Services and Information for Persons with Limited English Proficiency A. Grantee shall take reasonable steps to provide services and information both orally and in writing, in appropriate languages other than English, to ensure that persons with limited English proficiency are effectively informed and can have meaningful access to programs, benefits and activities. Meaningful access may entail providing language assistance services, including oral interpretation and written translation, if necessary. More information can be found at xxxxx:// B. Grantee shall identify and document on the client records the primary language/dialect of a client who has limited English proficiency and the need for translation or interpretation services and shall not require a client to provide or pay for the services of a translator or interpreter. C. Grantee shall make every effort to avoid use of any persons under the age of 18 or any family member or friend of the client as an interpreter for essential communications with a client with limited English proficiency, unless the client has requested that person and using the person would not compromise the effectiveness of services or violate the client’s confidentiality and the client is advised that a free interpreter is available.
Distribution of UDP and TCP queries DNS probes will send UDP or TCP “DNS test” approximating the distribution of these queries.
Use of Interconnection Facilities by Third Parties 494950 9.9.1 Purpose of Interconnection Facilities 494950 9.9.2 Third Party Users. 50 9.10 Disturbance Analysis Data Exchange. 50 ARTICLE 10. MAINTENANCE 50 10.1 Participating TO Obligations. 50 10.2 Interconnection Customer Obligations. 50 10.3 Coordination 505051
Conhecimento da Lingua O Contratado, pelo presente instrumento, declara expressamente que tem pleno conhecimento da língua inglesa e que leu, compreendeu e livremente aceitou e concordou com os termos e condições estabelecidas no Plano e no Acordo de Atribuição (“Agreement” xx xxxxxx).
Community Based Adult Intensive Service (AIS) and Child and Family Intensive Treatment (CFIT) – AIS/CFIT programs offer services primarily based in the home and community for qualifying adults and children with moderate- to-severe mental health conditions. These programs consist at a minimum of ongoing emergency/crisis evaluations, psychiatric assessment, medication evaluation and management, case management, psychiatric nursing services, and individual, group, and family therapy. This plan covers individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy, and family therapy when rendered by: • Psychiatrists; • Licensed Clinical Psychologists; • Licensed Independent Clinical Social Workers; • Advance Practice Registered Nurses (Clinical Nurse Specialists/Nurse Practitioners- Behavioral Health); • Licensed Mental Health Counselors; and • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists. This plan covers psychological testing as a behavioral health benefit when rendered by: • neuropsychologists; • psychologists; or • pediatric neurodevelopmental specialists. This plan covers neuropsychological testing as described in the Tests, Labs and Imaging section.
Advertisement on Project Highway The Project Highway or any part thereof shall not be used in any manner to advertise any commercial product or services.
Verizon OSS Facilities Any gateways, interfaces, databases, facilities, equipment, software, or systems, used by Verizon to provide Verizon OSS Services to CBB.
MANAGEMENT OF EVALUATION OUTCOMES 12.1 Where the Employer is, any time during the Employee’s employment, not satisfied with the Employee’s performance with respect to any matter dealt with in this Agreement, the Employer will give notice to the Employee to attend a meeting; 12.2 The Employee will have the opportunity at the meeting to satisfy the Employer of the measures being taken to ensure that his performance becomes satisfactory and any programme, including any dates, for implementing these measures; 12.3 Where there is a dispute or difference as to the performance of the Employee under this Agreement, the Parties will confer with a view to resolving the dispute or difference; and 12.4 In the case of unacceptable performance, the Employer shall – 12.4.1 Provide systematic remedial or developmental support to assist the Employee to improve his performance; and 12.4.2 After appropriate performance counselling and having provided the necessary guidance and/or support as well as reasonable time for improvement in performance, the Employer may consider steps to terminate the contract of employment of the Employee on grounds of unfitness or incapacity to carry out his or her duties.
Transfers and Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit No employee shall be transferred to a position outside the bargaining unit without the employee's consent. If an employee is transferred to a position outside of the bargaining unit, the employee shall retain seniority acquired at the date of leaving the unit, but will not accumulate any further seniority. If such an employee later returns to the bargaining unit, the employee shall be placed in a job consistent with the employee's seniority. Such return shall not result in the layoff or bumping of an employee holding greater seniority.