Unbundled Loop Modifications (Line Conditioning 2.5.1 Line Conditioning is defined as routine network modification that BellSouth regularly undertakes to provide xDSL services to its own customers. This may include the removal of any device, from a copper Loop or copper Subloop that may diminish the capability of the Loop or Subloop to deliver high-speed switched wireline telecommunications capability, including xDSL service. Such devices include, load coils, excessive bridged taps, low pass filters, and range extenders. Excessive bridged taps are bridged taps that serves no network design purpose and that are beyond the limits set according to industry standards and/or the BellSouth’s TR 73600 Unbundled Local Loop Technical Specification. 2.5.2 BellSouth will remove load coils only on copper Loops and Subloops that are less than eighteen thousand (18,000) feet in length. 2.5.3 For any copper loop being ordered by NewPhone which has over six thousand (6,000) feet of combined bridged tap will be modified, upon request from NewPhone, so that the loop will have a maximum of six thousand (6,000) feet of bridged tap. This modification will be performed at no additional charge to NewPhone. Loop conditioning orders that require the removal of bridged tap that serves no network design purpose on a copper Loop that will result in a combined total of bridged tap between two thousand five hundred (2,500) and six thousand (6,000) feet will be performed at the rates set forth in Exhibit A. 2.5.4 NewPhone may request removal of any unnecessary and non-excessive bridged tap (bridged tap between zero (0) and two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet which serves no network design purpose), at rates pursuant to BellSouth’s SC Process as mutually agreed to by the Parties. 2.5.5 Rates for ULM are as set forth in Exhibit A. 2.5.6 BellSouth will not modify a Loop in such a way that it no longer meets the technical parameters of the original Loop type (e.g., voice grade, ADSL, etc.) being ordered. 2.5.7 If NewPhone requests ULM on a reserved facility for a new Loop order, BellSouth may perform a pair change and provision a different Loop facility in lieu of the reserved facility with ULM if feasible. The Loop provisioned will meet or exceed specifications of the requested Loop facility as modified. NewPhone will not be charged for ULM if a different Loop is provisioned. For Loops that require a DLR or its equivalent, BellSouth will provide LMU detail of the Loop provisioned. 2.5.8 NewPhone shall request Loop make up information pursuant to this Attachment prior to submitting a service inquiry and/or a LSR for the Loop type that NewPhone desires BellSouth to condition. 2.5.9 When requesting ULM for a Loop that BellSouth has previously provisioned for NewPhone, NewPhone will submit a SI to BellSouth. If a spare Loop facility that meets the Loop modification specifications requested by NewPhone is available at the location for which the ULM was requested, NewPhone will have the option to change the Loop facility to the qualifying spare facility rather than to provide ULM. In the event that BellSouth changes the Loop facility in lieu of providing ULM, NewPhone will not be charged for ULM but will only be charged the service order charges for submitting an order.
Use of Basement and Service Areas The basement(s) and service areas, if any, as located within the
Condition of the Leased Property Lessee acknowledges receipt and delivery of possession of the Leased Property. Lessee has examined and otherwise has knowledge of the condition of the Leased Property and has found the same to be satisfactory for its purposes hereunder. Lessee is leasing the Leased Property “as is” in its present condition. Lessee waives any claim or action against Lessor in respect of the condition of the Leased Property. LESSOR MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN RESPECT OF THE LEASED PROPERTY, OR ANY PART THEREOF, EITHER AS TO ITS FITNESS FOR USE, DESIGN OR CONDITION FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, AS TO THE QUALITY OF THE MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP THEREIN, LATENT OR PATENT, IT BEING AGREED THAT ALL SUCH RISKS ARE TO BE BORNE BY LESSEE. LESSEE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE LEASED PROPERTY HAS BEEN INSPECTED BY LESSEE AND IS SATISFACTORY TO IT. Provided, however, to the extent permitted by law, Lessor hereby assigns to Lessee all of Lessor’s rights to proceed against any predecessor in title (other than any Affiliate of Lessee, which conveyed the Property to Lessor) for breaches of warranties or representations or for latent defects in the Leased Property. Lessor shall fully cooperate with Lessee in the prosecution of any such claim, in Lessor’s or Lessee’s name, all at Lessee’s sole cost and expense. Lessee hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Lessor from and against any claims, obligations and liabilities against or incurred by Lessor in connection with such cooperation.
