Quality and Risk Management System. A. To ensure that all services for individuals receiving services under this Agreement are of good quality, meet individuals’ needs, and help individuals achieve positive outcomes, including avoidance of xxxxx, stable community living, and increased integration, independence, and self-determination in all life domains (e.g., community living, employment, education, recreation, healthcare, and relationships), and to ensure that appropriate services are available and accessible for individuals in the target population, the Commonwealth shall develop and implement a quality and risk management system that is consistent with the terms of this Section. B. The Commonwealth’s Quality Management System shall: identify and address risks of harm; ensure the sufficiency, accessibility, and quality of services to meet individuals’ needs in integrated settings; and collect and evaluate data to identify and respond to trends to ensure continuous quality improvement. C. Risk Management 1. The Commonwealth shall require that all Training Centers, CSBs, and other community providers of residential and day services implement risk management processes, including establishment of uniform risk triggers and thresholds, that enable them to adequately address xxxxx and risks of harm. Harm includes any physical injury, whether caused by abuse, neglect, or accidental causes. 2. The Commonwealth shall have and implement a real time, web-based incident reporting system and reporting protocol. The protocol shall require that any staff of a Training Center, CSB, or community provider aware of any suspected or alleged incident of abuse or neglect as defined by Virginia Code § 37.2-100 in effect on the effective date of this Agreement, serious injury as defined by 12 VAC 00-000-00 in effect on the effective date of this Agreement, or deaths directly report such information to the DBHDS Assistant Commissioner for Quality Improvement or his or her designee. 3. The Commonwealth shall have and implement a process to investigate reports of suspected or alleged abuse, neglect, critical incidents, or deaths and identify remediation steps taken. The Commonwealth shall be required to implement the process for investigation and remediation detailed in the Virginia DBHDS Licensing Regulations (12 VAC 00-000-000 and 12 VAC 00-000-000 in effect on the effective date of this Agreement) and the Virginia Rules and Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receiving Services from Providers Licensed, Funded or Operated by the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (“DBHDS Human Rights Regulations” (12 VAC 35-115-50(D)(3)) in effect on the effective date of this Agreement, and shall verify the implementation of corrective action plans required under these Rules and Regulations. 4. The Commonwealth shall offer guidance and training to providers on proactively identifying and addressing risks of harm, conducting root cause analysis, and developing and monitoring corrective actions. 5. The Commonwealth shall conduct monthly mortality reviews for unexplained or unexpected deaths reported through its incident reporting system. The Commissioner shall establish the monthly mortality review team, to include the DBHDS Medical Director, the Assistant Commissioner for Quality Improvement, and others as determined by the Department who possess appropriate experience, knowledge, and skills. The team shall have at least one member with the clinical experience to conduct mortality reviews who is otherwise independent of the State. Within ninety days of a death, the monthly mortality review team shall: (a) review, or document the unavailability of: (i) medical records, including physician case notes and nurses notes, and all incident reports, for the three months preceding the individual’s death;
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Settlement Agreement, Settlement Agreement, Settlement Agreement
Quality and Risk Management System. A. To ensure that all services for individuals receiving services under this Agreement are of good quality, meet individuals’ needs, and help individuals achieve positive outcomes, including avoidance of xxxxx, stable community living, and increased integration, independence, and self-determination in all life domains (e.g., community living, employment, education, recreation, healthcare, and relationships), and to ensure that appropriate services are available and accessible for individuals in the target population, the Commonwealth shall develop and implement a quality and risk management system that is consistent with the terms of this Section.
B. . The Commonwealth’s Quality Management System shall: identify and address risks of harm; ensure the sufficiency, accessibility, and quality of services to meet individuals’ needs in integrated settings; and collect and evaluate data to identify and respond to trends to ensure continuous quality improvement.
C. . Risk Management
1. Management The Commonwealth shall require that all Training Centers, CSBs, and other community providers of residential and day services implement risk management processes, including establishment of uniform risk triggers and thresholds, that enable them to adequately address xxxxx and risks of harm. Harm includes any physical injury, whether caused by abuse, neglect, or accidental causes.
2. The Commonwealth shall have and implement a real time, web-based incident reporting system and reporting protocol. The protocol shall require that any staff of a Training Center, CSB, or community provider aware of any suspected or alleged incident of abuse or neglect as defined by Virginia Code § 37.2-100 in effect on the effective date of this Agreement, serious injury as defined by 12 VAC 00-000-00 in effect on the effective date of this Agreement, or deaths directly report such information to the DBHDS Assistant Commissioner for Quality Improvement or his or her designee.
