Persons Entitled to Attend Meeting. In addition to those persons who are entitled to vote at a meeting of shareholders, the only other persons entitled to be present at the meeting are the directors, the president (if any), the secretary (if any), the assistant secretary (if any), any lawyer for the Company, the auditor of the Company, any persons invited to be present at the meeting by the directors or by the chair of the meeting and any persons entitled or required under the Business Corporations Act or these Articles to be present at the meeting; but if any of those persons does attend the meeting, that person is not to be counted in the quorum and is not entitled to vote at the meeting unless that person is a shareholder or proxy holder entitled to vote at the meeting.
Persons Entitled to Attend Meeting. The Trustee, its lawyers and financial advisers and any director or officer of the Issuer and any other person authorised in that behalf by the Trustee may attend and speak at any meeting but shall not be entitled to vote thereat.
Persons Entitled to Attend Meeting. In addition to those persons who are entitled to vote at a meeting of shareholders, the only other persons entitled to be present at the meeting are the directors, the president (if any), the secretary (if any), any lawyer for the Company, the auditor of the Company, any persons invited to be present by the directors or by the chair of the meeting and any persons entitled or required under the Act to be present at the meeting, but if any of those persons does attend a meeting of shareholders, that person is not to be counted in the quorum and is not entitled to vote at the meeting unless that person is a shareholder or proxy holder entitled to vote at that meeting. CAN: 28357429.1