Remedy of defaults. Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of clause 4.1, if the Owner fails to comply with the provisions of clause 6.1.1 (a) of the Deed of Covenant, the Mortgagee shall become forthwith entitled (but not bound) to effect and thereafter to maintain all such insurances upon the Ship as in its discretion it may think fit in order to procure the compliance with such provisions or alternatively, to require the Ship (at the Owner’s risk) to remain in, or to proceed to and remain in, a port designated by the Mortgagee until such provisions are fully complied with and the Expenses attributable to the exercise by the Mortgagee of any such powers shall be payable by the Owner on demand.
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: Loan Agreement (Safe Bulkers, Inc.), Loan Agreement (Safe Bulkers, Inc.), Loan Agreement (Safe Bulkers, Inc.)
Remedy of defaults. Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of clause 4.1, if the Owner fails to comply with the provisions of clause 6.1.1[6.
(a) 1.1 of the Deed of CovenantMortgage, the Mortgagee shall become forthwith entitled (but not bound) to effect and thereafter to maintain all such insurances upon the Ship as in its discretion it may think fit in order to procure the compliance with such provisions or alternatively, to require the Ship (at the Owner’s 's risk) to remain in, or to proceed to and remain in, a port designated by the Mortgagee until such provisions are fully complied with and the Expenses attributable to the exercise by the Mortgagee of any such powers shall be payable by the Owner on demand.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Second Supplemental Agreement (Aegean Marine Petroleum Network Inc.)
Remedy of defaults. Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of clause 4.1, if the Owner fails to comply with the provisions of clause 6.1.1
(a) 5.1.1 of the Deed of CovenantMortgage, the Mortgagee shall become forthwith entitled (but not bound) to effect and thereafter to maintain all such insurances upon the Ship as in its discretion it may think fit in order to procure the compliance with such provisions or alternatively, to require the Ship (at the Owner’s 's risk) to remain in, or to proceed to and remain in, a port designated by the Mortgagee until such provisions are fully complied with and the Expenses attributable to the exercise by the Mortgagee of any such powers shall be payable by the Owner on demand.
Appears in 1 contract
Remedy of defaults. Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of clause 4.1, if the Owner fails to comply with the provisions of clause 6.1.1
(a) 5.1.1 of the Deed of CovenantMortgage, the Mortgagee shall become forthwith entitled (but not bound) to effect and thereafter to maintain all such insurances upon the Ship as in its discretion it may think fit in order to procure the compliance with such provisions or alternatively, to require the Ship (at the Owner’s risk) to remain in, or to proceed to and remain in, a port designated by the Mortgagee until such provisions are fully complied with and the Expenses attributable to the exercise by the Mortgagee of any such powers shall be payable by the Owner on demand.
Appears in 1 contract