Maintenance Fee The Maintenance Fee (SEE SCHEDULE - ACCUMULATION PERIOD) will be deducted during the Accumulation Period from the Account Value on each anniversary of the Account Effective Date and upon withdrawal of the entire Account.
License Maintenance Fee LICENSEE will pay to REGENTS an annual license maintenance fee of [Written amount] U.S. Dollars ($Number) on the one (1) year anniversary date of the Effective Date and on each anniversary of the Effective Date thereafter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the license maintenance fee will not be due and payable on any anniversary of the Effective Date, if on such date the LICENSEE is selling LICENSED PRODUCTS or LICENSED METHODS, and LICENSEE pays an earned royalty to REGENTS.
Annual Maintenance Fee In consideration of the license granted to Licensee under Section 2.1, Licensee shall pay Licensor on-going annual maintenance fees of **** on each anniversary of the Effective Date.
Maintenance Fees In case the Current account balance is less than a specific amount determined by the Bank management (subject to amendment from time to time), then the Bank may impose charges against the account’s maintenance which will be advertised at the Bank’s website and branches.
License Maintenance Fees Licensee will pay license fees in the amounts set forth in Sections 3.1(d) of the Patent & Technology License Agreement in accordance with the stated schedule.
License Fee The Licensee to shall make payment of the License Fee to Licensor on the date of this Agreement. All rights granted to Licensee by Producer in the Beat are conditional upon Licensee’s timely payment of the License Fee. The License Fee is a one-time payment for the rights granted to Licensee and this Agreement is not valid until the License Fee has been paid.
INTERIM MAINTENANCE PERIOD During the interim maintenance period between obtaining of the completion certificate of such Project and formation and operationalization of the Association the Promoter shall through itself or through a facility management company to run, operate, manage and maintain the Common Areas. The Promoter shall endeavour that the committee responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Common Areas will be required to provide manpower for maintaining the Common Areas, wherever required, and to collect maintenance charges and also guest charges and the user charges for the utilities being provided on “pay by use” basis, if any. The maintenance and management of Common Areas by the committee will primarily include but not limited to maintenance of water works, common electrical installations, DG Sets, landscaping, driveways, parking areas, lobbies, lifts and staircases, AMC’s etc. It will also include safety and security of the Project such as fire detection and protection and management of general security control of the Project. The Rules/ Bye Laws to regulate the use and maintenance of the Common Areas shall during the interim maintenance period shall be framed by the Promoter with such restrictions as may be necessary for proper maintenance and all the Allottees are bound to follow the same. After the Common Areas of the Project are handed over to the Association, the Association may adopt the Rules and the Bye laws framed by the Promoter, with or without amendments, as may be deemed necessary by the Association.
License Fees If so provided in the Prospectus, the Depositor may enter into a Licensing Agreement (the "Agreement") with a licensor (the "Licensor") described in the Prospectus in which the Trust(s), as consideration for the licenses granted by the Licensor for the right to use its trademarks and trade names, intellectual property rights or for the use of databases and research owned by the Licensor, will pay a fee set forth in the Agreement to the applicable Licensor or the Depositor to reimburse the Depositor for payment of the expenses. If the Agreement provides for an annual license fee computed in whole or part by reference to the average daily net asset value of the Trust assets, for purpose of calculating the accrual of estimated expenses such annual fee shall accrue at a daily rate and the Trustee is authorized to compute an estimated license fee payment (i) until the Depositor has informed the Trustee that there will be no further deposits of additional Securities, by reference to an estimate of the average daily net asset value of the Trust assets which the Depositor shall provide the Trustee, (ii) thereafter and during the calendar quarter in which the last business day of the period described in clause (i) occurs, by reference to the net asset value of the Trust assets as of such last business day, and (iii) during each subsequent calendar quarter, by reference to the net asset value of the Trust assets as of the last business day of the preceding calendar quarter. The Trustee shall adjust the net asset value (Trust Fund Evaluation) as of the dates specified in the preceding sentence to account for any variation between accrual of estimated license fee and the license fee payable pursuant to the Agreement, but such adjustment shall not affect calculations made prior thereto and no adjustment shall be made in respect thereof. (17) Sections 2.05(a) and 2.05(b) are hereby amended and replaced in their entirety with the following:
Application Fee Prior to the Resident being accepted to The Residence, a non-refundable Application Fee of $100 must be made. This Application Fee applies to each application and is not refundable in the event of cancellation or withdrawal of the Resident’s application. The amount of the Application Fee is detailed in Table 4.
Additional Reserve Costs (a) If and so long as any Lender is required after the date hereof to make special deposits with the Bank of England, to maintain reserve asset ratios or to pay fees, in each case in respect of such Lender’s Eurocurrency Loans in any Designated Foreign Currency, such Lender may require the relevant Borrower to pay, contemporaneously with each payment of interest on each of such Loans, additional interest on such Loan at a rate per annum equal to the Mandatory Costs Rate calculated in accordance with the formula and in the manner set forth in Exhibit C hereto. (b) If and so long as any Lender is required to comply with reserve assets, liquidity, cash margin or other requirements of any monetary or other authority (including any such requirement imposed by the Board or by European Central Bank or the European System of Central Banks, but excluding requirements reflected in the Mandatory Costs Rate) in respect of any of such Lender’s Eurocurrency Loans, such Lender may require the relevant Borrower to pay, contemporaneously with each payment of interest on each of such Lender’s Eurocurrency Loans subject to such requirements, additional interest on such Loan at a rate per annum specified by such Lender to be the cost to such Lender of complying with such requirements in relation to such Loan. (c) Any additional interest owed pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) above shall be determined by the relevant Lender, which determination shall be presumed correct in the absence of facts or circumstances indicating that it has been made in error, and notified to the relevant Borrower (with a copy to the Applicable Agent) at least five Business Days before each date on which interest is payable for the relevant Loan, and such additional interest so notified to the relevant Borrower by such Lender shall be payable to the Applicable Agent for the account of such Lender on each date on which interest is payable for such Loan.