Professional Liability Insurance Professional liability insurance covering any damages caused by an error, omission or any negligent act with minimum limits as follows: i. $1,000,000 each occurrence; and ii. $1,000,000 general aggregate.
Professional Liability Before commencing work on this Agreement and throughout the term of this Agreement, the Party shall procure and maintain professional liability insurance for any and all services performed under this Agreement, with minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence, and $3,000,000 policy aggregate.
Errors and Omissions, Professional Liability or Malpractice Insurance Contractor may be required to carry errors and omissions, professional liability or malpractice insurance. All policies shall remain in force through the life of this Contract and shall be payable on a "per occurrence" basis unless County specifically consents to a "claims made" basis. The insurer shall supply County adequate proof of insurance and/or a certificate of insurance evidencing coverages and limits prior to commencement of work. Should any of the required insurance policies in this Contract be cancelled or non-renewed, it is the Contractor’s duty to notify the County immediately upon receipt of the notice of cancellation or non-renewal. If Contractor does not carry a required insurance coverage and/or does not meet the required limits, the coverage limits and deductibles shall be set forth on a waiver, Exhibit C, attached hereto. Failure to provide and maintain the insurance required by this Contract will constitute a material breach of this Contract. In addition to any other available remedies, County may suspend payment to the Contractor for any services provided during any time that insurance was not in effect and until such time as the Contractor provides adequate evidence that Contractor has obtained the required coverage.