Reinsurance Premiums A. The total Reinsurance Premium for the business ceded hereunder is the sum of the GMDB Reinsurance Premium, the EPB Reinsurance Premium and the GMIB Reinsurance Premium, each of which is defined separately in this article. B. The Reinsurance Premium rates and structure described above are subject to change in accordance with the criteria described in Article XV. GMDB AND EPB ------------ C. The total GMDB Reinsurance Premium for the business ceded hereunder is the sum of the GMDB Reinsurance Premium and the EPB Reinsurance Premium, each of which is defined separately in this article. GMDB CESSION PREMIUM -------------------- D. The GMDB Reinsurance Premium is expressed in terms of basis points and is defined in Exhibit II. E. The Cedent shall calculate, for each premium class, the Reinsurer's Percentage of the greater of the average aggregate GMDB value and the average aggregate account value for the reporting month. This value shall be applied to the GMDB Cession Premium rates per premium class on a 1/12th basis. EPB CESSION PREMIUM ------------------- F. The EPB Reinsurance Premium is an asset-based premium rate, expressed in terms of basis points, and is defined in Exhibit II. G. The Cedent shall calculate, for each premium class, the Reinsurer's Percentage of the average aggregate account value for the reporting month. This value shall be applied to the annualized EPB reinsurance premium rates per premium class on a 1/12th basis. The total EPB Cession Premium due for the month is the sum of the premiums calculated for each premium class. SPOUSAL CONTINUANCES -------------------- H. Spousal continuances will be covered under this Agreement to the extent that the surviving spouse satisfies the issue age restrictions and benefit limitations, as described in Schedule A, at time of continuance, and shall be deemed to be terminations followed by subsequent new issues for purposes of calculating Reinsurance Premiums. The new reinsurance premium rate applied shall be based off the attained age of the surviving spouse at the time of election of spousal continuance. After the termination of this Agreement for new cessions, a spousal continuation of a Reinsured Contract may be ceded to this Agreement in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article I, Paragraph D. GMIB ---- I. The GMIB cession premium ("GMIB Reinsurance Premium") is an asset-based premium rate, expressed in terms of basis points, as set forth in Exhibit II, and shall be calculated on an aggregate basis. J. The Cedent shall calculate the Reinsurer's Percentage of the greater of the average aggregate IBB value and the average aggregate account value for the reporting month. This value shall be applied to the annualized GMIB cession premium rates on a 1/12th basis.
Payment of Reinsurance Premiums For automatic and facultative reinsurance, following the close of each calendar month, the Ceding Company will send the Reinsurer a statement and a listing of new business, changes and terminations. If a net reinsurance premium balance is payable to the Reinsurer, the Ceding Company will forward this balance within (60) sixty days after the close of each month. If a net reinsurance premium balance is payable to the Ceding Company, the balance due will be subtracted from the reinsurance premium payable by Ceding Company for the current month. The Reinsurer shall pay any remaining balance due the Ceding Company sixty days after the Ceding Company submits the statement.
REINSURANCE PREMIUM The YRT Reinsurance Premium for each coverage shall equal (i) x (ii) x (iii) / 1,000, where:
Ceding Commission The Reinsurer shall allow the Company a ceding commission of (or a proportionate share of such amount in the event of a Quota Share Reduction) per annum, to be taken as a deduction from the first monthly premium payment to the Reinsurer at the commencement of this Contract and at each annual anniversary thereof, to cover the Company's operational costs directly allocable to writing the business subject hereto.
Insurance Premiums Tenant shall pay or cause to be paid all premiums for the insurance coverage required to be maintained pursuant to Article 9.
Insurance Costs (08/19) Contractor shall be financially responsible for all premiums, deductibles, self-insured retentions, and self-insurance.
Increase in Insurance Premiums If an increase in any insurance premiums paid by Landlord for the Building is caused by Tenant's use of the Premises or if Tenant vacates the Premises and causes an increase in such premiums, then Tenant shall pay as additional rent the amount of such increase to Landlord.
Health insurance premiums If you are unemployed and have received unemployment compensation for 12 consecutive weeks under a federal or state program, you may take payments from your IRA to pay for health insurance premiums without incurring the 10 percent early distribution penalty tax.
Insurance Reimbursement If you have health insurance, your behavioral health treatments may be covered in whole or in part. The BHCTC will assist you in determining your insurance coverage and will help you fill out any forms needed. Many managed care plans often require an authorization before treatment can begin. You may be required to contact your insurance company to obtain this authorization and/or receive it from your primary care physician. Many managed care plans limit counseling and therapy services to short-term treatment designed to work out specific problems that prevent people from living and working as they normally do. As this is the BHCTC’s model of treatment, this often works out well. Where necessary, we may request more sessions from the managed care plan. In order to do so, we are typically required to complete the insurance company’s forms which may include providing your diagnosis, the reasons you have sought treatment from the BHCTC, the symptoms you are suffering, and how long we believe treatment will or should continue. The information provided will become part of the insurance company’s files. Insurance companies are obligated to keep this information confidential; however, please note that the BHCTC has no control over the handling of this information by the insurance company. If you receive treatment from one of our NJ Licensed Psychologists, your insurance company may request that you authorize the psychologist to disclose certain confidential information in order to obtain insurance coverage benefits for these services. This disclosure can occur only if it is pursuant to a valid authorization and the information is limited to: 1) administrative information (name, age, sex, fees, dates, nature of sessions, etc.); 2) diagnostic information; 3) the status of the patient (voluntary/involuntary; inpatient/outpatient); 4) the reason for continuing psychological services (limited to an assessment of the current level of functioning and the level of distress both rated as mild, moderate, severe or extreme); and 5) a prognosis, limited to the estimated minimal length of treatment. If the Insurance Company has reasonable cause to believe that the psychological treatment in question may not be usual, customary or is unreasonable, it may request an independent review of such treatment by an independent review committee. While a lot can be accomplished in short-term therapy, some people feel they need more services after their insurance benefits end. If this is the case with you, we will discuss what our fees are and the best way for you to arrange payment in order to receive continued treatment. If your insurance company does not allow us to see you after your benefits end, we will be happy to assist you in finding another therapist who will work well with you.
Shift Premiums (a) All employees who are required by the Employer to rotate over two (2) or more shifts shall receive a shift premium of thirty cents ($0.30) for each hour worked on the afternoon or evening shifts only. Shift premium will not be paid for any hour in which an employee receives overtime premium and shift premium will not form part of the employee's straight time hourly rate. (b) In no event shall there be any pyramiding of benefits or payments.