Product Information, Drawings and Documents Sample Clauses

Product Information, Drawings and Documents. All specified drawings, technical documents or other technical information received by Vendor from BHEL or vice versa shall not, without the consent of the other party, be used for any other purpose than that for which they were provided. They may not, without the consent of the Disclosing party, otherwise be used or copied, reproduced, transmitted or communicated to third parties. All information and data contained in general product documentation, whether in electronic or any other form, are binding only to the extent that they are by reference expressly included in the contract. Vendor, as per agreed date/s but not later than the date of delivery, provide free of charge information and drawings which are necessary to permit and enable BHEL to erect, commission, operate and maintain the product. Such information and drawings shall be supplied in as many numbers of copies as may be agreed upon. All intellectual properties, including designs, drawings and product information etc. exchanged during the formation and execution of the Contract shall continue to be the property of the disclosing party.
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Related to Product Information, Drawings and Documents

  • Technical Specifications and Drawings a) The Goods and Related Services supplied under this Contract shall conform to the technical specifications and standards mentioned in Section VI, Schedule of Requirements and, when no applicable standard is mentioned, the standard shall be equivalent or superior to the official standards whose application is appropriate to the Goods' country of origin.

  • Construction materials (1) The restrictions of section 1605 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub. L. 111-5) (Recovery Act) do not apply to Recovery Act designated country manufactured construction material. The restrictions of the Buy American statute do not apply to designated country unmanufactured construction material. Consistent with U.S. obligations under international agreements, this clause implements--

  • Intellectual Property Rights in Construction Documents, Drawings, and Models The drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Design Professional pursuant to this Contract (including, without limitation, the Construction Documents), are the property of the Owner, whether or not the Project for which they are made commences or completes construction. Neither the Contractor nor any Subcontractor or material or equipment supplier shall own or claim a copyright in such drawings, Specifications, and other similar or related documents; Owner shall retain all common law, statutory, and other intellectual property rights with respect thereto. The Contractor must deliver remaining copies of such documents to the Owner upon request or upon completion of the Work, except that the Contractor may keep one copy of such documents for its files. The Contractor shall only use such drawings, Specifications and other documents for this Project. Neither the Contractor nor any Subcontractor or material or equipment supplier may use such drawings, Specifications, and other documents on other projects without the specific written consent of the Owner. All models are the property of the Owner.

  • Shop Drawings and Samples a. Record date of receipt of Samples and approved Shop Drawings.

  • Additional Information for Product Development Projects Outcome of product development efforts, such copyrights and license agreements. • Units sold or projected to be sold in California and outside of California. • Total annual sales or projected annual sales (in dollars) of products developed under the Agreement. • Investment dollars/follow-on private funding as a result of Energy Commission funding. • Patent numbers and applications, along with dates and brief descriptions.  Additional Information for Product Demonstrations: • Outcome of demonstrations and status of technology. • Number of similar installations. • Jobs created/retained as a result of the Agreement.

  • Project Information Except for confidential information designated by the City as information not to be shared, Consultant agrees to share Project information with, and to fully cooperate with, those corporations, firms, contractors, public utilities, governmental entities, and persons involved in or associated with the Project. No information, news, or press releases related to the Project, whether made to representatives of newspapers, magazines, or television and radio stations, shall be made without the written authorization of the City’s Project Manager.

  • Drawings and Specifications 9.1 A complete list of all Drawings that form a part of the Contract Documents are to be found as an index on the Drawings themselves, and/or may be provided to Developer and/or in the Table of Contents.

  • Authorized User’s Statement of Work A competitive Mini-Bid is required for every transaction under this Centralized Contract. An Authorized User must prepare a detailed Statement of Work using Appendix F, Attachment 1, Mini-Bid Template. The Authorized User must distribute the Mini-Bid to all qualified Vendors per Lot(s) (unless a Vendor has removed itself from consideration via the Appendix F, Attachment 5, Mini-Bid Participation Interest Template). Contact information, organized by Lot, will be available on the OGS website for this Contract. An Authorized User shall conduct its Mini-Bid in accordance with the requirements set forth in Appendix F, Attachment 2, How to Use this Contract. The following terms and conditions shall apply to each Mini-Bid issued by an Authorized User:  An Authorized User may require the execution of unique forms, such as Confidentiality Non- Disclosure agreements; and  An Authorized User is required to make tentative award and non-award notifications to each Contractor who submitted a response to the Mini-Bid. Additionally, the minimum time, excluding the date of release, between issuance of the Mini-Bid by the Authorized User to the Mini-Bid Opening is as follows:  Xxx 0 Xxxx-Xxxx: Xxxx (0) Xxxxxxxx Xxxx  Xxx 0 Mini-Bids: Ten (10) Business Days

  • ELECTRICITY INFORMATION EXCHANGE PROTOCOLS 31.1 Protocols for exchanging information: The Distributor and the Trader must, when exchanging information to which an EIEP listed in Schedule 3 relates, comply with that EIEP.

  • Updated Information Submission by Interconnection Customer The updated information submission by the Interconnection Customer, including manufacturer information, shall occur no later than one hundred eighty (180) Calendar Days prior to the Trial Operation. The Interconnection Customer shall submit a completed copy of the Electric Generating Unit data requirements contained in Appendix 1 to the LGIP. It shall also include any additional information provided to the Participating TO and the CAISO for the Interconnection Studies. Information in this submission shall be the most current Electric Generating Unit design or expected performance data. Information submitted for stability models shall be compatible with the Participating TO and CAISO standard models. If there is no compatible model, the Interconnection Customer will work with a consultant mutually agreed to by the Parties to develop and supply a standard model and associated information. If the Interconnection Customer's data is materially different from what was originally provided to the Participating TO and the CAISO for the Interconnection Studies, then the Participating TO and the CAISO will conduct appropriate studies pursuant to the LGIP to determine the impact on the Participating TO’s Transmission System and affected portions of the CAISO Controlled Grid based on the actual data submitted pursuant to this Article 24.3. The Interconnection Customer shall not begin Trial Operation until such studies are completed and all other requirements of this LGIA are satisfied.

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