Return on Equity. Income from operations after taxes, divided by average equity, on a consolidated basis shall not be less than twelve percent (12%).
Return on Equity. Return on Equity" shall mean six months GAAP net income plus (minus) certain Non Cash Items divided by average Tangible Net Worth, annualized.
Return on Equity. (a) The return on equity ("XXX") used in the Formula Rate to accrue AFUDC prior to the Commercial Operation Date and to calculate the weighted cost of capital for the Carrying Charges on the regulatory asset established pursuant to Section 8.1.2(e)(iii) shall be twelve and fifty-six one-hundredth percent (12.56%).
(b) Upon Commercial Operation, the XXX shall be adjusted to equal (i) the Base XXX, plus (ii) an adder equal to the lesser of (A) one hundred forty-two (142) basis points and (B) an amount that would not cause the total XXX to exceed the applicable zone of reasonableness for such Regional Transmission Service, as established in the most recent rate order for such service. In the event the Base XXX for Regional Transmission Service using the transmission facilities of Northeast Utilities is no longer based upon a single, regional Base XXX, Owner shall make a filing under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act to establish the XXX applicable to service under this Agreement that includes the adder set forth above; provided, however, that Owner shall delay such FERC filing for a period not less than thirty (30) days, but not to exceed sixty (60) days, to provide time for the Parties to negotiate the XXX to be applicable to service under this Agreement. The Parties acknowledge and agree that Purchaser shall have the right to challenge any FERC filing made under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act with respect to a replacement for the Base XXX, unless Purchaser shall have agreed in writing to the XXX set forth in such filing.
Return on Equity. The Borrower shall not permit the Return on Equity of Borrower to be less than ten percent (10.0%), calculated at the end of each fiscal quarter.
Return on Equity. The annual return on equity (“XXX”) for Alberta Clipper Canada will be equal to the NEB multi-pipeline rate plus a 225 basis point adjustment. If the NEB ceases to publish a multi-pipeline rate during the Term, the Parties will meet to agree on a new benchmark to which will be applied the 225 basis point adjustment (or such other basis point adjustment as shall result in an XXX that is reasonably equivalent to the NEB multi-pipeline rate plus 225 basis points). If such agreement is not forthcoming within 90 days, then the amount of the XXX shall be subject to the dispute resolution provisions set forth in Paragraph 15 hereof.
Return on Equity. The Parties stipulate to a return on equity of 9.725% for LG&E’s gas operations, and the stipulated revenue requirement increase for LG&E’s gas operations reflects that return on equity as applied to LG&E’s gas capitalization and capital structure underlying its originally proposed gas revenue requirement increase. Use of a 9.725% return on equity reduces LG&E’s proposed gas revenue requirement increase as set forth in its Application by $3.87 million.
Return on Equity. The Parties stipulate a return on equity of 9.725% for the Utilities’ electric operations, and the stipulated revenue requirement increases provided above for the Utilities’ electric operations reflect that return on equity as applied to the Utilities’ capitalizations and capital structures underlying their originally proposed electric revenue requirement increases. Use of a 9.725% return on equity reduces the Utilities’ proposed electric revenue requirement increases as set forth in their applications by $20.14 million for KU and $12.71 million for LG&E.
Return on Equity. The Joint Settlement Agreement identifies a principle on the Return on Equity, establishing a Return on Equity of 11.0% for the Wind XII project, along with a 10% return on equity for AFUDC, which is a modification to the principle as proposed in MidAmerican’s Application, but which remains consistent with the principle applied in recent ratemaking dockets.84 The reasonableness of the return on equity is addressed in the testimony of MidAmerican witness Xxxxxx Xxxxx and Office of Consumer Advocate witness Xxxxxx Xxxxx. With the changes made in the Joint Settlement Agreement, this principle is now uncontested.85 81 Id. at p. 4. 82 Wind XI Order, Attachment; see also, New Wind II Order at p. 90; see also, Xxxxxx Direct at pp. 16-18 (providing a comparison of ratemaking principles from recent wind dockets). 83 Joint Statement of Issues at pp. 4-5.
Return on Equity. The Stipulating Parties agree there shall be no change in the Company’s currently authorized return on equity.
Return on Equity. Income from operations after taxes, divided by average equity, on a consolidated basis shall not be less than: (i) from the effective date hereof until June 29, 2002, nine percent (9.0%); and (ii) from June 30, 2002 until the Revolving Maturity Date, ten percent (10.0%).
5. Section 7.08 "Reserves" of ARTICLE VII FINANCIAL COVENANTS of the Prior Loan Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following Section is inserted in its place: