Records Reports Reviews and Audits Sample Clauses

Records Reports Reviews and Audits 
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Related to Records Reports Reviews and Audits

  • Reports and Audits The Company shall as soon as practicable but in no event later than six months after the end of each of its fiscal years, file with the Trustee and the Issuer, audited financial statements of the Company prepared as of the end of such fiscal year; provided that the Company may satisfy this requirement by its filing of such information with the Securities and Exchange Commission ( and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board ( in accordance with their respective filing requirements.

  • Records and Audit/Inspections 6.13.1 A-E shall keep an accurate record of time expended by A-E and/or consultants employed by A-E in the performance of this CONTRACT.

  • FINANCIAL RECORDS AND AUDIT Seller shall retain all financial records and documents pertaining to the Goods for a period of no less than three years after final payment. Such records and documents shall date back to the time this Contract was issued and shall include without limitation, catalogs, price lists, invoices, underlying data and basis for cost estimates, and inventory records. Buyer shall have the right to examine, reproduce and audit all Seller records related to pricing, incurred costs and proposed costs associated with any proposals (prior to or after contract award), invoices or claims.

  • Records and Audits RBNC will keep complete and accurate records of the underlying revenue and expense data relating to the calculations of Net Sales generated in the then current Calendar Year and payments required under this Agreement, and during the preceding [***] Calendar Years. AMGEN will have the right, [***] at its own expense, to have a nationally recognized, independent, certified public accounting firm, selected by it and subject to RBNC’s prior written consent (which shall not be unreasonably withheld), review any such records of RBNC and its Affiliates and Sublicensees (the “Audited Party”) in the location(s) where such records are maintained by the Audited Party upon reasonable written notice (which shall be no less than [***] days’ prior written notice) and during regular business hours and under obligations of strict confidence, for the sole purpose of verifying the basis and accuracy of payments made under Section 3.2 (Royalties) within the [***] month period preceding the date of the request for review. No Calendar Year will be subject to audit under this Section 3.9 more than once. RBNC will receive a copy of each such report concurrently with receipt by AMGEN. Should such inspection lead to the discovery of a discrepancy to AMGEN’s detriment, RBNC will, within [***] days after receipt of such report from the accounting firm, pay any undisputed amount of the discrepancy together with interest at the rate set forth in Section 3.8 (Late Payments). AMGEN will pay the full cost of the review unless the underpayment of amounts due to AMGEN is [***] of the amount due for the entire period being examined, in which case RBNC will pay the cost charged by such accounting firm for such review. Should the audit lead to the discovery of a discrepancy to RBNC’s detriment, RBNC may credit the amount of the discrepancy, without interest, against future payments payable to AMGEN under this Agreement, and if there are no such payments payable, then AMGEN shall pay to RBNC the amount of the discrepancy, without interest, within [***] days of AMGEN’s receipt of the report.

  • Evaluation Reports Where a formal evaluation of an employee's performance is carried out, the employee shall be provided with a copy to read and review. Provision shall be made on the evaluation form for an employee to sign it. The form shall provide for the employee's signature in two (2) places, one indicating that the employee has read and accepts the evaluation, and the other indicating that the employee disagrees with the evaluation. The employee shall sign in one of the places provided within seven (7) calendar days. No employee may initiate a grievance regarding the contents of an evaluation report unless the signature indicates disagreement with the evaluation. The employee shall receive a copy of the evaluation report at the time of signing. An evaluation report shall not be changed after an employee has signed it, without the knowledge of the employee, and any such changes shall be subject to the grievance procedure.

