Residency Status. Check only one for primary Filing Status – Check one (as reported on federal income tax return) Resident Part-year resident Nonresident ⏵⏵ Indicate state Single, head of household or qualifying widow(er) Check only one for spouse (if married filing jointly) Married filing jointly Resident Part-year resident Nonresident ⏵⏵ Indicate state Married filing separately Spouse’s SSN Ohio Nonresident Statement – See instructions for required criteria Primary meets the five criteria for irrebuttable presumption as nonresident. Spouse meets the five criteria for irrebuttable presumption as nonresident. Check here if you filed the federal extension form 4868. Check here if someone else is able to claim you (or your spouse if joint return) as a dependent.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Voluntary Disclosure Agreement, Voluntary Disclosure Agreement, Voluntary Disclosure Agreement
Residency Status. Check only one for primary Filing Status – Check one (as reported on federal income tax return) Resident Full-year resident Part-year resident Nonresident ⏵⏵ Indicate state Single, head of household or qualifying widow(er) ⏵⏵ Check only one for spouse (if married filing jointly) Married filing jointly Resident Full-year resident Part-year resident Nonresident ⏵⏵ Indicate state Married filing separately Spouse’s SSN Ohio Nonresident Statement – See instructions for required criteria Primary meets the five criteria for irrebuttable presumption as nonresident. Spouse meets the five criteria for irrebuttable presumption as nonresident. Check here if you filed the federal extension form 4868. Check here if someone else is able to claim you (or your spouse if joint return) as a dependent.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Voluntary Disclosure Agreement, Voluntary Disclosure Agreement
Residency Status. Check only one for primary Filing Status – Check one (as reported on federal income tax return) Resident Full-year resident Part-year resident Nonresident ⏵⏵ Indicate state Single, head of household or qualifying widow(er) Check only one for spouse (if married filing jointly) Married filing jointly Resident Full-year resident Part-year resident Nonresident ⏵⏵ Indicate Indicate state Married filing separately Spouse’s SSN Ohio Nonresident Statement – See instructions for required criteria Primary meets the five criteria for irrebuttable presumption as nonresident. Spouse meets the five criteria for irrebuttable presumption as nonresident. Check here if you filed the federal extension form 4868. Check here if someone else is able to claim you (or your spouse if joint return) as a dependent.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Voluntary Disclosure Agreement