Pro-Rata Exercise of Public Service Announcements; City Election. From and after the fourth (4th) year following construction of the Changeable Message Board(s),Operational Year, the City shall have the right to a pro-rata share of the City Announcements on any such Changeable Message Board (e.g all or some of the maximum 43,200 showings in any given yearOperational Year on each Changeable Message Board), and the Annual Monetary Value shall be reduced for that Changeable Message Board the following fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th)Operational Year by the percentage amount used by the City. For example, if the City elected to use 4,320 of its maximum 43,200 minutes for a particular Changeable Message Board during a given fiscal yearOperational Year, the Annual Monetary Value for that Changeable Message Board for the next fiscal yearOperational Year would be reduced by ten percent (10%). Beginning in fourth (4th) year as described in section 4.3.4 below, City shall, on or before June 15th of each year, inform Company in writing whether City intends to exercise at least some of its rights to place City Announcements on any of Company’s Changeable Message Boards during the upcoming fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th). In the event the City elects to exercise at least some of its rights to place City Announcements that year, City shall be permitted to do so in accordance with Section 2.3.1 above.
Pro-Rata Exercise of Public Service Announcements; City Election. From and after the fourth (4th) Operational Year, the City shall have the right to a pro-rata share of the City Announcements on any such Changeable Message Board (e.g all or some of the maximum 43,200 showings in any given Operational Year on each Changeable Message Board), and the Annual Monetary Value shall be reduced for that Changeable Message Board the following Operational Year by the percentage amount used by the City. For example, if the City elected to use 4,320 of its maximum 43,200 minutes for a particular Changeable Message Board during a given Operational Year, the Annual Monetary Value for that Changeable Message Board for the next Operational Year would be reduced by ten percent (10%).