Salary Schedule definition
Examples of Salary Schedule in a sentence
Grade/Step to Grade/Step: Employees on the former Grade/Step Salary Schedule that are hired into a different position on the Grade/Range which may result in an adjustment based on the verified relevant experience within the District.
Any time an increase is made to the entire SEIU Permanent Employee salary schedule, that same increase will be applied to the SEIU Hourly Salary Schedule.
A regular bargaining unit member laid off from bargaining unit member current classification may bump into an equal classification on the Classified Salary Schedule in which the bargaining unit member has previously served, provided that the affected bargaining unit member’s seniority exceeds that of a bargaining unit member in the equal classification.
If an employee terminates their employment and is rehired by the District into a position on the Grade/ Step Range Salary Schedule, the employee will be paid based upon verified work experience or their last step compensation rate on record with the District, whichever is greater within the same position.
Salary Schedule Transition: Effective FY 2024-25, the District will pay employees covered in this bargaining unit based on the SEIU Permanent Employee salary schedule at Step 1, unless otherwise specifically agreed upon in writing, for their classification.