PROJECT TEAM; FORMULATION ENGINEER. ADM Sub shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Steering Committee, a representative to serve as its formulation engineer (the "ADM Sub Formulation Engineer"). The ADM Sub Formulation Engineer, and up to three (3) employees of ADM Sub, shall be given a reasonable opportunity to review, consult and sign off on key aspects of the MBX Facility
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PROJECT TEAM; FORMULATION ENGINEER. ADM Sub shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Steering Committee, a representative to serve as its formulation engineer (the "ADM Sub Formulation Engineer"). The ADM Sub Formulation Engineer, and up to three (3) employees of ADM Sub, shall be given a reasonable opportunity to review, consult and sign off on key aspects of the MBX Facility Master Plan and Budget. If the MBX Formulation Facility is to be Constructed by MBX, the ADM Sub Formulation Engineer, and up to three (3) employees of ADM Sub or its Affiliates, shall be given reasonably opportunity to review, consult and sign off on key engineering designs and documents relating to the Construction of the MBX Manufacturing Facility, in accordance with good engineering and process management principles, including without limitation, piping and instrumentation diagrams, major plant item * CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED design calculations and data sheets purchase contract technical specifications for major plant items, sterile engineering design and operating philosophy, pre-delivery performance and acceptance testing of major plant items, conceptual functional specifications for control and automation, analytical and quality control procedures, hazard and operability studies, and change orders during the course of the contract. If the MBX Formulation Facility is to be acquired or in the event MBX is gaining access to a Third Party formulation facility, the ADM Sub Formulation Engineer, and up to three (3) employees of ADM Sub or its Affiliates, shall be given reasonable opportunity to inspect the facilities and review, consult and sign off on key engineering designs and documents relating to the operation of any such facility to produce PHA Formulations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, after providing the ADM Sub Formulation Engineer and any appointed Project Team with the requisite opportunities to review and to provide input on material decisions relating to the MBX Facility Master Plan and Budget, and after giving reasonable consideration to such input, MBX shall have the right and responsibility to make final decisions with respect to all such matters.


  • Project Team 6.1.1 The day-to-day responsibilities of the Parties with respect to this AGREEMENT shall be overseen by the PROJECT TEAM, which shall be responsible for deciding operational and scientific issues arising out of this AGREEMENT and unanimously agreeing in good faith with respect to the monitoring of the compliance with this AGREEMENT.

  • Development Plan As defined in Section 3.2(a).

  • Project Plan Based on the Project Specifications, Omnicare CR has provided a description of services to be performed for Sponsor’s “A multi-center, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, vehicle-controlled sequential cohort study to determine the safety of PEP005 0.025% and 0.05% topical gel in patients with actinic keratoses” (hereinafter “the Project”) and associated costs. Changes made in the Project scope, at any time during the Project, will result in a corresponding adjustment to the Project costs.

  • Joint Project Team As soon as possible after the Effective Date, the Parties shall establish a joint project team (the “JPT”) which shall be initially responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Initial Target Program. The JPT shall also be responsible for the day-to-day operations of all other Collaboration Programs when they become ***Portions of this page have been omitted pursuant to a request for Confidential Treatment and filed separately with the Commission. effective; provided, that if multiple JPTs are needed due to different Targets or disease areas, then the Parties may establish separate JPTs for different Collaboration Programs. The JPT shall be comprised of representatives from each of GSK and Adaptimmune with the appropriate scientific expertise with respect to the conduct of the Development Plans (and such representatives may vary depending on the relevant Project Phase) and shall meet on a monthly basis (or more or less frequently as agreed by the Parties) at Adaptimmune’s facilities, GSK’s facilities or via teleconference at such times as may be agreed by the Parties during the term of the applicable Collaboration Program. The JPT will report to the JSC and will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the conduct of the Development Plans including any non-material changes to the Development Plans, overseeing the conduct of experiments and reviewing data resulting from such experiments as set forth in the Development Plans, proposing amendments to the Development Plans, proposing new Development Plans to the JSC for new Collaboration Programs for JSC approval, discussing potential Lead Candidates and Development Candidates for proposal to the JSC. All decisions of the JPT on matters for which it has responsibility shall be made unanimously. In the event that the JPT is unable to reach a unanimous decision within ten (10) Business Days after it has met and attempted to reach such decision, then either Party may, by written notice to the other, have such issue submitted to the JSC for resolution in accordance with Section 4.5. Each Party will bear all expenses it incurs in regard to participating in all meetings of the JPT, including all travel and living expenses. Each JPT shall automatically cease to exist on completion of the relevant Collaboration Programs that it supports and exercise or expiry of all Collaboration Program Options applicable to such Collaboration Programs.

