Annual Certification The Contractor is required to submit an annual certification demonstrating compliance with the Warranty of Security to the Department by December 31 of each Contract year.
Institutional Certification Certification by the Submitting Institution that delineates, among other items, the appropriate research uses of the data and the uses that are specifically excluded by the relevant informed consent documents. Further information may be found here.
Medical Certification (1) The University may require an employee to provide medical certification from a health care provider for FMLA leave without pay when taken for the serious health condition of the employee or the employee's family member. (2) Medical certification may be required to affirm the employee's ability to return to work and perform one or more of the essential functions of the job within the meaning of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), after being absent on FMLA leave.
Class Certification Solely for the purposes of this Settlement, the Parties stipulate and agree to certification of the claims asserted on behalf of Class Members. As such, the Parties stipulate and agree that in order for this Settlement to occur, the Court must certify the Class as defined in this Agreement.