REQUESTS FOR ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT. (a) The CAS agrees to consider orthodontic treatment for Children and Youth who are in the long-term care of CAS (Crown Wards);
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  • Consent to Medical Treatment 1. I authorize the School District and my child’s custodian to consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment or hospital care which is deemed advisable by and is rendered under the general supervision of any licensed physician or surgeon, whether such treatment or diagnosis is rendered at the office of such physician or at a hospital.

  • Emergency Medical Treatment I grant the Releasees permission to authorize emergency medical treatment as they deem appropriate, and agree that such action by the Releasees shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement. I understand and agree that the Releasees assume no responsibility for any injury or damage that might result from such emergency medical treatment.

  • Medical Treatment Undersigned understands that the Released Parties do not have medical personnel available at the location of the activities. Undersigned hereby grants the Released Parties permission to administer first aid or to authorize emergency medical treatment, if necessary. Undersigned understands and agrees that any such action by the Released Parties shall be subject to the terms of this agreement and release, including any liability arising from the negligence of the Released Parties when administering first aid or authorizing others to do so. Undersigned understands and agrees that the Released Parties do not assume responsibility for any injury or damage which might arise out of or in connection with such authorized emergency medical treatment.

  • NATIONAL TREATMENT AND MARKET ACCESS FOR GOODS Article 201: Scope and Coverage Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, this Chapter applies to trade in goods of a Party.

  • Consent to Transportation and Medical Treatment I consent to the use of first aid treatment and the use of generic and over-the-counter medications and treatments as directed by manufacturer labels, whether administered by the Released Parties or first aid personnel. In an emergency, I understand the Released Parties may try to contact the individual listed below as an emergency contact. If an emergency contact cannot be reached promptly, I hereby authorize the Released Parties to act as an agent for me to consent to any examination, testing, x-rays, medical, dental or surgical treatment for me as advised by a physician, dentist or other health care provider. This includes, but is not limited to, my assessment, evaluation, medical care and treatment, anesthesia, hospitalization, or other health care treatment or procedure as advised by a physician, dentist or other health care provider. I also authorize the Released Parties to arrange for transportation of me as deemed necessary and appropriate in their discretion. I, the Volunteer, do hereby release, forever discharge and hold harmless the Released Parties from any liability, claim, demand, and action whatsoever brought by me or on my behalf which arises or may hereafter arise on account of any transportation, first aid, assessment, care, treatment, response or service rendered in connection with my Activities with any of the Released Parties. If the Volunteer is less than 18 years of age, the parent(s) having legal custody and/or the legal guardian(s) of the Volunteer also hereby release, forever discharge and hold harmless the Released Parties from any liability, claim, demand and action whatsoever brought by such volunteer or on his/her behalf which arises or may hereafter arise on account of the decision by any representative or agent of the Released Parties to exercise the power to transport, administer first aid, and consent to assessment, examination, x-rays, medical, dental, surgical or other such health care treatment as set forth in the Parental Authorization for Treatment of, and Travel With, a Minor Child.

  • Fair Treatment The College and the Union agree that there shall be no discrimination, restriction, or coercion exercised or practised with respect to any employee for reason of membership or activity in the Union.

  • Surgery Services and Mastectomy Related Treatment This plan provides benefits for mastectomy surgery and mastectomy-related services in accordance with the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 and Rhode Island General Law 27-20-29 et seq. For the member receiving mastectomy-related benefits, coverage will be provided in a manner determined in consultation with the attending physician, physician assistant, or an advance practice registered nurse and the patient, for: • all stages of reconstruction of the breast on which the mastectomy was performed; • surgery and reconstruction of the other breast to produce a symmetrical appearance; • prostheses; and • treatment of physical complications at all stages of the mastectomy, including lymphedema. See the Summary of Medical Benefits for the amount you pay.

  • Office Visits (other than Preventive Care Services) This plan covers office and clinic visits to diagnose or treat a sickness or injury. Office visit copayments differ depending on the type of provider you see. This plan covers physician visits in your home if you have an injury or illness that: • confines you to your home; or • requires special transportation; and • because of this injury or illness, you are physically unable to travel to the provider’s

  • Requests for Flexible Working Arrangements 49.1 Employee may request change in working arrangements Clause 49 applies where an Employee has made a request for a change in working arrangements under s.65 of the Act. Note 1: Section 65 of the Act provides for certain Employees to request a change in their working arrangements because of their circumstances, as set out in s.65(1A).

  • Urgent Care This plan covers services received at an urgent care center. For other services, such as surgery or diagnostic tests, the amount that you pay is based on the type of service being provided. See Summary of Medical Benefits for details. Follow-up care (such as suture removal or wound care) should be obtained from your primary care provider or specialist.

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