TIA Controls If any provision of this Indenture limits, qualifies, or conflicts with another provision which is required to be included in this Indenture by the TIA, the required provision shall control.
Administrative Controls The Contractor must have the following controls in place: a. A documented security policy governing the secure use of its computer network and systems, and which defines sanctions that may be applied to Contractor staff for violating that policy. b. If the Data shared under this agreement is classified as Category 4, the Contractor must be aware of and compliant with the applicable legal or regulatory requirements for that Category 4 Data. c. If Confidential Information shared under this agreement is classified as Category 4, the Contractor must have a documented risk assessment for the system(s) housing the Category 4 Data.
Personal Controls a. Employee Training. All workforce members who assist in the performance of functions or activities on behalf of COUNTY in connection with Agreement, or access or disclose PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY, must complete information privacy and security training, at least annually, at CONTRACTOR’s expense. Each workforce member who receives information privacy and security training must sign a certification, indicating the member’s name and the date on which the training was completed. These certifications must be retained for a period of six (6) years following the termination of Agreement.
Security Controls Annually, upon Fund’s reasonable request, DST shall provide Fund’s Chief Information Security Officer or his or her designee with a summary of its corporate information security policy and an opportunity to discuss DST’s information security measures, and a high level and non-confidential summary of any penetration testing related to the provision of in-scope services . DST shall review its Security Policy annually.
Technical Security Controls 35 a. Workstation/Laptop encryption. All workstations and laptops that store PHI COUNTY 36 discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of 37 COUNTY either directly or temporarily must be encrypted using a FIPS 140-2 certified algorithm which 1 is 128bit or higher, such as AES. The encryption solution must be full disk unless approved by the 2 COUNTY.
Financial Controls At all times, the Charter School shall maintain appropriate governance and managerial procedures and financial controls which procedures and controls shall include, but not be limited to: (1) commonly accepted accounting practices and the capacity to implement them (2) a checking account; (3) adequate payroll procedures; (4) procedures for the creation and review of monthly and quarterly financial reports, which procedures shall specifically identify the individual who will be responsible for preparing such financial reports in the following fiscal year; (5) internal control procedures for cash receipts, cash disbursements and purchases; and (6) maintenance of asset registers and financial procedures for grants in accordance with applicable state and federal law.
Access Controls The system providing access to PHI COUNTY discloses to 20 CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY 21 must use role based access controls for all user authentications, enforcing the principle of least privilege.
Plan Controls The terms contained in the Plan are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement and this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Plan. In the event of any actual or alleged conflict between the provisions of the Plan and the provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of the Plan shall be controlling and determinative.
Exchange Controls As a condition to this grant of Units, the Employee agrees to comply with any applicable foreign exchange rules and regulations.
Exchange Control Information Exchange control reporting is required for cash transactions exceeding AUD10,000 and for international fund transfers. If an Australian bank is assisting with the transaction, the bank will file the report on your behalf.