  • Progress Reports and Information When required, the Contractor shall submit to the Owner such schedule of quantities and costs, payrolls, bills, vouchers, correct copies of all subcontracts, statements, reports, correct copies of all agreements, correspondence, and written transactions with the surety on the performance bond that have any relevance to the Work, estimates, records, and other data as the Owner may request that concerns the Work performed or to be performed under this Contract. When requested by the Owner, the Contractor shall give the Owner access to its records relating to the foregoing. (See also Article 1.2.3, Audits.) The above reports shall include, but are not limited to, (a) written notice of dates by which specified Work will have been completed, (b) written notice of dates by which Non-Compliant Work will be made good, (c) written notice that Non-Compliant Work has been made good, (d) written notice as to the date or dates by which Work that has not been performed with equal steps and at the same rate required by the Overall Project Schedule shall have been brought into conformity with the Overall Project Schedule, (e) date by which any undisputed claim of a Subcontractor, Supplier, or laborer shall have been paid, (f) written advice regarding the nature and amount of any disputed claim of a Subcontractor, Supplier, or laborer, and (g) information regarding Work performed under Change Orders.

  • Inspection Reports A "full inspection report" comprises a Site Master File (compiled by the manufacturer or by the inspectorate) and a narrative report by the inspectorate. A "detailed report" responds to specific queries about a firm by the other Party.

  • Records & Audits Merck will keep, and will cause each of the other Selling Parties, as applicable, to keep, and Moderna will keep, adequate books and records of accounting for the purpose of calculating all royalties and other amounts payable by either Party to the other Party hereunder and ensuring each Party’s compliance hereunder. For the [***] following the end of the Calendar Year to which each will pertain, such books and records of accounting (including those of its Affiliates, as applicable) will be kept at each of their principal place of business. At the request of either Party, the other Party will permit (and procure its Affiliates, to permit) an independent certified public accounting firm of internationally recognized standing selected by the auditing Party and reasonably acceptable to the other Party to have access during normal business hours to such of the records as may be reasonably necessary to verify the accuracy of the payments [***] INDICATES MATERIAL THAT HAS BEEN OMITTED AND FOR WHICH CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT HAS BEEN REQUESTED. ALL SUCH OMITTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO RULE 406 PROMULGATED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED due hereunder for any Calendar Year ending not more than [***] following the end of any Calendar Year. Such examinations may not be conducted more than once in any Calendar Year or be repeated for any Calendar Year. The accounting firm shall disclose to the auditing Party only whether the reports are correct or incorrect and the amount of any discrepancy. No other Confidential Information shall be provided. If such accounting firm correctly identifies a discrepancy made during such period, the appropriate Party shall pay the other Party the amount of the discrepancy within [***] of the date of delivery of such accounting firm’s written report so correctly concluding, or as otherwise agreed upon by the Parties. The fees charged by such accounting firm shall be paid by the auditing Party, provided that if the underpayment or overcharge exceeds [***], the audited Party shall pay the fees. Upon the expiration of [***] following the end of any Calendar Year, absent willful misconduct or fraud by a Party (its Affiliates, as applicable) the calculation of amounts payable with respect to such Calendar Year shall be binding and conclusive upon the Parties, and the Parties shall be released from any liability or accountability with respect to amounts payable for such Calendar Year. The auditing Party shall treat all financial information subject to review under this Section 8.6(c) in accordance with the confidentiality and non-use provisions of this Agreement, and shall cause its accounting firm to enter into an acceptable confidentiality agreement with the audited Party obligating it to retain all such Confidential Information in confidence pursuant to such confidentiality agreement.

  • Security Reports and Audits 7.1 Customer acknowledges that MailChimp is regularly audited against SSAE 16 and PCI standards by independent third party auditors and internal auditors, respectively. Upon request, MailChimp shall supply (on a confidential basis) a summary copy of its audit report(s) ("Report") to Customer, so that Customer can verify MailChimp's compliance with the audit standards against which it has been assessed, and this DPA.

  • Records and Audit A. Concessionaire shall maintain complete, accurate, and detailed accounting records of all transactions pertaining to the Concession Operation covered by this Agreement that will enable Concessionaire to prepare financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Concessionaire shall make such records available to any authorized representative of Department upon request, as often as it is deemed necessary by Department, to determine the effectiveness of the financial management system and internal procedures that have been established by Concessionaire, and to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and that the financial statements and reports present fairly the results of Concessionaire's operations pursuant to this Agreement. Failure to do so shall be a material breach of this Agreement. Said records shall be maintained and made available to Department and the State of New Jersey for a period of seven (7) years after the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

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