3. The Commonwealth shall have and implement a process to investigate reports of suspected or alleged abuse, neglect, critical incidents, or deaths and identify remediation steps taken. The Commonwealth shall be required to implement the process for investigation and remediation detailed in the Virginia DBHDS Licensing Regulations (12 VAC 00-000-000 and 12 VAC 00-000-000 in effect on the effective date of this Agreement) and the Virginia Rules and Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receiving Services from Providers Licensed, Funded or Operated by the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (“DBHDS Human Rights Regulations” (12 VAC 35-115-50(D)(3)) in effect on the effective date of this Agreement, and shall verify the implementation of corrective action plans required under these Rules and Regulations.
4. The Commonwealth shall offer guidance and training to providers on proactively identifying and addressing risks of harm, conducting root cause analysis, and developing and monitoring corrective actions.
5. The Commonwealth shall conduct monthly mortality reviews for unexplained or unexpected deaths reported through its incident reporting system. The Commissioner shall establish the monthly mortality review team, to include the DBHDS Medical Director, the Assistant Commissioner for Quality Improvement, and others as determined by the Department who possess appropriate experience, knowledge, and skills. The team shall have at least one member with the clinical experience to conduct mortality reviews who is otherwise independent of the State. Within ninety days of a death, the monthly mortality review team shall: (a) review, or document the unavailability of: (i) medical records, including physician case notes and nurses notes, and all incident reports, for the three months preceding the individual’s death;; (ii) the most recent individualized program plan and physical examination records; (iii) the death certificate and autopsy report; and (iv) any evidence of maltreatment related to the death; (b) interview, as warranted, any persons having information regarding the individual’s care; and (c) prepare and deliver to the DBHDS Commissioner a report of deliberations, findings, and recommendations, if any. The team also shall collect and analyze mortality data to identify trends, patterns, and problems at the individual service-delivery and systemic levels and develop and implement quality improvement initiatives to reduce mortality rates to the fullest extent practicable. If the Training Center, CSBs, or other community provider fails to report xxxxx and implement corrective actions, the Commonwealth shall take appropriate action with the provider pursuant to the DBHDS Human Rights Regulations (12 VAC 35-115-240), the DBHDS Licensing Regulations (12 VAC 35-105-170), Virginia Code § 37.2-419 in effect on the effective date of this Agreement, and other requirements in this Agreement. Data to Assess and Improve Quality The Commonwealth’s HCBS waivers shall operate in accordance with the Commonwealth’s CMS-approved waiver quality improvement plan to ensure the needs of individuals enrolled in a waiver are met, that individuals have choice in all aspects of their selection of goals and supports, and that there are effective processes in place to monitor participant health and safety. The plan shall include evaluation of level of care; development and monitoring of individual service plans; assurance of qualified providers; identification, response and prevention of occurrences of abuse, neglect and exploitation; administrative oversight of all waiver functions including contracting; and financial accountability. Review of data shall occur at the local and state levels by the CSBs and DBHDS/DMAS, respectively. The Commonwealth shall collect and analyze consistent, reliable data to improve the availability and accessibility of services for individuals in the target population and the quality of services offered to individuals receiving services under this Agreement. The Commonwealth shall use data to: identify trends, patterns, strengths, and problems at the individual, service-delivery, and systemic levels, including, but not limited to, quality of services, service gaps, accessibility of services, serving individuals with complex needs, and the discharge and transition planning process; develop preventative, corrective, and improvement measures to address identified problems; track the efficacy of preventative, corrective, and improvement measures; and enhance outreach, education, and training. The Commonwealth shall begin collecting and analyzing reliable data about individuals receiving services under this Agreement selected from the following areas in State Fiscal Year 2012 and will ensure reliable data is collected and analyzed from each of these areas by June 30, 2014. Multiple types of sources (e.g., providers, case managers, licensing, risk management, Quality Service Reviews) can provide data in each area, though any individual type of source need not provide data in every area: Safety and freedom from harm (e.g., neglect and abuse, injuries, use of seclusion or restraints, deaths, effectiveness of corrective actions, licensing violations); Physical, mental, and behavioral health and well being (e.g., access to medical care (including preventative care), timeliness and adequacy of interventions (particularly in response to changes in status)); Avoiding crises (e.g., use of crisis services, admissions to emergency rooms or hospitals, admissions to Training Centers or other congregate settings, contact with criminal justice system); Stability (e.g., maintenance of chosen living arrangement, change in providers, work/other day program stability); Choice and self-determination (e.g., service plans developed through person-centered planning process, choice of services and providers, individualized goals, self-direction of services); Community inclusion (e.g., community activities, integrated work opportunities, integrated living options, educational opportunities, relationships with non-paid individuals); Access to services (e.g., waitlists, outreach efforts, identified barriers, service gaps and delays, adaptive equipment, transportation, availability of services geographically, cultural and linguistic competency); and Provider capacity (e.g., caseloads, training, staff turnover, provider competency). The Commonwealth shall collect and analyze data from available sources, including, the risk management system described in Section V.C. above, those sources described in Sections V.E-G and I below (e.g., providers, case managers, Quality Service Reviews, and licensing), Quality Management Reviews, the crisis system, service and discharge plans from the Training Centers, service plans for individuals receiving waiver services, Regional Support Teams, and CIMs. The Commonwealth shall implement Regional Quality Councils that shall be responsible for assessing relevant data, identifying trends, and recommending responsive actions in their respective Regions of the Commonwealth. The councils shall include individuals experienced in data analysis, residential and other providers, CSBs, individuals receiving services, and families, and may include other relevant stakeholders. Each council shall meet on a quarterly basis to share regional data, trends, and monitoring efforts and plan and recommend regional quality improvement initiatives. The work of the Regional Quality Councils shall be directed by a DBHDS quality improvement committee. At least annually, the Commonwealth shall report publicly, through new or existing mechanisms, on the availability (including the number of people served in each type of service described in this Agreement) and quality of supports and services in the community and gaps in services, and shall make recommendations for improvement. Providers The Commonwealth shall require all providers (including Training Centers, CSBs, and other community providers) to develop and implement a quality improvement (“QI”) program, including root cause analyses, that is sufficient to identify and address significant service issues and is consistent with the requirements of the DBHDS Licensing Regulations at 12 VAC 00-000-000 in effect on the effective date of this Agreement and the provisions of this Agreement. Within 12 months of the effective date of this Agreement, the Commonwealth shall develop measures that CSBs and other community providers are required to report to DBHDS on a regular basis, either through their risk management/critical incident reporting requirements or through their QI program. Reported key indicators shall capture information regarding both positive and negative outcomes for both health and safety and community integration, and will be selected from the relevant domains listed in Section V.D.3. above. The measures will be monitored and reviewed by the DBHDS quality improvement committee, with input from Regional Quality Councils, described in Section V.D.5 above. The DBHDS quality improvement committee will assess the validity of each measure at least annually and update measures accordingly. The Commonwealth shall use Quality Service Reviews and other mechanisms to assess the adequacy of providers’ quality improvement strategies and shall provide technical assistance and other oversight to providers whose quality improvement strategies the Commonwealth determines to be inadequate. Case Management For individuals receiving case management services pursuant to this Agreement, the individual’s case manager shall meet with the individual face-to-face on a regular basis and shall conduct regular visits to the individual’s residence, as dictated by the individual’s needs. At these face-to-face meetings, the case manager shall: observe the individual and the individual’s environment to assess for previously unidentified risks, injuries, needs, or other changes in status; assess the status of previously identified risks, injuries, needs, or other change in status; assess whether the individual’s support plan is being implemented appropriately and remains appropriate for the individual; and ascertain whether supports and services are being implemented consistent with the individual’s strengths and preferences and in the most integrated setting appropriate to the individual’s needs. If any of these observations or assessments identifies an unidentified or inadequately addressed risk, injury, need, or change in status; a deficiency in the individual’s support plan or its implementation; or a discrepancy between the implementation of supports and services and the individual’s strengths and preferences, then the case manager shall report and document the issue, convene the individual’s service planning team to address it, and document its resolution. Within 12 months of the effective date of this Agreement, the individual’s case manager shall meet with the individual face-to-face at least every 30 days, and at least one such visit every two months must be in the individual’s place of residence, for any individuals who: Receive services from providers having conditional or provisional licenses; Have more intensive behavioral or medical needs as defined by the Supports Intensity Scale (“SIS”) category representing the highest level of risk to individuals; Have an interruption of service greater than 30 days; Encounter the crisis system for a serious crisis or for multiple less serious crises within a three-month period; Have transitioned from a Training Center within the previous 12 months; or Reside in congregate settings of 5 or more individuals. Within 12 months from the effective date of this Agreement, the Commonwealth shall establish a mechanism to collect reliable data from the case managers on the number, type, and frequency of case manager contacts with the individual. Within 24 months from the date of this Agreement, key indicators from the case manager’s face to face visits with the individual, and the case manager’s observations and assessments, shall be reported to the Commonwealth for its review and assessment of data. Reported key indicators shall capture information regarding both positive and negative outcomes for both health and safety and community integration, and will be selected from the relevant domains listed in Section V.D.3 above. The Commonwealth shall develop a statewide core competency-based training curriculum for case managers within 12 months of the effective date of this Agreement. This training shall be built on the principles of self-determination and person-centeredness.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Settlement Agreement, Settlement Agreement