), but this exclusion does not apply to physical damage, caused directly by employees of the Insured, which results from a peril otherwise insured and not otherwise excluded under this Form;