Seller delayed payments. When you pay certain sellers or pay for certain purchases (for instance, purchases which have to be shipped to you or may be updated and finalized by the seller), you are providing: • An authorization to the seller to collect your payment at a later time. • An instruction to us to automatically pay that seller when the seller requests payment. Your authorization will typically remain valid for up to 30 days, but may remain valid for longer. If you have balance, we may hold the payment amount as pending until the seller collects your payment. If your payment requires a currency conversion by us, the transaction exchange rate will be determined and applied (as described in the Currency Conversion section) at the time the payment is processed. Your authorization allows the seller to update the payment amount before the seller collects the payment (to account for any changes to the purchase that you may agree with the seller, such as additional taxes, shipping or postage charges or discounts). We are not required to verify any changes at any time (including at the time the payment is transferred). We may transfer any amount on the basis of your authorization and upon receiving instructions from the seller of the final payment amount.