Medi Sample Clauses

Medi. Cal PII is information directly obtained in the course of performing an administrative function on behalf of Medi-Cal, such as determining Medi-Cal eligibility or conducting IHSS operations, that can be used alone, or in conjunction with any other information, to identify a specific individual. PII includes any information that can be used to search for or identify individuals, or can be used to access their files, such as name, social security number, date of birth, driver’s license number or identification number. PII may be electronic or paper.
Medi. Cal means the State of California’s implementation of the federal Medicaid health care
Medi. Cal always pays for Benefits last when you have coverage from more than one payor. If you are a qualified veteran, Blue Shield will pay the reasonable value or the Allowable Amount for Covered Services you receive at a Veterans Administration facility for a condition that is not related to military service. If you are a qualified veteran who is not on active duty, Blue Shield will pay the reasonable value or the Allowable Amount for Benefits you receive at a Department of Defense facility. This includes Benefits for conditions related to military service. If you are entitled to receive Benefits from any federal or state governmental agency, by any municipality, county, or other political subdivision, your combined Benefits from that coverage and Blue Shield will equal but not be more than what Blue Shield would pay if you were not eligible for Benefits under that coverage. Blue Shield will provide Benefits based on the reasonable value or the Allowable Amount.
Medi. Cal, CHDP, Head Start, WIC, or at risk for lead poisoning, should be tested at age 1 and 2. Health insurance plans will also pay for this test. Ask your child’s doctor about blood lead testing. For more information, go to the California Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch’s website at, or call them at (000) 000-0000. (The information and images found on this publication are adapted from the California Department of Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.)
Medi. Cal Clients shall be discharged with seven (7) calendar days of medications. This includes psychiatric medications and other medications needed to treat concurrent medical conditions.
Medi. Cal behavioral health delivery systems shall not enforce requirements for the location, format, or other specifications for documentation of the care plan that differ from those described within BHIN 23-068 and referenced in its Enclosures.
Medi. Cal PII in paper form shall not be left unattended at any time, unless it is locked in a file cabinet, file room, desk or office. Unattended means that information may be observed by an individual not authorized to access the information.
Medi. Cal and Medicare Provider Status The Contractor will verify that their subcontracted providers have not been terminated as Medi-Cal or Medicare providers or have not been placed on the Suspended and Ineligible Provider List. Terminated providers in either Medicare or Medi-Cal or on the Suspended and Ineligible Provider List, cannot participate in the Contractor’s provider network.
Medi. Cal; (b) CalOptima; (c) California 26 Child Services (CCS); and/or (d) Medical Safety Net Program (MSN). Patients who are covered by 27 additional or supplemental insurers, other than subsidized health care programs, are not "zero pay 28 patients." CONTRACTOR may seek relief from making the required reimbursement payments to the 29 ALS Services Provider by applying for a Zero Pay Patient Exemption.