Retail Clerks International Protective Association. It is further agreed and understood that second party shall cause all em ployees to secure a working permit from the Secretary of first party at the time of their employment. Second party agrees to pay to employees the following scale of wages: Salesmen—having at least one year’s selling exper ience, not less than $22.50 per week. Apprentice salesmen—first six months, not less than $15.00 per week; second six months, not less than $18.00 per week. Saleswomen—having at least one year’s selling ex perience, not less than $17.00 per week. Apnrentice saleswomen—first six months, not less than $13.20 per week; second six months, not less than $15.00 per week; and thereafter, not less than $17.00 per week. It is understood that no employee receiving a higher rate or scale of pay at the time of the signing of this agree ment shall suffer any reduction in wages due to the fact that this agreement has been entered into between the parties. In the event second party employs apprentice clerks, it is agreed that they shall be limited to the following ratio: One to the first two clerks employed, and not more than one to each four thereafter. It is understood and agreed that 9 hours shall con stitute a day’s work, and 54 hours shall constitute a week’s work for male employees. 8 hours shall constitute a day’s work, and 45 hours shall constitute a week’s work for female employees receiving the minimum or near minimum weekly wages specified in this agreement. In the event second party pays any of its female employ ees a weekly wage in an amount at least $3.00 in excess of the minimum specified herein, then 48 hours shall constitute a week’s work for female employees so paid. It is agreed that all employees shall be allowed only one
Appears in 2 contracts
Retail Clerks International Protective Association. It is further agreed and understood that second party shall cause all em ployees to secure a working permit from the Secretary of first party at the time of their employment. Second party agrees to pay to employees the following scale of wages: Salesmen—having at least one year’s selling exper ience, not less than $22.50 per week. Apprentice salesmen—first six months, not less than $15.00 per week; second six months, not less than $18.00 per week. Saleswomen—having at least one year’s selling ex perience, not less than $17.00 per week. Apnrentice saleswomen—first six months, not less than $13.20 per week; second six months, not less than $15.00 per week; and thereafter, not less than $17.00 per week. It is understood that no employee receiving a higher rate or scale of pay at the time of the signing of this agree ment shall suffer any reduction in wages due to the fact that this agreement has been entered into between the parties. In the event second party employs apprentice clerks, it is agreed that they shall be limited to the following ratio: One to the first two clerks employed, and not more than one to each four thereafter. It is understood and agreed that 9 hours shall con stitute a day’s work, and 54 52 hours shall constitute a week’s work for male employees. 8(4 hours per day shall constitute a day’s work for such employees, Monday to Friday, inclusive. In the event second party desires its store, establishment or place of business to remain open on Saturday until 8 o’clock P. M., first party agrees that its members may work 9(4 hours on that day, provided they are allowed one hour off for dinner between 5 P. M. and 7 P. M. 8 hours shall constitute a day’s work, and 45 hours shall constitute a week’s work for female employees receiving re ceiving the minimum or near minimum weekly wages specified wage speci fied in this agreement. In the event second party pays any of its female employ ees employees a weekly wage in an amount at least $3.00 in excess of the minimum specified herein, then 48 hours shall constitute a week’s work for female employees so paid. In the event second party desires its store, establishment or place of business to remain open until 8 P. M. on Saturday, such employees shall he per mitted one hour off for dinner between the hours of 5 P. M. and 7 P. M. For the extra hour of labor per formed on that day, second party may, at its option, make payment therefor at the rate of time and one-half, or such time mav be refunded by deducting one hour from a week work day. It is agreed that all employees shall be allowed only one hour for lunch. Second party agrees that its store, establishment or place of business shall remain closed on all Sundays and the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Decoration Day, Fourth of July, Labor D a^ Armistice Day, Thanks giving Day, and Christmas Dajy; ^nd will cause no employ ee to perform any labor on any of the 'above mentioned days. Any week containing any holiday shall be considered a full week and shortening of week hours due to the holiday shall not cause any reduction in wages. Second party agrees to maintain the following open ing and closing hours: Its store, establishment or place of business shall open at 8:30 o’clock A. M. and close at 6 o’clock P. M ., Monday to Friday, inclusive, and on Saturday shall open at 8:30 o’clock A. M. and close at 8 o’clock P. M. During the period known as the Christmas Rush, which shall be considered as one week prior to Christmas Day, second party’s store, establish ment or place of business may remain open from 8 o’clock A. M. until 8:30 o’clock P. M . It being under stood, however, that second party shall observe the pro visions hereinbefore agreed upon as to the number of hours constituting a week’s work, and any employee working more than the maximum hours as set forth con stituting a week’s work, shall be entitled to time and one-half for any hours in excess of said maximum. It is understood that second party may, during per iods when it is necessary to compute an inventory, cause its employees to work more than the hours agreed upon heretofore as constituting a day’s work; however, within the next six (6) days after the taking of such inventory, the employee shall be entitled to this time off in con secutive hours, or, in lieu thereof, second party may pay the employee time and one-half for such extra time worked. Any clerk employed for one-half day or less shall receive one-half day’s pay therefor, and any work done in excess of one-half day shall be paid for in accordance with the time worked. The wages for part-time employees are to be paid at the rate under which they would qualify according to the terms of this agreement. If no clerks are employed by second party, said second party shall comply with Section No. 4 of the Retail Clerks International Protective Association’s Con stitution, and become non-active members of Local No. 1188 of the District of Coos Bay, State of Oregon. First party agrees to advise all local union organ izations of the Coos Bay District, through the Central Labor Council of Coos Bay, of the action of second party in signing this agreement and recognizing union labor. First party agrees that it will not call a strike in sympathy with any other union unless such strike be sanctioned by the Central Labor Council of Coos Bay District, and will not call a strike of the members of its own organization without the sanction of the Central Labor Council of the Coos Bay District. It is agreed between the parties hereto that at the expiration of this contract, upon demand of first party, the said card shall be surrendered, or second party may voluntarily surrender the same; otherwise this contract is to be considered to remain in effect until such time as either first or second parties notify the opposite party of intention to cancel the same, whereupon it shall im mediately be considered cancelled and the contract ter minated. It is further'agreed by all the parties hereto that the interest of each shall be mutually advanced, and that any variation of the foregoing stipulations and agreements shall be sufficient cause for the surrender of the union store card issued by first party. IN W ITN ESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto and to another instrument of like date and tenor set their hands the day and year first herein written. RETAIL CLERKS INTERNATIONAL PROTECT I V E ASSOCIATION, Local No. 1188. By P r e s i d e n t By S e c r e t a r y FIRST PARTY SECOND PARTY 4225 News 250 Sets 6:36 T H IS AGREEMENT made and entered into this PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, through its author ized agents, , as President of Local No. 1188, a n d , as Secretary of Local No. 1188, of the District of Coos Bay, Oregon, as First Party, and of the City of , Oregon, as Second Party,
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