Physician Visits This plan covers the services of a physician or other provider in charge of your medical care while you are inpatient in a general or specialty hospital.
Contract for Professional Services of Physicians, Optometrists, and Registered Nurses In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 2254.008(a)(2) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.
PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR Teachers are expected to comply with rules, regulations, and directions from time to time adopted by the Board or its representatives which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, provided that a teacher may reasonably refuse to carry out an order which threatens physical safety or well-being or is professionally demeaning.
Medical Services We do not Cover medical services or dental services that are medical in nature, including any Hospital charges or prescription drug charges.