Examples of Direct result in a sentence
Direct result means loss of employment or self-em- ployment because of a reason directly related to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Direct result is defined as a specific act or set of activities that are directly attributable to grant funds and which are directly related to the goals and objectives of the project.
Second, they spent a good deal of their lives together in exile in France (Paris) and the Netherlands (Antwerp, Rotterdam).
Direct result of presentations of the autumn / winter 2006 collection, at the London Fashion Week from 16-th to 19th of February and on Zip Zone Exhibition from 2nd to 6th of March in Paris, are orders from a renowned boutiques from Japan and several boutiques in Paris, London and New York.
As a consequence, SPC Member State capacity for dealing with the impacts of climate change in many areas is strengthened as an integral component of the sustainable management of natural resources (Direct result).
Direct result: Hands-on application with the Seven Elements of Service Gold.
INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORT > Direct result per share € 2.97 (2015: € 2.79) > Investment portfolio € 775.3 mln (2015: € 774.0 mln) > Occupancy rate retail 94.5 % (2015: 94.9 %) > Increase in rental income (9.2 %) up to € 25.0 mln (2015: € 23.0 mln) KEY FIGURES (X € 1,000)01/01/16 - 30/06/1601/01/15 - 30/06/15Profit19,51736,375Direct result20,64119,387Indirect result-1,12416,988Direct result per share (x €1)2,972,79Profit per share (x €1)2,815,24 Equity 30 June 2016 31 December 2015Investment properties excl.
Direct result of this is, that it is difficult to give any strict system size number.
Direct result: Customized two-page learning tool to reach and further motivate a range of organizational levels (from Board of Directors to staff to parents and children; 2) increase abilities to spotlight service as a 2016 branding strategy.
Direct result of the outstanding personnel assigned to OHV management and their ownership in the program.