Contract for Professional Services of Physicians, Optometrists, and Registered Nurses In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 2254.008(a)(2) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.
Contract for Professional Services of Physicians Optometrists, and Registered Nurses
Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services are not permitted to be provided under this Agreement. Texas statutes prohibit the procurement of Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services through a cooperative agreement.
Chiropractic Services This plan covers chiropractic visits up to the benefit limit shown in the Summary of Medical Benefits. The benefit limit applies to any visit for the purposes of chiropractic treatment or diagnosis.
Gross Beta Flags A = Result acceptable, Bias <= +/- 50% with a statistically positive result at two standard deviations (Result/Uncertainty > 2, i.e., the range encompassing the result, plus or minus the total uncertainty at two standard deviations, does not include zero). N = Result not acceptable, Bias > +/- 50% or the reported result is not statistically positive at two standard deviations (Result/Uncertainty <= 2, i.e., the range encompassing the result, plus or minus the total uncertainty at two standard deviations, includes zero).
Alcoholic Beverages Costs of alcoholic beverages are unallowable.
Malpractice Insurance During the entire contract period, and at the Contractor's own expense in whole or in part from contract funds, Contractor shall ensure that each of its attorneys has malpractice insurance coverage in the minimum amount required by the Oregon State Bar. Contractor shall provide proof of such insurance to PDSC on request.
Durable Medical Equipment Durable Medical Equipment is equipment that is Medically Necessary for treatment of an illness or Accidental Injury or to prevent further deterioration. This equipment is designed for repeated use and used to treat a medical condition or illness, and includes items such as oxygen equipment, functional wheelchairs, and crutches. Durable Medical Equipment may require Prior Authorization. Only Durable Medical Equipment considered standard and/or basic as defined by nationally recognized guidelines are Covered.
Infertility Services Freezing, storage and thawing of embryos, sperm, or other tissues, for future use, unless the freezing, storage and thawing is needed due to potential iatrogenic infertility as described in Infertility Services in Section 3. • Reversal of voluntary sterilization or infertility treatment for a person that previously had a voluntary sterilization procedure. • Fees associated with finding an egg or sperm donor, related storage, donor stipend, or shipping charges. • Services related to surrogate parenting, when the surrogate is not a member of this
Medical Services We do not Cover medical services or dental services that are medical in nature, including any Hospital charges or prescription drug charges.