  • Development Committee As soon as practicable, the Parties will establish a joint development committee, comprised of at least one (1) and up to two (2) representatives of Omega and at least one (1) and up to two (2) representatives of Acuitas (the “JDC”). One such representative from each Party will be such Party’s Workplan Leader. Each Party may replace its Workplan Leader and other JDC representatives at any time upon written notice to the other Party, provided, however, that each Party shall use reasonable efforts to ensure continuity on the JDC. With the consent of the other Party (which will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed), each Party may invite non-voting employees and consultants to attend JDC meetings as necessary, subject to consultant’s agreement to be bound to the same extent as a permitted subcontractor under Section 3.1(i).

  • Commercialization Plan On a Product by Product basis, not later than sixty (60) days after the filing of the first application for Regulatory Approval of a Product in the Copromotion Territory, the MSC shall prepare and approve a rolling multiyear (not less than three (3) years) plan for Commercializing such Product in the Copromotion Territory (the "Copromotion Territory Commercialization Plan"), which plan includes a comprehensive market development, marketing, sales, supply and distribution strategy for such Product in the Copromotion Territory. The Copromotion Territory Commercialization Plan shall be updated by the MSC at least once each calendar year such that it addresses no less than the three (3) upcoming years. Not later than thirty (30) days after the filing of the first application for Regulatory Approval of a Product in the Copromotion Territory and thereafter on or before September 30 of each calendar year, the MSC shall prepare an annual commercialization plan and budget (the "Annual Commercialization Plan and Budget"), which plan is based on the then current Copromotion Territory Commercialization Plan and includes a comprehensive market development, marketing, sales, supply and distribution strategy, including an overall budget for anticipated marketing, promotion and sales efforts in the upcoming calendar year (the first such Annual Development Plan and Budget shall cover the remainder of the calendar year in which such Product is anticipated to be approved plus the first full calendar year thereafter). The Annual Commercialization Plan and Budget will specify which Target Markets and distribution channels each Party shall devote its respective Promotion efforts towards, the personnel and other resources to be devoted by each Party to such efforts, the number and positioning of Details to be performed by each Party, as well as market and sales forecasts and related operating expenses, for the Product in each country of the Copromotion Territory, and budgets for projected Pre-Marketing Expenses, Sales and Marketing Expenses and Post-Approval Research and Regulatory Expenses. In preparing and updating the Copromotion Territory Commercialization Plan and each Annual Commercialization Plan and Budget, the MSC will take into consideration factors such as market conditions, regulatory issues and competition.

  • Development Plans 4.3.1 For each Licensed Indication and corresponding Licensed Product in the Field, Licensee will prepare and deliver to Licensor a development plan and budget (each a “Development Plan”). The initial Development Plans for each Licensed Indication will be delivered within […***…] after the Grant Date for such Licensed Indication.

  • Joint Development Committee The Parties shall form a joint development committee (the “Joint Development Committee” or “JDC”), made up of an equal number of representatives of Merck and BioLineRx, which shall have responsibility of coordinating all regulatory and other activities under, and pursuant to, this Agreement. Each Party shall designate a project manager (the “Project Manager”) who shall be responsible for implementing and coordinating activities, and facilitating the exchange of information between the Parties, with respect to the Study. Other JDC members will be agreed by both Parties. The JDC shall meet as soon as practicable after the Effective Date and then no less than twice yearly, and more often as reasonably considered necessary at the request of either Party, to provide an update on the progress of the Study. The JDC may meet in person or by means of teleconference, Internet conference, videoconference or other similar communications equipment. Prior to any such meeting, the BioLineRx Project Manager shall provide an update in writing to the Merck Project Manager, which update shall contain information about the overall progress of the Study, recruitment status, interim analysis (if results available), final analysis and other information relevant to the conduct of the Study. In addition to a Project Manager, each Party shall designate an alliance manager (the “Alliance Manager”), who shall endeavor to ensure clear and responsive communication between the Parties and the effective exchange of information, and shall serve as the primary point of contact for any issues arising under this Agreement. The Alliance Managers shall have the right to attend all JDC meetings and may bring to the attention of the JDC any matters or issues either of them reasonably believes should be discussed, and shall have such other responsibilities as the Parties may mutually agree in writing. In the event that an issue arises and the Alliance Managers cannot or do not, after good faith efforts, reach agreement on such issue, the issue shall be elevated to the Head of Clinical Oncology for Merck and the Vice President of Medical Affairs or Business Development for BioLineRx.

  • Development Program A. Development Activities to be Undertaken (Please break activities into subunits with the date of completion of major milestones)

  • Project Manager Project Management Advisors, Inc., or any other project manager designated by Landlord in its reasonable discretion from time to time to act in a supervisory, oversight, project management or other similar capacity on behalf of Landlord in connection with the design and/or construction of the Tenant Improvements.

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