Common Areas Tenant shall have the non-exclusive right to use in common with other tenants in the Project, and subject to the Rules and Regulations referred to in Article 5 of this Lease, those portions of the Project which are provided, from time to time, for use in common by Landlord, Tenant and any other tenants of the Project (such areas, together with such other portions of the Project designated by Landlord, in its discretion, including certain areas designated for the exclusive use of certain tenants, or to be shared by Landlord and certain tenants, are collectively referred to herein as the “Common Areas”). The Common Areas shall consist of the “Project Common Areas” and the “Building Common Areas.” The term “Project Common Areas,” as used in this Lease, shall mean the portion of the Project designated as such by Landlord or areas within the Project that the occupants of the Building are permitted to utilize pursuant to a recorded declaration and which areas shall be maintained in accordance with the declaration. The term “Building Common Areas,” as used in this Lease, shall mean the portions of the Common Areas located within the Building reasonably designated as such by Landlord. The manner in which the Common Areas are maintained and operated shall be at the reasonable discretion of Landlord and the use thereof shall be subject to the Rules and Regulations as Landlord may make from time to time. Landlord reserves the right to close temporarily, make alterations or additions to, or change the location of elements of the Project and the Common Areas, provided that, in connection therewith, Landlord shall perform such closures, alterations, additions or changes in a commercially reasonable manner and, in connection therewith, shall use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize any material interference with Tenant’s use of and access to the Premises.
Participating TO’s Interconnection Facilities The Participating TO shall design, procure, construct, install, own and/or control the Participating TO’s Interconnection Facilities described in Appendix A at the sole expense of the Interconnection Customer. Unless the Participating TO elects to fund the capital for the Participating TO’s Interconnection Facilities, they shall be solely funded by the Interconnection Customer.
Provisioning Line Splitting and Splitter Space 3.8.1 The Data LEC, Voice CLEC or BellSouth may provide the splitter. When CCI or its authorized agent owns the splitter, Line Splitting requires the following: a non- designed analog loop from the serving wire center to the network interface device (NID) at the end user’s location; a collocation cross connection connecting the loop to the collocation space; a second collocation cross connection from the collocation space connected to a voice port; the high frequency spectrum line activation, and a splitter. The loop and port cannot be a loop and port combination (i.e. UNE-P), but must be individual stand-alone network elements. When BellSouth owns the splitter, Line Splitting requires the following: a non designed analog loop from the serving wire center to the network interface device (NID) at the end user’s location with CFA and splitter port assignments, and a collocation cross connection from the collocation space connected to a voice port. 3.8.2 An unloaded 2-wire copper loop must serve the end user. The meet point for the Voice CLEC and the Data LEC is the point of termination on the MDF for the Data LEC's cable and pairs. 3.8.3 The foregoing procedures are applicable to migration to Line Splitting Service from a UNE-P arrangement, BellSouth Retail Voice Service, BellSouth High Frequency Spectrum (CO Based) Line Sharing. 3.8.4 For other migration scenarios to line splitting, BellSouth will work cooperatively with CLECs to develop methods and procedures to develop a process whereby a Voice CLEC and a Data LEC may provide services over the same loop.
Common Facilities Common Facilities" (sometimes referred to herein as "Common Areas") means all areas, facilities, utilities, equipment and services provided by Landlord for the common use or benefit of the occupants of the Center and their employees, agents, customers and other invitees, including without limitation, if the same exist: building lobbies, common corridors and hallways, restrooms, pedestrian walkways, driveways and access roads, access facilities for disabled persons (including elevators), truck serviceways, loading docks, garages, driveways, parking lots, landscaped areas, stairways, elevators, retaining walls, all areas required to be maintained under the conditions of governmental approvals for the Center, and other generally understood public or common areas. All Common Facilities shall at all times be subject to the exclusive control and management of Landlord. Landlord reserves the right to relocate, alter, improve, or adjust the size and location of any Common Facilities from time to time without liability to Tenant. Landlord shall have the right from time to time to establish, modify and enforce reasonable rules and regulations with respect to the Common Facilities. Landlord shall have the right to construct, maintain and operate lighting facilities on the Common Facilities; to police the same; from time to time to change the area, level, location and arrangement of parking areas and other facilities; to restrict parking by tenants, their officers, agents and employees to employee parking areas; to close all or any portion of the Common Facilities to such extent; to close temporarily all or any portion of the Common Facilities for any reason, including for the purpose of preventing a dedication thereof or the accrual of any rights to any person or the public therein; and to do and perform such other acts in and to the Common Facilities which Landlord shall determine, using good business judgment, to be advisable to improve the convenience and use thereof by tenants, their officers, agents, employees and customers. Subject to the foregoing, all Common Facilities not within the Premises, which Tenant may use under a revocable license, on a nonexclusive basis in common with other tenants, and if any such license is revoked, or if the amount of such areas is diminished, Landlord shall not be subject to any liability and Tenant shall not be entitled to any compensation or abatement of rent, nor shall such revocation or diminution be deemed constructive or actual eviction.
Underground Facilities All underground pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires, manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels, or other such facilities or attachments, and any encasements containing such facilities, including without limitation those that convey electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, water, wastewater, storm water, other liquids or chemicals, or traffic or other control systems.
Project Site The “Project Site” is the place where the Work is being carried on.
Access to Property, Property’s Management, Property Lender, and Property Tenants Potential Investor agrees to not seek to gain access to any non-public areas of the Property or communicate with Property’s management employees, the holder of any financing encumbering the Property, the Property’s tenants, and the Owner’s partners in the ownership of the Property, without the prior consent of Owner or JLL, which consent may be withheld in the Owner’s sole discretion.