Common use of Selling back Clause in Contracts

Selling back. 一、立約人回售黃金時,應持存摺並填具「黃金存摺回售憑條」,簽蓋本帳戶原留印鑑,並按電腦執行回售當時 貴行掛牌買進價格辦理回售。 When selling back gold, the Principal shall present to the Bank the passbook and the completed "Gold Investment Account Back-Sale Slip" carrying the original authorized seal originally registered with the Bank. The Principal shall in the meantime effect payment according to the purchase price announced by the Bank at the time when the back-sale transaction is processed by the computer systems of the Bank. 二、立約人每次回售黃金數量最低為 1 公克或 0.1 盎司,並應以 1 公克或 0.1 盎司為單位整倍數增加,但將本帳戶餘額全數回售或結清銷戶者,不在此限。 The minimum quantity of gold sold back by the Principal each time shall be 1 gram or 0.1 oz respectively, and shall be in multiples of the aforementioned quantity. This shall not apply, however, when the Principal requests to sell back the entire outstanding amount of gold of the account or to close the account. 三、辦理回售新臺幣計價黃金存摺之黃金價款,僅得存入立約人於 貴行開立之新臺幣活期性存款帳戶或提領現金,立約人回售黃金之價款為提領現金方式時,須依稅法相關規定由 貴行代扣繳印花稅。 If the gold sold is denominated in TWD, the payment shall only be paid in cash or be credited to the Principal's TWD demand deposit account maintained with the Bank. If paid in cash, the Bank shall withhold the stamp tax as required by the relevant tax regulations. 四、辦理回售美元計價黃金存摺之黃金價款,僅得存入立約人於 貴行開立之外幣活期性存款帳戶。 If the gold sold is denominated in USD, the payment shall be credited solely to the Principal's foreign currency demand deposit account. 第 6 條 提領黃金現貨

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