Recovery of debt. The Customer shall pay all costs directly and reasonably incurred by the Company in the enforcement and collection of any overdue amounts including any penalties, interest, legal fees, commissions or other associated collection charges.
Recovery of debt. (1) The Municipal Manager may restrict, disconnect or discontinue any service in respect of any arrear debt.
(2) Irrespective of the Municipal Manager exercising any powers in sections 9 and 10(1), the Municipal Manager, must, with regards to rates, and may, with regards to other debt- (a)by legal action recover any debt from any person; and(b)recover debt from any organ of state with due consideration of the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, and may refer a debtor to third party debt collection agencies and have
(3) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2) the Municipal Manager may refer a debtor to third party debt collection agencies and have such debtor placed on the National Credit Rating list.
Recovery of debt. If you fail to pay any charges due to us or make agreed payments under an agreed payment plan, we may refer debts to our external solicitors and/or debt collection agents who will take steps to recover the debt. The steps taken may include taking court action to recover the debt. If we take action to recover the debt, you may have to pay interest and additional costs of the action, such as debt collection agency fees, search fees and legal fees.